Caturday Saturday

Hi everyone! We are joining Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop and The Pet Parade. We are also joining Sabi Saturday, the new hop my Cactus Catz. You show something you have rescued from the trash or something you repurposed. To find out more, click here.

I used Lunapic, “sadness effect”, I had never seen that effect before- I like it.

I also made it into a puzzle, the link is at the bottom of the post. Prancie is posing with an old Brownie camera that was my mom’s when she was younger. When cleaning out my grandparents’ home, I asked if I could keep it. It makes a nice decoration. Puzzle took me 28 minutes- I know you can all beat that.

preview108 piecePrancie


  1. The art is lovely. I have used Sadness a few times but not the full 100%. Another new one I like is Flow but I find it best reduced to 50% or less. It is fun trying the different effects.
    My mum used to have an old Box Brownie camera. My first camera was a brownie too. Not a Box, but would still be an antique now.
    Thanks for the puzzle which I will do later today.
    I also just saw that Bionic Basil has 3 new puzzles up which you can access through his puzzle page.

    1. Thank you 🙂 I will have to try Flow. Thanks for letting me know about Basil’s puzzles 🙂 XO

  2. We like that artwork.The effect is anything but sad 😉
    Mum likes doing the puzzle. She never worries about time,just likes to have fun and maybe go make a coffee in the middle of it all . MOL!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  3. Ms. Ellen, I’m sorry that I forgot to do the link, yesterday… did remember to write the actual blog, but then was distracted by a pecking at my tail…. being a mother hen is exciting, but also exhausting.

  4. “Sadness” has been there for a long time but I don’t use it much – it is a bit of a “blue” effect and I tend to go for the colorful stuff!! It’s a GREAT photo though!

    Hugs, Pam

  5. What a coincidence – almost (mol).
    We were just about to go for the Sadness effect Ourselves – but, at the last minute, Mummy felt that it might be a Bad Omen, so She chose something else. But your art turned out beautifully, Prancie – and you don’t look sad at all, merely pensive.
    Have a Good Week!

  6. I remember having a small Brownie camera as a kid, but now I just use my iPhone for everything! How technology has changed in our lifetimes!

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