Caturday Saturday

Hi everyone! We are joining Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop and The Pet Parade.

KaTwo wanted to make some new year art. Some have asked how she is doing. So far, she is symptom free and enjoying her life ( knock on wood , 3 times ). She plays a lot. I check the lumps about once a week and now there are 3 little ones, but they are still small and will hopefully stay that way for a long time.

Right now some of the kitties seem to have a cold. Trouble has had the sneezes for a few days and a runny eye. Now Brody and Drake have it too. If anyone gets sicker, we will be off to the vet.




  1. I am glad that KaTwo is doing well, and hope those with colds soon get over them. Because you said in your comment yesterday that I hadn’t done a puzzle, I have just added one to yesterday’s post especially for you.
    Also, if you look in my sidebar, the top picture of a partly done puzzle of Flynn will take you to all of my puzzle albums. I have lots that have never been on posts including albums of other subjects as well as Eric and Flynn.

    1. Thank you for making a puzzle for me. I enjoyed it. I love doing puzzles with your adorable kitties on them. XO

  2. Oh dear……a cold going around with the kitties? Not good – perhaps they will get over it quickly AND it won’t bother all of them. Glad to hear KaTwo is holding her own…..she’s definitely in the VERY BEST of hands that’s for sure. Here’s to a HEALTHY new year ahead for everyone!

    Hugs, teddy

  3. That’s a beautiful new year art! I’m glad KaTwo is doing well. I hope kitties get over cold before anyone gets sicker. Purrs to you all xo

  4. This year is almost over and we’ll move on to a new year and new adventures.

    I hope your babies don’t get any worse and all this respiratory stuff goes away.

    Have a purrfect weekend. My best to your peeps. ♥

    1. Brody thanks you, but he isn’t sending kisses because he doesn’t want you to get sick Leia.

  5. You made my day on the news about KaTwo! Wonderful that she is doing well and the lumps are staying small. Kitties with colds are no fun. Gotta wonder how indoor kitties get colds. Fingers crossed there will be no vet trips and they start feelling better! KaTwo did some very nice art!

  6. SO glad Ka Two is doing well. Bless her. And all the rest of them and certainly you and their daddy too. XX

  7. KaTwo’s art so is purrfect for the New Year! It is so wonderful to hear that KaTwo is doing so well, and we’re purring and praying that she remains that way for a very, very long time! And purrs and prayers to all the kitties who aren’t feeling well!

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