Caturday Saturday


We are joining Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop. I used Lunapic’s  Dream FX effect for my art. The puzzle is below.


I know this time of year, money is tight, but if you have anything to spare, please consider donating to help this lady and her cat keep their apartment. Her cat was in the former Cat Scouts where we became friends. I can’t even imagine how scared she is for her and her kitty, Bunty. Thank you.

Fundraiser by Brenda Moser Creasey : Bunty Cat Rent (


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  1. LOVE this Lunapic! We hope so much your friend keeps her apartment and kitty. A terrible problem at Chirstmas to have to worry about your home and your best friend…we sent something to help, I hope.

  2. Beautiful artwork. And beautiful of you to let us know that someone needs help at this time of year.

  3. A beautiful photo. Katie and Mom love the effect. I am so sorry that your friends are going through this terrible time.

  4. Such pretty art. Sorry to hear about the Bunty family problems, we will go donate.

  5. I stopped by to leave a donation for your friends. I love your art. It’s quite unique but I can’t recognize the kitty. Is it one of the twins, purrhaps?

    1. Thank you. That is very scary. Thankfully the goal was reached for this month and hopefully she will be working soon. XO

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