Caturday Saturday


Hi everyone. I heard from Brody’s cardiologist and he has Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. He is going to need a pill once a day for now. From what I have read, many patients can live a regular lifespan. I am hoping he is one of them. Please keep him in your prayers.

And in better news. Woman’s World magazine published the story I sent them about how everyone chipped in to get Friday and Elvira to me. It is in the November 13th issue, page 63. Paula Deen is on the cover.

We are joining Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop. I used Lunapic’s Picasso effect for my art. The puzzle is below.


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  1. Many purrs for Brody to do well! I bet that medicine will help him alot. Many congrats and concats on having your article published, Ellen! And terrific art! I really like the way it looks! Happy Caturday! XO

  2. Wow, you got your story published? That is wonderful!!
    I sure hope Brody will g=do well with that medication regime. How often will he need a recheck?

    I think Emmy’s picture was so sweet, I forgot to say that yesterday.
    Thanks for the puzzle, too.

    1. Thank you. He needs another echo in 6-9 months. I am glad not sooner because they are $700.
      Thank you. XO

  3. OH HOW MARVELOUS TO GET PUBLISHED!!! And it was such a lovely, moving story. Mama is looking online and will find it as we don’t have that mag here. CONGRATULATIONS, Ms E. And we are sending Brody good health with his little pill-a-day…he should be fine!

  4. I am glad that Brody’s condition can hopefully be well controlled with a pill a day. I send good thoughts for him. Congratulations on getting your article published.
    The art is lovely.

  5. I’m glad you have a diagnosis for Brody – taking a pill a day should keep things ticking along for him we hope….! Congratulations again on the publication of the article about Elvira and Friday being able to join your family……..we remember that like it was yesterday.

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

  6. I can’t wait to get the magazine to read about this. I always like Women’s World magazine. And dear Brody got our Paws crossed that giving him a pill a day is not difficult. I’ve never had luck with cats trying to give him medicine but you just have to keep working at it I know.

    1. Thank you. I hope I can get him to take the pill with a pill pocket. I don’t have it yet as the vet called late yesterday. XO

  7. I hope Brody does well on his daily pill.
    The magazine story is wonderful! I knew about it when it happened, but to have it published for all to know about, is really great. 🙂

  8. Brody and have the same thing. And I have a subscription to that man and I went straight to it! YEA! You did good! XX

  9. Hugs and Prayers Brody!!
    Ellen OMCs what wonderful news about your article.

    I’m gonna try to find a copy or find it online
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. We will continue to send POTP thoughts and energy for Brody. Congratulations on getting published in Women’s World magazine! That’s fantastic-I’ll look for it online since I’ll be out of town on the release date and unable to get to a store.

  11. I am definitely praying for Brody. And how wonderful that you shared this story and it made the magazine. Hugs, my dear. Thank you for another cool puzzle, as well.

  12. Hugs, scritches and prayers for Brody for living a regular lifespan and more! It’s good you finally have a diagnosis and a pill that will help him. Congrats to your article being published with the story about Friday and Elvira. It was a truly heartwarming thing that happened. I remember how sweet that the sisters came. It still makes me teary but in a good way.

  13. Mee-yow Aunty Ellen wee G00GLED HCM an iss seereuss…butt wee allso hope with a Pill a day an LOTSS of POTP Brody iss with youss an us fore a furry long time!
    Concatulationss on beein published inn Women’ss Werld Aunty!!! Wee wuud love a copy of THE Magazeen……mee wunder’ss if wee have it heer? Mee get BellaSita to check!
    An ‘angel’ Emmy iss beeuteefull inn yore artwerk!
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDahrma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

  14. dood! we hopez ewe livez 9 cat life timez at 25 yeerz each time! and conga ratz two yur mom,how total lee kewl iz it that her storee got
    published! we think now friday dee servez a speshull treet…perch pizza
    piez all round 💚🐟💙‼️😺

  15. We are glad you know what’s going on with Brody., and that there is a plan to help him live a long life now. Congratulations on the published story. That’s so awesome!

  16. We hope the meds will help Brody. It’s good that at least you know what the problem is and have a plan for dealing with it.
    We love the art.

  17. Chaplin: “Hearts, they are such complicated things. We are sending lots of purrs for Brody to do well on his pill!”
    Lulu: “And we dogs send lots of tail wags!”
    Charlee: “Congratulations on getting your story about Friday and Elvira published!”

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