Happy Tuesday everyone and for U.S. residents Happy Veteran’s Day. I have great respect for those that protect our freedom and our lives. I am […]
Category: Medical issues
Blog4Peace and Arthritis Meds for Cats
Happy Tuesday everyone! Today is Medical Day and I have a question to ask and welcome input from anyone who may have an answer. Spooky, […]
Tortie Tuesday and Mast Cell Tumors
Happy Tuesday everyone! Today’s health topic isn’t happy, but I wanted to write about it because awareness of so many diseases can lead to treatment […]
What Came First the Chicken or the Egg?
Hi everyone, today is medical issues day, but first: A very happy birthday to my mom! She is the best mom and kitty grammie ever. About […]
Tortie Tuesday
Happy Tuesday everyone! Congratulations to Lone Star Cats for correctly identifying the costume yesterday as an OREO. Good job! A lot of you have good guesses […]
Is There a Fungus Among Us??
Happy Tuesday everyone! Today is Medical Day and one of our cats Prancie always seem to have some medical issue. Fortunately, they are minor problems […]
Tortie Tuesday
Happy Tuesday everyone. Tuesdays are for Torties and being that we have one, I figured we would participate. Penny is a cutie and very sweet […]
Might Your Cat Have Mites?
Happy Tuesday everyone! Today is Medical Day and the topic is mites- icky mites. Luckily, we have only had the problem one time. When we […]
Male Cat Question?
Happy Tuesday everyone! Today is medical day and I have a survey of sorts for you with male cats- no offense lady cats. It seems […]
KaTwo-Part 2
Happy Tuesday everyone. First off, if there were a Florence Nightingale award for cats, the award would go to my Joanie: . I have been […]