Bacon’s Shopping Around the World

Hi everyone! I finally remembered to join Bacon’s Shopping around the World.

Before I do my recipe, I want to thank everyone for their tips on helping Brody adjust and for your kind words of encouragement. I already gave him the shirt off my back- literally ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope he decides to sleep on it. I also pushed his blankie into the cubby hole for him. I am going to try several other tips too like the Feliway, music and sitting in there so he will get used to me. There were many other tips I plan to try too. I will keep you all posted.

This month is a recipe for an appetizer. I make this cheese ball for every holiday. It actually makes 2 good-sized cheese balls, but I forgot to take a photo and this is all I had left so I turned it into a kitty for today’s post:



Ingredients: 8 ounces package of Philadelphia whipped cream cheese $2.69

8 ounce pkg. Philadelphia whipped cream cheese and chives $2.69

8 ounce Wispride spreadable cheese sharp cheddar ( you can use the port wine flavor, if you prefer) $3.99

1/2 package of Lipton Recipe Secrets Onion Soup Mix $1.79 for a box of 2

chopped pecansย ย  $4.49 for 6 ounce package

Directions: Let cheeses sit on counter for about 15 minutes to soften, stir them all together also adding the 1/2 package of onion soup mix. Put bowl in the refrigerator for 10 minutes so the cheese will be a little firmer to work with. Then make into 2 balls, roll in chopped pecans and refrigerate until ready to use.

Tips: I wear plastic gloves and spray them with PAM so the cheeses don’t get stuck to my hands.

This is best made a day before you want to serve to give the onion soupย  flavor time to set in.

I serve with the Pepperidge Farm Trios crackers, but it is good with any kind of cracker you like.

In the Fall, I add a pepper stem and roll it in crushed Doritos instead of pecans to make a pumpkin.




  1. That is Mommy’s kind of cheese ball! (She LOVES cheese balls!)
    Mes…just likes the cheese…oh and mes like little pieces of doritos too.
    Also…mes was furry much like Brody when mes went to lives with Mommy and Daddy.
    Patience, Patience, Patience. It was over 6 months before Daddy could touch mes and over 10 before mes even let Mommy touch mes.Forgets the petting! That did not happen for a couple of years! But mes did take a shine to Hissy Old Licorice and became his furrend after about 5 weeks. Mommy says if yous wants some moral support as yous goes through this difficult process, yous should emails her. Oh yes…mes singed a lot too!

    1. Thank you for the words of encouragement and I will email your Mom soon. I do enjoy Brody’s evening songs, but my hubby doesn’t. I hope he will at least bond with one of the other cats. XO

  2. TBT saves brushed furs from current residents and scatterrs it around in the room where new ones come and rubs it around on the new ones. He hasn’t had anny problem petting after three days… Well, it’s all over him annyway, so the new ones get used to it fast.

  3. I think you need to make a kitty-friendly version of this! ‘Cause I love cheese and want my own cheese ball. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Good idea, I think the cheddar and plain cream cheese then rolled in catnip would be a good idea.

  4. We love cheeseballs around here and this is similar to one Mom makes for Christmas but she’ll probably make it NOW since it made her hungry to read this recipe! HAHAHA As for Brody, we hope all the ideas you got will encourage our new buddy Brody to be brave and become part of the family; it’s tough making the adjustment from feral to family but he’ll get there… his own time and with patience which you have an abundance of!!!! (wink)

    Love, Sam and Mom Pam

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words. You are very sweet. XO I bet this cheeseball would be good rolled in bacon.

  5. Oh my goodness, this looks and sounds delicious! I am a cheese ball fiend, and I’m so glad you shared this. Thank you! And, we’ll keep up the purrs and prayers for Brody!

    1. Thank you- I am glad I picked a recipe you would like. I love appetizers. Thank you for the purrs and prayers for Brody.

  6. Oh this sounds so very good. I love cream cheese so this would be a really good way to entertain folks during cocktail hour.

    Have a fabulous day. โ˜บ

  7. cheeze !!! now yur talkin grate eatz…..and thiz wood go grate with a side dish oh mouz !!! brody…dood….hope ya haza total lee awesum way better kinda day two day…..spooky….ewe two ๐Ÿ™‚ โ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅ

  8. I like the idea of giving Brody things with your scent on them! Find a toy that he likes too, and he’ll associate it with you. You’re going fine!

    1. Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚ I wish I could find a toy he would like, but he has zero interest. If he would observe the others, he would realize that toys are fun.

    1. Thank you- I figured it is a cat blog so it should have something to do with a cat. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. TW’s favorite kind of cheese is port wine cheese. She went crazy looking for some over the holidays but BJ’s was the once store that had it.

  10. What a cute and yummy kitty, MOL!!

    At furst meowmy thought this post was going to be about bacon in a cheese ball…oopsie, she needs to pay more attention:)

    Maybe you could make wee little ‘cakes’ out of that mixture when some kitty needs a catabratory cake, Mmmm!

    Its great that you are instituting some of the suggestions about Brody. We hope ovfur time he will ‘come round’…hey maybe he needs a cheese ball to tempt him,MOL!!

    1. I bet the cats would love a cheeseball cake minus the chive cream cheese and Lipton onion soup mix- and nip instead of pecans ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Sounds really yummy! Our Mama loves cheese and cheese balls so she would gobble this up! ๐Ÿ™‚

    the critters in the cottage xo

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