

Hi everyone! We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays.  Joanie and Gremmie are posing with three books I am currently reading.


The Dogs Were Rescued by Teresa Rhyne is the follow-up memoir to The Dog Lived ( and So Did I).  The author writes about how she came to adopt 2 more beagles and she tells of how many are used in lab experiments. She is also a vegan so quite a few chapters are about how she made the choice to become one.

Pat in the City : My Life of Fashion, Style and Breaking All The Rules by Patricia Field is a memoir. She is the costume designer who paired a tutu with a tank top for Carrie Bradshaw in the first season of Sex and the City.  She has also owned her own clothing store for over 50 years which has clothed many celebrities.

I just started reading, My What if Year: A Memoir by Alisha Fernandez Miranda. The author takes a year off from her high-pressure job to pursue other jobs she used to want to do when she was younger. Not sure if I like it or not yet.

Rosie will be here tomorrow. Maybe she will dress as a pirate for Meow Like A Pirate Day, but don’t count on it. 🙂



  1. My goodness, it looks as if you read about 10 books a month! We would not be surprised at all. And the title My What If Year is fascinating! Everyone is always saying ‘what if?’And in LA a major producer, Steve Cannell of the Rockford series, had a license plate saying What If…wonderful.

    1. Yes, I do usually get through that many depending on how often I fall asleep reading. 🙂 Interesting about the license plate. You could write a book about living in LA. XO

  2. Interesting reading – I think Joanie approves of your book choices. If Rosie wants to be a pirate she will be – otherwise she will be Rosie the Tattletale Cat!

    Hugs, Teddy

  3. You have quite a mix of reading material there. The poor beagles, that breaks my heart when I think of labs using animals for experiments. The other two sound like a lot of fun actually.

  4. Interesting books. I don’t think I could read the book about the beagles. I had no idea they were used for lab experiments. My What If Year is particularly interesting. Don’t we all spend some time wondering about “what if?” I will look forward to seeing if Rosie meows like a pirate 🙂

  5. I can’t read anything about experimenting on animals, no matter the species, but I guess the author meant well. Thank goodness no one asked me to. 🙂 Anyhoo, waiting for Rosie. And I need to find Katie something to wear!

  6. Than you Joanie for showing us what mom is reading.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to all the kitties and a hug to mom. XO ♥

  7. Mee-yow yore reedin 3 bookss Aunty Ellen? Yore amazin! An Joanie yore so purrty! An Gremmie is so cute two…..
    BellaSita thinkss shee wuud like to reed THE Poochie story an “What IF My Yeer” book….shee sayss shee can reelate to title 😉
    Shee finished “Secrecy” bye Miss Belva Plain an it was a furr dramatick story!
    Shee started “Critical Incidentss” bye Miss Lucie Whitehouse…iss a murdur mystery so BellaSita iss back inn her prefurred genre, mew mew mew….
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum

      1. BellaSita has noticed shee has concentration issue now from Seezuress, so shee only reeds one book at a time. Iss OKay tho’ as shee has emailss to reply to an bloggiess to reed an FaceBake to check out…they all help her focuss!!!
        **purrss** BellaDharma

        1. I am sorry she has concentration issues from the seizures. I get confused when I am reading 2 memoirs. XO

  8. I can just see Gremmie’s pointed little ear sticking up behind Joanie’s back. It’s wonderful that you are such an avid reader and share your opinions about what you have read. Hugs from Wendy & Dani

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