1. Emmy’s nest needs built up sides, MOL!!! I thought she was going to tell you that the covid and rat were not so good…tee-hee!

    Hey, you have a notify me button, now! Hooray!

  2. Yeah, we cats like to hold on to all of out toys 😉
    You gave those toys back to Emmy…right?
    Purrs,Georgia and Julie

  3. Doesn’t surprise me one bit that Emmy was NOT trying to get rid of her toys – she’s a toy collector not a toy tosser-outter!

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. Of course Emmy won’t declutter those toys. Theta are too fantastic 🙂

  5. I think this is a good time to hang on to your toys that make you feel safe and secure. We all need to hang on to the things that give us comfort. I don’t want to whine but I am so frustrated with this pandemic and what it is doing mentally and physically to people. I feel fortunate and I have much empathy for people that have it so much worse. I just feel my strength and hope need some bolstering up and I don’t know where to start. Visiting here and the other blogs of my blogging friends helps so much. So, a thank you to you Ellen and the Meowing Crew and lots of other blogs who keep me going! Emmy keep your comforting things close to you♥

    1. We feel the same about needing things to feel safe and secure. Thank you for always visiting, you and other readers make me feel better and give me a reason to get out of bed in the morning ( other than hungry cats). XO

  6. Well, way too many exhibit OCD (obnoxious cat disarray) with their toy box, so glad it doesn’t bother you the least little bit, Emmy!!!

  7. Emmy, great collection of toys! Teddy won’t part with any of his toys either.

  8. Mom found a line of toys in our family room. She’s not sure WHAT we were doing.

    The Florida Furkids

  9. Emmy, your mom is very silly thinking you would declutter toys! MOL

  10. Emmy maybe just store the best of the best clutter….for sure you’ll want it again one day.
    The experts at organizing say if one has not touched/used/worn an item for a year it should be discarded. MOL but it never fails as soon as I toss something an occasion arises that I think oh no I threw it away.
    and unsuccessful de clutter,

  11. emmy; we haz one oh thoz ratz….they bee de best huh !! 😉 ♥♥

  12. Oh dear quick put them back or you will be in Emmy’s bad books LOL

    Have a declutterfluttertastic safe day 😷😷😷

  13. As if your momma wouldn’t create new toys for you in a second, Emmy!
    Sweetie has lost the two rolly toys that The Tooth Fairy sent her; there was a blue one and a pink one. I’ve looked all over her apartment, and cannot find them! Is there a black hole for cat toys?!?
    I’ll keep searching…she loves to chase stuff that rolls, and yet, I find the love knot toys in my bed almost every morning too…

  14. Decluttering takes too much energy and brain power, both of which I have little of these days. Best of luck to you in clearing away unwanted stuff, Ellen. As for Emmy…I’m sure she’s totally not concern about clutter. I bet she likes to lay ontop of it all, right? lol Have a good week, my friend!

  15. Awww, of course she wants them back they are perfectly good toys.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to all the kitties and a big hug to the mom. ♥

  16. That’s OK Emmy, I can’t remember the last time I decluttered or even if I ever decluttered. Don’t blame you for wanting your toys back. Emmy, you’re so cute.

    1. Emmy is not known for sharing except at 2 am when she offers me one in exchange for a snack 🙂

  17. I didn’t think Emmy would be doing any decluttering

  18. Ha, we scatter our toys all over the house just like that.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  19. Frodo agrees with you Emmy! He is very much against decluttering!

  20. Cat toys are so fun, and they do seem to have their favorites. I still have a lot of the toys around, even though our cats are all gone now.

  21. No decluttering for Emmy, huh…MOL😸Pawkisses for a Happy Day🐾😽💞

  22. Sweet Emmy ~ and fun photos ~ ^_^

    Be Safe, Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. Your toys are far too precious to declutter, aren’t they, Emmy? That’s what Tonks believes about her toy stash. Purrs!

  24. We cats are definitely not known for decluttering. We are serious hoarders. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  25. We have a cat tree with an opening on the bottom level. My husband would put all of the cat toys in the opening only to find them back on the floor a day or two later. He did this several times until he saw that the cat slept in that spot that he was constantly filling. She was probably as frustrated as she was

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