
Hi everyone! We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Monday.



Now Brody is trying to get his dad to go through these boxes.  He was doing so well decluttering, but now we are at an impasse. And he has so many more boxes to go through once he gets through these.

Rosie will be here tomorrow. She is going to do an exposé on Brody because one of his fans, Precious wants to see more of him. I know a lot of you remember when he arrived in 2016 , but if you weren’t following us back then, you will get the whole scoop tomorrow.

Does anyone remember the name I was calling him before I decided on Brody?



  1. TBT: Good luck with further decluttering. It gets harder as you go. And the kind of boxes matter. I have some stuff that just needs to be stored in better containers (the cardboard boxes are all beat up, so I bought some large plastic ones).

    My worst clutter is old electric/electronic gadgets that no longer work. I also have a closetfull of clothes that no longer fit (I keep thinking I will start to get skinnier again as I age, but I am beginning to think that won’t happen). Also, I have a lot of matching jars for refrigerator stuff that are just taking up cabinet space. But I really do have a lot of “stuff” I haven’t paid any attention to in a decade. Those really should go!

    Looking forward to the Brody expose’…

    1. I think it gets easier as you get on a roll. 🙂 I had the same problem with the closet so I removed anything that doesn’t fit and put it in a box. If it still doesn’t fit by the end of the year then it has to go. XO

  2. OMC, who remembers what one had for breakfast? But we are on pins and needles (ouch) as we wait for the reveal! Brody is pretty cute, I must say, but mama says I flirt too much…

  3. We totally remember when Brody joined the Pilch Clan……but can’t remember what his name was before Brody (which is the PURRRRFECT name for him!). Brody – you need to get your Dad motivated to finish de-cluttering!

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. Brody dear Brody, I see you are trying to work on your dad for empty in boxes. Does this mean you get more boxes to play in? I am so glad to see that you are going to be the feature story. The thing of it is your mom has Unleashed a tidal wave. Clean one box out then the next then the next then the next. Precious

  5. Awww, sweet Brody, I can’t wait to know what your name was. We went crazy yesterday, cleaning, washing drapes, and shampooing the carpet. My hubby listed some rally wheels and tires on a local site and we had over a 1000 responses. We sold them! Yay!

    1. That is awesome. I wish I was so lucky on the stuff I listed of my hubby’s. XO

  6. Oh the decluttering. It takes time and patience and you can’t quit. I hope he resumes.

    I’ll be here tomorrow to hear the scoop on Brody.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches all around and a hug to mom. ♥

  7. Wasn’t Brody originally “Daryl the Feral” ? Never did learn why he became Brody.

    1. Yes, that was it. After a bit he wasn’t so feral so Brody was more suitable. XO

  8. I remember when Brody arrived. I think he had a bad wound and you called him Daryl or Derrel the feral, I think. Brody suits him much better.

      1. I have always had a good memory for names, addresses etc., but not faces. Ask me about something that happened yesterday though and I would have forgotten by now!

  9. Decision making is like a muscle, it can wear out and get tired, especially if you never give it any rest. Making decisions on what to keep and what not to keep can get exhausting over time. It might be better to ask your husband to go slowly but not stop. Find an amount that’s right for him, maybe a box a week or a box every two weeks, whatever doesn’t overload him.

    Tell Rosie i’m looking forward to what she has to tell, i am not sure i remember Brody’s story, i get confused about who i met when online.

  10. We need to get our Mom to do some decluttering! All those old art supplies and Beads really need a new home! We (well Mom) remembers when Brody came but can’t remember what he was first called…we will have to get Mom to come back tomorrow so we know! Keep being awesome! Purrs Marvelous Marv

  11. Mom’s closet needs cleaning out again. The thing is, she has a compulsion to keep buying new tops!!! And won’t wear most of them.

  12. I decluttered some this weekend: my favorite charity stopped taking donations a few months ago, while they moved to a new location.
    Now, they’ve opened their retail and donation doors again, so I made a neat pile of clothes to donate on Thursday.

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