Hi everyone! We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays . I am not reading anything worth writing about so I am just going to show some photos of the cats enjoying the The Great One and Typhoid Mary’s new tent. They are going to be very upset when the kids arrive today and take it over.

Rosie will be here tomorrow to tell you why she thinks it is the most wonderful time of the year. She may have some family gossip too.
Very awww worthy photos! Looking forward to hearing from Rosie! 🙂 <3
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Kitties look comfy and cozy … Hopefully the kids won’t disturb them too much! XO
THey were cosy, but they hide when the kids arrive. 🙂 Well, Brody and Trouble do, but not Emmy. XO
Emmy, Brodie and Trouble…the Great Triumvirate! Maybe they should all pack in and make NO room for those little darlings…the War of the Tent! But I think that is tent-tative….
They were out when they kids got here. 🙂
That tent seems to be the best kitty den! Maybe they’ll need another when the little girls take it over.
They could share, but I took it down after the kids left today. XO
Well maybe once the girls head home the cats will realize that that tent can be THEIRS when there’s no company! They sure seem to like it as a new hideaway. More gossip? Oh boy!!!!
Hugs, Teddy
After they left, I took it down for now as it takes up a lot of room. XO
Those indoor popup tents are nice little places for youngsters or pets to hang out in. We got ours one when they were small except it looked like a house. They loved, loved, loved that thing, too! Last year for our granddaughter’s birthday, we got her a princess castle (pop up) and she adores it! She looks so precious inside it, too. Have an awwwesome Monday and a boogietastic week, my friend!
That was a great gift idea. XO
Oooooooooooo! I do like that tent.
Lots of room too 🙂 Hope they get a good while before the young ones come along 😉
Purrs, Julie
They had lots of fun. 🙂 XO
I’ll be waiting on Rosie. I, Katie am VERY inpressed by the tent. I wish I could try it out with the family there!
I wish you could too. XO
Oh, I can’t wait to hear Rosie’s family gossip. Happy Monday.
Happy Monday! 🙂 XO
Awww on them testing out the tent and especially Emmy. Adorable.
Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. xoxo ♥
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Aww! what nice cute photos 🙂
Have a gossiptastic Monday 👍
Thank you. 🙂
What a purrfect little tent! Do you kitties ever play in it with The Great One and Typhoid Mary? Having grown up with kitties as well as a sister, I wouldn’t blame you kitties if you didn’t. My childhood kitties Rosie and Sammy always ended up deciding that two little girls in a tent was just too much in close quarters, and so they would skedaddle real fast. Purrs to all of you!
They tried to get Friday in, but she hopped right out. 🙂
They’re enjoying that tent!!! We can’t wait to hear the gossip!
Yes, they are. 🙂
Awww so cute!! I had a tent up for a while in Wyatt’s room and I always found one or more of my cats hanging out in it. Lol.
Cats always find the best spots. 🙂
What lucky ducks TGO and TM are to have such a fun GA
Kitties will just be breaking it in for them
Hugs Cecilia
Thank you. 🙂 Yes, they did. XO
The kitties look so happy in the tent! xo
They are. XO
Brody an Trouble canoodlin iss so ADOORBSS!
An well dun Emmy; yore such a brave girl 😉
Wee finished “THE Hanging Tree” an it was pawtastick!
Now wee reedin a book called “Damage Done” bye Miss Amanda Panitch! It iss a story of twinss…boy twin Ryan iss furry mentally unstabell an does furry bad thingss…..ewven murder…..
His Sister Julia an Pawrentss have to move away an use false namess an start over…julia beecomess Lucy an iss THE story of what happenss…wee neer THE end an have NO idea how story will end. It iss FURRY grippin Aunty Ellen!!!
***paw kissess*** BellaDharma an {{hugss}} BellaSita Mum
That sounds like a very interesting book. XO
Mee-yow Aunty Ellen THE endin was a compleete shock an sirprize!!! Wee nevurr saw it comin!!!
Thoe are the best kind of books. XO
Aww, they are cute canoodlers.
Thank you. 🙂
Canoodling, huh. Cute as the dickens!
Thank you. 🙂
Looks like the tent belongs to the cats now!
I think so. 🙂
That looks like a lovely tent. Looking forward to Rosie’s gossip!
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Awww ~ precious kitty photos ~ love the tent ~ Xo
Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Thank you. 🙂 XO
What a fun place for kitties to hang out!
Yes, it is. 🙂
Y’all sure do love that tent!
They do. 🙂
What an amazing tent! It’s looks so comfy, cozy and it’s colourful, too. It’s lovely to see your kitties relaxing in luxury. I guess they’ll have to make way for reality (aka kids), but they still get to use it most of the time.
Yes, they do have it more than the kids. 🙂
The kitties seem to be enjoying the tent. So cute.
They look pretty comfortable. Great tent.
Thank you. 🙂 XO
I did not know that Brody and Trouble got along well together… canoodling, LOL. It seems cats and kittens have a thing for tents. Well, they will get the tent back to enjoy!
They love each other and are partners in crime. 🙂 Mom calls them Dee and Dum. XO
That is a very cool tent.
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Awww… ~hugs~
think we would like this tent! Take care!
It is fun. 🙂