Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day


Today is a special day, Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day. Deborah Barnes ( The Chronicles of Zee  & Zoey)  founded Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day in 2015, in tribute to her beloved Mr. Jazz who went to The Rainbow Bridge in 2013. It is a day to honor all our furbabies that are no longer with us. They truly do leave pawprints on our hearts.

My heart is forever broken from losing Sammy this year. And I know at least 2 of my current kitties will be on this list next year.

Here are my angels. All loved and missed. Most recent losses are first.

We are also joining The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop.



My first cat, KaChoo (1994-2010)
Brina was originally my sister’s cat, but I adopted her in 2004. (1994-2011)
Barney left us in 2013, she showed up in the barn around 2003. Katie was my father-in-law’s dog that we inherited in 1999, she went to The Bridge in 2011.


  1. All of your angels are beautiful. They may be gone from this plane, but we know they all live on in your heart, and that they are forever loved. Hugs and gentle purrs as you remember Sammy, and all of your other babies.

  2. I love every one of your precious angel;s and remember all but several, very well. They were part of my family too.

  3. Awww, beautiful kitties all, Ellen. Lovely remembrance pictures too. I know you still miss them, as I miss all mine who have left for the Bridge too. I won’t be able to make a new post about mine this year, but they do stay in our hearts. Purrs and hopes for peace and comfort from the kitties and me. XO

  4. Oh, dear, so many losses of such lovely kitties and doggy, each one clearly with something wonderful to share with your family. Loss is not easy. Ever. Hugs from us and love to all, wherever they are.

  5. So many beautiful Angels and each with their place in your heart. Hugs.

  6. The depth of love we have for our pets can’t be measured – except maybe by the tears we shed when we must say goodbye. With as many animals that have been a part of your family, you will feel those tears more than most of us. The thought that we will all be reunited with our beloved pets one day helps our hearts heal. We remember “our” Angel Sammy today and every day.

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  7. Ellen, so many to say goodbye to but so many that made you smile and so many that had a good and loved life with you and your Husband. So many memories, so much fun and happiness from what you have shared with us. I know you have tucked them all away in your heart and they will never be forgotten. Thank you for sharing the pictures, it’s sweet to see them and remember them with you. Your Meowing Crew is loved by so many and you are loved for giving them the life that all cats deserve♥

  8. Yes, they are forever in our hearts and minds. You certainly have had your share of heartbreak. I can understand how the pain of losing Sammy is still fresh.

    It’s very cool that you still have a picture of your very first cat! Mine was sometime in the 1950s, so I don’t have a picture anymore.

    Hugs XO

  9. So so many catss an that sweet Poochie!!!
    Wee nose it hertss alot…wee allso know you<3 LOVE <3 yore 4leggedss deeply an without reservayshun Aunty Ellen….
    An wee know how much you loved Purrince Siddhahrtha Henry; mee deer Unkell….
    (BellaSita Mum cuud not due Reemebrance Day this yeer….see iss furry upset.)
    Yore Spooky an mee cuud bee Twinsiess!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{huggiess}} BellaSita Mum

  10. Beautiful kitties. It hurts so much when you lose one, but I can’t imagine my life without cats.

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