1. Dusty no worries about keeping warm here in Dixie we have very unseasonal temps yesterday 62 and today 67…BUT no worries Mother Nature and Old Man Winter are coming back soon.
    Hugs Cecilia

  2. We’re keeping warm here and our kitties are nice and warm too. As it should be.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties and a hug to your wonderful mom. ♥

  3. Dusty looks really cute. At the moment we’re keeping plenty warm. It’s been spring like since Christmas eve but that’s fixing to change with the new year. I’m not at all eager for colder temperatures to spill back into our area. Personally, I’m ready for spring already. 🙂 Here’s to happy, healthy, and blessed new year, my furriends!

  4. Hey Dusty, it isn’t too cold here yet, but we hear we might get some BIG snow and lots of cold next weekend. That makes US very happy, but not the Momster.

    Woos – Misty and Timber

  5. Now worries about keeping warm in Florida today—83° and sunny. That’s going to change after New Year’s Day… Brrrrrrrrr. Dusty looks adorable in that hat. I’m thinking she is toasty warm.

  6. Aww, Dusty…you look adorably comfy in that hat! Happy New Year, Ellen with best wishes for all the kitties.

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