A Purrincely Poem

Happy Thursday everyone!!! My purrince wrote me a poem and sent me a photo to cheer me up. He is the best !


Β Title: Mee Eye Fur Phoebe
Sum wood say
yur thee appull of mee eye.
Sum wood say you meen thee werld to mee.
Sum wood say yur thee ‘yin’ to mee ‘yang’…..
Mee sayss yur thee Heart of mee eye!
Mee speshell eye iss just fur you….
an fur no one else.
Mee onlee has eyess fur you Phoebe,
sweet buttercup Beekeeni gurl.
Yur thee ONLEE Purrincess fur me.
Siddhartha Henry's heart eye 2014
I love my handsome poetic purrince!
Sammy is having a great time visiting Scouts- Maggie really warmed up to him:
flatsam4flatsam7He had a staring contest with Felix.
Then he went to visit Sammy ( https://onespoiledcat.wordpress.com/ ) There were a lot of other Scouts visiting too and Sammy K. and his folks showed them a great time:
FLATGROUP1 FLATGROUP2He is going to be coming home briefly before he heads off to see other Scouts .
Mom and Lucy are going to do a book giveaway tomorrow so be sure to stop by.
PS: Could you tell that was my flat Phoebe in the first photo?


  1. Your prince is very romantic! Everyone looks to be having a great time!

    Thanks for stopping by, we appreciate it. Purrs and peace.

  2. Mauricio is so mad at Mom as she still hasn’t made him a flat cat and he has not been able to visit anyone. Looks as if all of you are having so much fun. Phoebe, you really are a lucky lady to have such a wonderful boyfriend. We know that you and Siddhartha make each other so happy. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. My Sammy is planning to go visit you and we hope eventually Mau can visit us. Phoebe is a lucky lady.

  3. That is such a nice poem. Your Prince is just the greatest. Those flats are great too. Looks like a good time for everyone. Take care.

  4. Ahhh those flat cats are so sweet! We love seeing Sammy visit with each one! What a lovely poem from your Purrince Phoebe and we hope you are feeling better.

  5. I do like the poem. I do like the flat cats, and wonder how they get around. I hope everyone is well.

    Greetings from
    Greg and his cats

    1. We mail them to one another and include pre-stamped envelopes to send them to other homes and then back home. You should have your kitties join Cat Scouts so they can join in the fun too.

  6. phoebe…wee small meedium dood iz de best poet like ever ~~~ total lee awesum poem him rited for ewe β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯

    N de flat cat cat trip looks like a LOT o fun !!!! everee one looks grate two !! πŸ™‚

    1. Phoebe’s purrince is great. You kitties should get flat and visit us- we have a fish pond.

    1. Actually his name is not Tom, it is Purrince Siddhartha Henry πŸ™‚ I bet you 2 could get boyfriends easily.

  7. Dat was very sweet of yous purrince Phoebe. Weez glad Sammy P be havin’ a pawsum time visitin’. Hope y’all have a gweat day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  8. You are so lucky, Phoebe. Your Purrince loves you so much. He writes you the most lovely poems.

    Sammy looked to have fun with the scouts.

  9. wow! You have a lot of visitors! Maybe I should flatten myself and send me to Tennessee to see my dad! boy wouldn’t he be surprised to see me visit him!!

    1. We didn’t get any visitors yet, but we hope to soon. These were of Sammy visiting. You should send a flat to your Dad.

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