A Grumpy Cat Giveaway

Happy Thursday everyone! I am going to tell you more about our Christmas and then I will tell you about my latest giveaway.

003In addition to all the individual gifts and the fun cat box with holes in it, Peaches and Paprika’s Mom gave us this pretty reindeer blanket. I am displaying it over our bunk beds, I am on the top bunk and the bottom bunk is hidden for a great hideaway.

005Look what else Grammie gave me! I love her so very much! And she is cat sitting us tonight so we are going to get lots of party mix. Notice that is not George Washington on that bill. I am rich, don’t worry, I won’t let it go to my head.

010Mom bought a clear plastic ball that opens to put a photo in so Lucy was on our tree.

Mom got a gift that wasn’t cat related, it is a talking Sheldon ornament.

One thing he says is “I’m not crazy, my mother had me tested.” I think Grammie should have had Mom tested- MOL!

Now for that giveaway:

004 I have a small Grumpy Cat wall Calendar, a Grumpy Cat decal and some Grumpy Cat stickers. Comment for a chance to win, I will announce the winner on Sunday. You can comment every day for more chances to win.

I am joining PepiSmart Dog’s Thankful Thursday Hop because I am a lucky girl. I am thankful for my family ( especially my Grammie who I love so very much) and for my Purrince and for all my friends. I wish you all a Happy and Healthy 2016!!!

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop, PepiSmartDog.com, pet centric


    1. You are entered in the giveaway- comment tomorrow and Saturday too for extra chances. I love Grumpy Cat too- I got the page a day calendar for Christmas and a coloring book πŸ™‚ I sound like a child.

  1. Well, you are a very blessed little girl! If Grammie ever wants to adopt more grandcats, please let us know.
    We love that blanket. Blankets are our favourite. We like Sheldon, too!
    Lucy’s ornament is very special. ❀

    1. Phoebe and all our kitties are very blessed and all of you are blessed too with a wonderful and loving family. I wish every kitty were so lucky. We love blankies too , but we are sick of Sheldon, Mom watches repeats of that show all the time instead of something good like Animal Planet. I had to include Lucy somehow, she was in our lives or so long. I have a different ornament with my KaChoo too ( she went to the Bridge in 2010). XO

  2. Wow, your own 10$$!!

    And lots of other fun things, too. How nice that Lucy could be there on the tree.

    Those are fun Grumpy cat things! Meowmy was hugging her Grumpy Cat the=at she got from you a while back…and then…hey more Grumpy Cat things to try to win, MOL!!

    And BTW, she hugged us too:))

    1. I am glad you get hugs too πŸ™‚ I love Grumpy cat. You are entered in the giveaway- comment tomorrow and Saturday for more chances.

      1. There was a grumpy ‘momcat’ here today…Pipo left a mess on the carpet…(He was seen yakking up a blech…), must have thought I needed some more work…since Minko didn’t do any fur a few days…UGH!

        The winnings will cheer her up:)

        1. I bet they would cheer her up, she needs a spot cleaner. I use mine at least once a week.

    1. Thank you- we sure did. You are entered in the giveaway- make sure you comment again tomorrow and Saturday too.

  3. Looks like you made out like a bandit (oops, sorry, a cat burglar) for Christmas!! I LOVE GRUMPY CAT!! Please enter me in the giveaway!

    1. I sure did, we all did πŸ™‚ You are entered- comment again tomorrow and Saturday for more chances.

  4. You are very rich, not because of the $10 but because you have a Grammie who loves you so much. But I know you already know that because you’re such a smart kitty. I got some balls for Christmas and they had Grumpy Cat’s picture on the cardboard backing. She’s a cute kitty.

    1. I am a very lucky kitty, we all are. I bet those balls are fun, Grumpy is cute. We have a lot of stuffed Grumpy cats here.

  5. Mom had no idea that a talking Sheldon ornament existed. Bazinga! Mom and dad love The Big Bang Theory. What a beautiful blanket from P and P’s mom. Wishing you all a very happy new year. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  6. Wow, Phoebe! I wish I had a grandma who gave me money! All I have is my human and she puts all the money I earn in the bank and doesn’t give me any. If my human had time to watch TV shows, she would totally watch the Big Bang Theory. She hopes to catch up on it someday!

    1. You need to contact Austin, the union rep for kitties- you should be getting some of your money. I hope your human can watch The Big Bang Theory someday- it is funny.

  7. What a lovely blanket! And what a great hideaway you have there on the lower bunk!
    A Happy New Year to you all.

    Purrs and kissies from Us in Jerusalem

    Trixie, Caspurr, Shimshi and Mummy Shimona

  8. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas Ever. (Thank goodness for DVR!) And if one person in my family asks another a question that would get a one-word answer, that answer is usually, “Meow.”

    Our feline furry family members (Isabella, Panda, Gracie, Wifi, Chilihead and Spot wish your kitties a “Catty New Year”!

    1. I love that movie too! I was hoping there would be another this Christmas. Comment again tomorrow and Saturday for more chances.

  9. We love the reindeer blanket. It looks so soft and warm. We’re happy to see Lucy had a spot on your tree. It just made the occasion that much more special.
    Don’t spend your money all in one place.
    Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  10. What a great post to end the year, Phoebe! I love that your mom put Lucy’s picture in an ornament for the tree – I did something similar for my angel Rosie. I also loved seeing what you got for Christmas, and your mom’s Sheldon ornament! My furbabies and I wish you and your entire family a happy, healthy, blessed New Year!

    1. I wish I was talented like you are and could have made something for Lucy like you did for Rosie. We all wish you a happy and healthy 2016!

    1. Thank you, I love my Grammie so very much. Happy New Year’s Eve to you too- I will have fun- Grammie is coming πŸ™‚

  11. You can buy a lot of Party Mix with that green paper, Phoebe! πŸ™‚

    It’s really sweet that Lucy is on your tree. I hope it brought a smile to your mom’s face. I know she misses Lucy very, very much, the way I miss my Jewel.

    I love Grumpy Cat! Maybe we will win πŸ™‚

    1. We have a lot of party mix right now, Mom says it should last for months, but that is pushing it. Make sure you comment tomorrow and Saturday for more chances.

  12. whoa…phoebe !!!!! thatz total lee awesum oh yur grammie ta give ewe that 1000.00 dollarz bill !!!!

    rare two πŸ˜‰

    yur bunk bedz blankit rocks de houz…..itz way kewl …veree nice gift ewe getted frum peaches & paprika !!

    best fishes two everee one in de contest; anda most happee healthee new yeer two ewe all, heerz two an emperor bream……hillstreet loach…..kinda week oh end !!! β™₯β™₯β™₯

    1. I think you are seeing double or triple zeros, it was a $10, but that is good too πŸ™‚ We all hoe you have a happy and healthy 2016- filled with fishies.

    1. Happy 2016 to you too! I wish we had Instagram, it jams up on my tablet every time I try to join.

  13. Your Grammie is the best, Phoebe! That is such a nice blankie.

    Happy New Year’s Eve to you all.

    p.s. Pierrot will be thinking of his Snowball.

    1. The blankie was from Peaches and Paprika’s Mom, but Grammie is great. Aww…Snowball will be thinking of him too.

    1. I could, but Grammie keeps us in the treats so I will save up again like I did for my pole. Maybe a water fountain this time.

  14. Happy New Year sweetest kitties and Mommy and Daddy. Love to all of you.

    I see your Grammie loves you very much too sweet girl. No surprise. xoxox

    1. Thank you- Happy and Healthy 2016 to you are your Mom Katie. XOXOXO Spooky will be thinking of you at midnight.

    1. You are entered in the giveaway- comment again tomorrow and Saturday for more chances. Happy 2016!

  15. Mee-you you look beeuteefull inn yur new blankit Purrincess Phoebe!!!! It bringss out thee color of yur furs!!!!
    Mee wood like to enter thee Grumpy Kat contest an if mee winss mee wood like to send thee prizes to mee Unccle Sammy (One Spoiled Kat).
    Mee iss fankfull fur you beein mee true luv an fur mee LadyMum an Mumma Mary-Ellen an Aunty Sheila an Aunty Susan……
    ***paw kissesss*** an ~~~head rubsss~~~
    Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. You are such a sweet boy, you are entered for Sammy. Please comment tomorrow and Saturday for more chances. XOXOXOXOXOXOXO

  16. Ok mee will remind LadyMum wee need to commint dailee…did you know Unccle Sammy iss ternin 16 yearss old tomorrow??? Hee iss mee HEE-ROW!
    An yur mee Purrincess an mee just *nose kissed* yur foto!!!
    ****paw kissesss**** an <3 LUV <3
    Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Yes, we knew- he is my brother Sammy’s hero too- he looks up to him at Cat Scouts. XOXOXOXOXO Nose kisses and paw kisses to you.

      1. AAWW that iss so-o sweet that yur Sammy lookss up to mee Unccle Sammy! Mee doess all so Phoebe. hee iss a grate inn-spirayhun to mee…..
        An mee iss commentin on Grumpy kat>>>what a kewl kitty an pleeze add mee name on behalf of Unccle Sammy πŸ˜‰
        ~~~head rubsss~~~ an ***paw kissesss***
        Yur littul Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. You are entered again for sweet Sammy, make sure you comment tomorrow too for one more chance. XO

  17. I’m happy you had such a wonderful Christmas Phoebe! I love that your Mom found such a great way to include Lucy ? I wish you all a very Happy New Year!!!

    1. Happy and healthy 2016! You are entered in the giveaway- comment again tomorrow for another chance.

    1. Poor purrrince Siddhartha, your Mum shouldn’t leave breakables where you can get to them. Doesn’t she know that anything a cat can reach is fair game. Pretend I am with you my sweet. XO

  18. Mee doess know NOT to touch anyfing on her Purrayer Altar so shee had efurry rite to send mee to ‘time out’…..Mee knocked mee Phoebe inn thee bottul off thee TeeVee stand butt it iss on bottom shelf an fell on thee carpet. mee sorta got inn to a bit of trubble…..butt not as much as LadyMum had the vacuum on…mee iss beein good now! Treetss are on thee line πŸ˜‰
    ***paw kissesss*** yur notty butt berry cute Purrince, Siddhartha Henry

    1. Treats are on the line? Uh-oh- I hope you still get some my sweet boy. Love, Phoebes XOXO

  19. Mee has been a propurr Angel thee past few dayss Phoebe an thee TREETSS are given twice a day! Whew, THAT was close!
    ~~head rubsss~~ an <3 LUV <3 Yur notty but adoorabull Purrince~~

  20. PepiSmartDog: Happy New Year! Wishing you a great 2016.
    What a great post – lover you pressies!! And your beautiful Xmas decoration is just gorgeous.
    Thank you for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. Always enjoy your posts. *waves paw* :=o)

  21. Mee wood get more butt mee bowelss get all notty so mee has mee treetss twice a day an that keeps fingss quiet….
    An mee can have 2 kindss of treetss which iss grate all so!!!
    ***paw kissess*** yur treet-abull Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxx

  22. 2 kindss iss better than NO kinds rite mee Purrincess??? Mee luvss mee Katnip Dental treetss an thee Greeniess Semi-Moist Chick-hen treetss are low proteen an mee can have 5-6 of them a day without trubble!
    Yur lucky you can eatss Party Mix….they uppyset thee dellykat balance of fingss inn mee πŸ˜‰
    Mew mew mew…..
    *paw kissesss* an ~~head rubs~~ yur dellykat Purrince,
    Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. I am sorry you can’t eat party mix or you will get an upset tummy. I will eat extras for you. XO

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