A Friday Hop and a Giveaway

Happy Friday everyone!! Today isn’t my day to write, but I want to apologize to my Grammie. I always make a point to say I love her very much in every post, but Mom rushed me yesterday and I didn’t get to write it. I love you so very much Grammie!!! Even if you didn’t give me any treats yesterday.


This week we are co-hosting Feeling Beachie’s Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun:

The statements are:

  2. When I think about MY CATS I SMILE
  3. If I could be a famous ACTRESS, I would be USING MY FAME TO HELP CATS
  4. I drive a HYUNDAI ELANTRA ( SILVER)and wish it was A MINI COOPER ( GREY)

The code is:

<code><script src=”http://www.linkytools.com/basic_linky_include.aspx?id= 258645 ” type=”text/javascript”></script></code>

And Lucy and I are having a giveaway, I reviewed this book a while ago: https://15andmeowing.com/2014/08/book-recommendations/

I recently picked up an extra copy at a book sale in great condition so we are giving it away. Just leave a comment today ( you can again Saturday too for an extra chance). Phoebe will announce the winner on Sunday. Lucy is my out of the box thinker, I hope she doesn’t get any new ideas from this book.


Tomorrow we will be hopping and also showing 8 photos that make me happy which is a fun challenge from our friends at Critters in the Cottage.


  1. Have that book! The poem made me laugh my ass off. I wish I could Pee on This was written for a cat like my Whiskie. He was a naughty soul.

  2. MOL that’s a great name for a book!!

    The Florida Furkids

    ps – we’re sending the bikini on it’s way today. sorry it took so long but with Dad being sick we were kind of behind on everything.

  3. We have this book on our Amazon wish list. It would be great to read it but not to the furkids. Wouldn’t want them to get any ideas
    Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

    1. Good thinking- kitties don’t need ideas, they come up with plenty of ways to torture us πŸ™‚

  4. hay ewe gals….we could pee on lotz oh stuff two…if we could….well, we can, but we dont, N we dont noe why troo lee…oh well….best fishes two everee one in de contest…heerz two a central mudminnow kinda week oh end ~ β™₯β™₯β™₯

    1. It is nice of you not to pee on stuff. Sometimes Lucy pees on the bed, but only when she has a UTI.

  5. That does look like a good book and what a good job you did Lucy, showing us the book. You all have a great day.

  6. Nope, don’t have that book in my cat book collection yet! Fortunately…so far…(knock wood)…no out-of-the-box issues for Angel and Chuck…(shh, be very quiet…)

    1. I got it for my b’day last year and loved it so I figured when I saw it at the book sale, it would be a good giveaway. I won’t give Chuck and Angel any ideas.

  7. I’ve seent his book and heard great things about it, but I don’t own a copy. I would love to win it!

    Phoebe, you are so cute. We are sure your grammie knows how much you lover her πŸ™‚

    1. Good luck and be sure to comment again tomorrow for another chance in the giveaway. Phoebe says thank you.

  8. Phoebe that was sweet of you to tell your Grammie how much you love her!
    We haven’t read that book either.
    We sure do hope you have a great weekend.

    1. Phoebe says thank you πŸ™‚ Make sure you comment again tomorrow for another chance to get the book. Have a great weekend.

  9. Wow, Lucy, that is the most glorious tail you have. Mom says no need to enter us in the giveaway as we already have that book. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  10. Sounds like a fun book. I could read it to Teddy and he would see some humor, but I would not read it to Jack. He would use as inspiration of where pee outside the box.

  11. I couldn’t disagree more with your #1 – I am the complete opposite. I love summer and it always goes by too fast for me!

  12. Mew mew mew that book sure has a funny title!!!
    Sorry wee missed thee contest Purrincess Phoebe an Lady Ellen.
    Luv yur foto mee sweet buttercup *sighss*
    Lucy thee litterbox iss where yur supposed to pee…yur a funny gurl…
    ***paw kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry
    Thee Purrince of Potty…..
    (LadyMum DO NOT press thee ‘commint’ button…seereusslee….mee mmeanss it…)

    *Pickerell*….. πŸ™

    1. Lucy used a litterbox for 14 years so I guess she got bored with it because for the last 2 she hasn’t. I don’t mind, I love my Lucy. Sorry you missed the giveaway πŸ™ The purrince of Potty? MOL!!!! Don’t worry, I won’t tell Phoebe. XO

      1. Lady Ellen yur a Saint!! Most people do not want to deel with a kitty who doess not use their litter!
        Mee iss Thee Purrince of Potty! Mee LUVSS to ‘diggie diggie’ an fling mee litter all over an thendo me busyness an then ‘diggie diggie’ sum more anmake a small mountain!! LadyMum sayss mee iss berry cute!
        Mew mew mew LadyMum iss a ‘peepin Tom’ watchin mee!!! πŸ˜‰
        ***paw kissesss*** an all mee <3 LUV <3 to mee Purrincess Phoebe
        Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. Thank you, I love my Lucy and I know someday I will miss her so I don’t mind dealing with her issues. She is 16, we have been through a lot together and she is definitely my kitty. I adopted her when a friend had a baby and didn’t want her anymore. I bet you are cute digging in the potty and it is good you like to cover- Stinky will scratch and scratch , but never manages to cover the mess- hence the name Stinky.
          Love and kisses.

          1. Yur BERRY kind to have taken Lucy!!! Mee betss shee luvss you lotss even if shee missess her litter box.
            An mew mew mew so that iss how Stinky got thee name???
            Mee allwayss covers…maybe a bit too much πŸ˜‰
            ***nose kissess***
            Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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