A Challenging Saturday

Hi everyone! Thank you to all who participated in the fill-ins this week. I am planning to do every challenge, some will be much harder for me than others. I am introverted so meeting someone new with a similar interest and even smiling at someone are going to be toughies. I look forward to napping and going to the library though.

Messymimi’s challenge was to find 3 things to be thankful for each day this week.

I am thankful for having a nice and talented friend that gave me these 2 sculptures. If you like them, you can purchase a customized one on Etsy.

This one looks like my blog header This one looks like Emmy


I am thankful that we had friends over to watch a movie last night. And I am thankful for all my kitties.

The sculptures are art, so we are joining Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop. We are also joining The 200th Pet Parade!


  1. I’m totally thankful I’m a kitty who gets to travel. I’m enjoying Phoenix (especially the fact that we can stay inside, away from the heat!

  2. What cute kitty sculptures – what is your friend’s shop name at Etsy? So happy you all had a movie night – I know you LOVE movies………Happy Saturday!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy

    1. The shop is JamieSwimm Designs, you can click on the word Etsy in my post to go to the shop 🙂
      We watched The Accountant, it was our second time seeing it, it is so good. XO

  3. Those sculptures are really nice. What fun to have a movie night. Hope all of you have a super day.

    1. Thank you. I love movie nights 🙂 I hope you had a great day too.

  4. Cultivating thankfulness helps so much in so many areas of life, i’m glad you are willing to do it!

  5. I did the Fill-ins at Pam’s this week… I keep flipping around! The Fill-ins made me really think this week, I enjoyed them. I think sometimes the Fill-ins are great therapy… 🙂 I am thankful for the Fill-ins and the people I have met through doing them. Those cat sculptures are very cute!

    1. I will have to go check out your answers. I am glad you enjoy them as much as I do. Also glad you like the sculptures. 🙂

  6. I love those sculptures! What a great talent your friend has! I will be getting to the fill-ins today and tomorrow. Drs appts and med changes have thrown a wrench into things. HUGS.

    1. Thank you. Yes, if you click on the word Etsy in the post it will take you to the shop 🙂

  7. What cute sculptures. Good luck with doing all the challenges. I like doing these fill ins. Can’t wait to the next ones. They do make you think.??

    1. Thank you. I am glad you enjoy the fill-ins. I love reading everyone’s answers.

  8. I agree with everyone on the sculptures. I write in a journal every morning and start each entry with five blessings. Some are huge, others mundane, but it helps set a positive attitude even if I’m not feeling it. Glad you enjoyed movie night!

    1. That is wonderful, I should try to do that too. We watched Ben Affleck’s The Accountant. It was my second time seeing it, it is so good.

  9. I’m always sorry when I have to miss the fill-ins. Being thankful is always a good thing. It really can change the mindset. The cat sculptures are so cute!

    1. I understand, I know you get busy. Glad you like the sculptures. 🙂

  10. How inspiring, that you’ll be doing all of the challenges from the fill-ins! And these sculptures are too cute! I have always loved art in forms like this, and I will certainly be visiting your friend’s shop. Purrs!

    1. I hope I can do all the challenges 🙂 I am glad you like the sculptures.

  11. Being thankful is so easy to do, yet so many are so busy they ever stop long enough to look at how blessed they are.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  12. Mee-you Lady Ellen mee iss fankfull fur Purrincess Phoebe an you an all mee bloggin furendss an LadyMum an Mumma Mary-Ellen an fur mee Life.
    All mee LUV an ***paw kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

    1. Those are wonderful things to be thankful for. I am thankful for you, Grammie, my folks and all my blogging buddies too. XO and all my love

  13. Sometimes petcretary tries to get a resident out of a ‘pity me’ funk by asking them to think and tell about some of the good things and blessings they can dwell upon instead. It works sometimes too, thankfully!

    Those are the sweetest little kitty sculptures! OMC!!

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