KaTwo Update

Hi everyone. KaTwo had her appointment with the surgeon. I was hoping he would say lipomas ( fatty tumors), but he is pretty sure she is in the 90% with aggressive malignancies. Her x-ray did not show that it had spread, but one lymph node is effected. The lymph node is nowhere near the tumors though, it is near her heart. The surgeon told me it could be from another cancer or something else.

The two tumors feel like they have grains of couscous in them ( that is how he described them). He said pushed together they would equal the size of a grape. Her heart is also enlarged which poses a question of how she would do with surgery. This could be from her hyperthyroid which is still high. I am going to start giving liquid meds for that instead of transdermal because apparently they don’t always work and she is impossible to pill.

I need to decide whether to have her get the surgery which would remove the entire “chain” of four on her left side. He couldn’t tell me of any great outcomes because he does about two a year and most follow up with a regular vet. From what I have read, she could have six months or a year after this surgery because it always returns. It all depends on if there is something hidden in there that has spread and how aggressive it is. I am trying to debate about quantity over quality.

My mom went with me and she thinks I should let her be. My mom is always right ; her instinct is better than mine. So I am leaning that way, but then I will always wonder what if I had done the surgery? I am also an optimist and still have hope in the 10% that these are benign.

I welcome any suggestions/input. I know some of you weighed in last week and I appreciate that. Please keep KaTwo in your prayers. Thank you.


  1. That is such a tough decision. I wish I had some good direction for you, but I know both you and your mother are thinking of KaTwo’s wellbeing. Maybe ask KaTwo how she’d rather deal with it? When you are open enough to really listen, sometimes we kitties will let you know what we would want done. Purrs to KaTwo, however it goes.

    1. I will try to listen to KaTwo, but my brain is always bouncing from one thought to another that I don’t know if I can channel her thought like some have the gift to do. XO

  2. Oh awnty Ellen, you know deep in your heart this is a decision only you and KaTwo can make. We certainly don’t envy you the choices you’re faced with. Mommy says she’s here ifin you need her or need to talk or scream or cry. All we have to offur is our luv and suppurrt. We’re sendin’ big hugs and lots of purrayers.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  3. The thing is … YOU have to live with the decision. That’s why listening to others’ advice can be dangerous. A few days after I published my first post, I felt a lump in Bear’s lower back. The vet said regardless, the tumor had to come out but he thought it was probably harmless. When he got in there and looked at the tumor, he didn’t like what he saw so he increased the margins and removed three times the amount of tissue he planned. He finally conceded that it might be a sarcoma. Bear was 10 at the time and all my father could tell me is that he hoped I didn’t waste my money on Bear’s treatment because we’d had a good 10 years together. SCREW THAT. Three days later – after making just about every bargain with God I could think of, we got the histopathology report and it showed the tumor was a lipoma. If it is a sarcoma, the percent that it might grow back is 30-70% given the most recent information I saw. At the time this all happened, our vet said it’s not the death sentence it used to be. My point is that miracles do happen – and the answer about what to do is in your heart and only can be known by you. This is a bad situation for everyone – but that doesn’t mean good can’t come from it. And you have the love and support of so many here.

    1. I agree I have to live with the choice I make, but I fear either one will lead to my regrets. This type of cancer always returns. I am glad you went with your gut for Bear. Thank you for caring. XO

  4. Oh, miss Ellen, that is so sad to hear, but ask KaTwo what she wants, she knows best and in your heart you will know what to decide, not in your head! Will send Healing Pawkisses and Purrayers to you and KaTwo <3 <3 <3

  5. This is not great news and we’re sorry to hear this.
    It seems anything involving the lymph system never has a good outcome.
    If cancer is involved that makes decisions harder.
    Go with your gut feeling for your sweet kitty.

  6. Ellen I know in my heart that you and David will do what’s best for KaTwo……these are terribly difficult decisions to make. I know whatever you decide, it will be with love. It sounds like she has a lot of difficulty ahead no matter what you do about the tumors – she has other medical issues too which factor in. I’m with you about quality vs. quantity – it’s all about HER and her comfort. I’ll be praying for strength for you and KaTwo though because I know it’s a very very hard decision to make.

    Love, Pam

  7. We are so sorry to hear of this! And of course, no one can really know for 100% what the best choice is but we are going to give our heartfelt opinion – we agree with your mom. Our mom spent some early years working for vets, so she got to see behind the scenes… and swore she would never put her own cats through too much. Regardless of your decision, we all stand with you during this difficult time. Pawhugs.

    1. Thank you. I appreciate your mom’s opinion. I am sure she saw a lot of cats suffer just because the owner wanted more time. XO

  8. I am so sorry you and KaTwo are having to go through this, Ellen. This type of decision is never an easy one, but KaTwo is blessed that she has such an attentive mom watching over her. You know your KaTwo better than anyone, and it’s already obvious that whichever decision you make will be one made with your love for her in your heart and mind.

    I remember when one of my childhood dogs was sick with cancer and we were faced with a very similar decision. We tried to think of all the factors – how much time might she have left without surgery? how much time could she have left with surgery? how easy and long would recovery from surgery be? would surgery recovery time cut into the time we had left with her? There are so many things to consider in a difficult situation such as this one, as I have no doubt you already know. It is never easy to make a decision in a situation like this, knowing there are always other options with other potential outcomes. Whichever decision you make, though, KaTwo is so, so blessed to have you, because you always have your kitties’ best interests in your mind and heart.

    The furbabies and myself are sending all of our purrs, woofs, and prayers to you and KaTwo. We will most certainly be thinking of you.

  9. Oh I’m so sorry. That is an impossible decision but whatever you decide, know in your heart that it is what’s best for KaToo. Prayers and love for you all.

  10. We will be purring for KaTwo and sending POTP. We don’t have any advice, it’s always so hard to know what to do and each case is different.When Socks had a tumor on his jaw, we didn’t have surgery. He was already a very old cat and he had been through a lot we just couldn’t put him through anymore. But a friend who had a much younger kitty got surgery for her kitty and she is doing well. You just never know and the health and the age of the kitty plays a part. Such a hard decision to make. We will purr that you have the wisdom to make the best choice for KaTwo.

  11. Ellen, I am so sorry… truly sorry. I wanted to hear that she was in the 10%. I know that you will decide what is best for KaTwo. Your heart will guide you in addition to all the knowledge you have being a Mom to lucky cats that have found a wonderful home with you and your husband where they have been loved and respected all their lives that have been spent with you. You have my prayers and love as you make this most difficult decision.

  12. I am so sorry to hear that KaTwo report and we send you love and hugs. Yes, it is a tough decision. Just follow your heart and KaTwo will plant the answer there for you. We’re here for you too.

  13. Oh, Ellen, I’m so sorry to hear this 🙁 I can imagine how difficult it is for you to make this decision. I don’t have any earth shattering words of wisdom, only a suggestion to find some quiet time for contemplation and search within you. The answer is in your heart. I know whatever you decide will come from love and what’s best for your fur baby. Sending you lots of hugs xo

  14. That is such a hard decision. Just have to think about what would make KaTwo the happiest. The surgery might be really hard on her. Is she in a lot of pain right now??? Anyway, good luck to both of you.

  15. It’s very hard to know what to do. In every case of cancer in our cats, we found it when it was already advanced enough that i could not see putting them through the pain of surgery or chemo just to keep them around a few more months, months that would include a lot of pain from treatment.

    In no way am i telling you that you need to follow my path. If you choose surgery, i will be glad for it to give you more time with KaTwo. Also, you may have found this early enough that surgery could be the cure, removing all of it and giving KaTwo many more years with you.

    Know that whatever you choose, you have my support.

    1. Thank you. I don’t want her to have more time unless it is good quality and recovery from a big surgery would not be good. XO

  16. I’m so sorry that you didn’t get better news. As sad as this is, I agree with your mom. It seems KaTwo has several things happening, which would makes surgery that more difficult. Spoil her rotten and enjoy every day you have with her. Again, I’m so sorry.

  17. We are so sorry to hear about KaTwo. Wish we knew all the answers. It’s hard to know what to do because you only want what’s best for your furbaby. If only they could talk. Purring and praying that you will find the answer. Wishing KaTwo many more years with you. Miracles do happen you know.
    Best of luck to you and your baby,
    Angel Normie, Angel Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  18. We know you will do what is best for KaTwo. Mom had to make that decision for Minchie and chose quality over not wanting to put him through surgery. Keeping you in our purrs and prayers. HUGS

    1. Thank you. It is always tough with beloved pets, but we don’t want them to suffer, yet we hate to let them go. XO

  19. A very difficult decision, indeed. These would be my thoughts for my cat, which she is 17 years old. I put her feelings before mine and I feel she would be traumatized and not make it through surgery. As long as she is comfortable and not in pain, I would just let her be.

    She had a cyst on her back, which was slowly growing. We sprayed half water to half apple cider vinegar on the cyst. It drained and hasn’t come back after several months.

    I can’t offer advice on what should be done but I am sending hugs and blessings and hope all will turn out for the best.

  20. Ellen…I’m in 100% agreement with your mom and I do understand your thoughts too. Early on our decision for Madi was to treat her symptoms and make sure she was always comfortable…and assure she had QUALITY life but nothing invasive. We wanted as much time with her as possible. We did quite well with the kidney and kept the levels in check. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think her precious kitty heart would be would gave out.
    Love and hugs and purrs

    1. Thank you. I appreciate your care and concern and all the information you gave me about Luna. XO

  21. Prayers for Katwo. It’s a hard decision to make. I know you’ll do the right thing.

    Have a purrfect day all you kitties and especially KaTwo. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥

  22. Oh dear Ellen! It’s always so hard to make a decision like this. I have never regretted not putting my Coolidge down, even though he was 17 and diabetic for 9 years. He went into throes and grabbed the rail of the rainbow bridge while I held him in my arms. It was awful, but I knew I had to be the last person to hold him alive. In the providence of God, we got Effie that evening. That is why I explain to people that she rescued me.

    1. I have had to make decisions to euthanize before and they were tough too. Nothing is easy when a beloved pet is concerned. Thank you for caring. XO

  23. That is going to be a tough call. We are sorry the news wasn’t better. We will send lots of POTP. Our only suggestion is to do what is going to be best for KaTwo in the long run and to do what makes sense to you. We do not envy you that decision.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  24. My heart breaks reading this post.. I’m sorry you have to be faced with such difficult situation. I’m sure you will make the best decision for Ka Two and it will always be the best decision. Sending hugs and love xo

  25. We are SO sorry to hear this. These decisions can be so agonizing. We don’t know how old Ka Two is, for us that would make a difference. If she’s older, then we wouldn’t want to put her through surgery. It does sound like it could be risky with her other conditions too.
    If it’s not a good prognosis, then we probably wouldn’t do it. In our experience, sometimes with cancer, once you mess with it, it just makes it come back with a vengeance.
    But you do what your heart tells you to, this is all just my opinion. Everyone feels differently about these things. We send love and hugs to you and Ka Two, and we will hope for the best.

    1. I am not sure of her exact age, but she is thought to be 10 now. This is a tough decision, damned if I do and damned if I don’t. XO

  26. We wish the news for Ka-Two was better. But as far as what to do now, others have shared our thoughts already. Much depends on Ka-Two and how you think she would handle all of this. Sending you many purrs and hugs because we know the difficult place you are in.

  27. E;

    I agree with your mom; I would say NO…..too many times I’ve heard
    that once open; it spreads. The trouble is, regardless of what decision
    you rest with, the other “devil on the shoulder” will be saying…what if..
    maybe….how come…..if I’d only….

    Quality of days always overrides quantity of days….always. I learned
    that lesson the hard way with Sauce…….never again….

    I am sorry and ask St Francis to stay by Ka Two’s side… ~~~ ♥♥♥

  28. We are so sorry the doctors didn’t have better news.We will continue sending purrayers and POTP and feel that a miracle is possible. You and Ka-Two will be able to make any decisions with peace.

  29. I’m so, so sorry. I honestly don’t know what I would do. My first instinct would probably be to try and treat it, but that’s easy to say when it’s not you going through it. You will do the right thing for her…just follow your heart and love her for as long as you have.

  30. We are still keeping KaTwo in our thoughts, Ellen. We know you will choose what is best for her and what will cause her the least amount of suffering.

    Love and hugs.

    Sophie and the critters in the cottage xo

  31. Oh my gosh. I am so sorry you need to go through this. I’m sure you will make the best decision you can for KaTwo. You’re a great kitty mom.

  32. Honestly, it’s hard for me to understand why the surgeon doesn’t have any knowledge or research on success only because people follow up with their regular vet instead of him. I would just think he’d make a point to know so he can help his patients’ humans understand better what to expect.
    It’s scary that her heart is enlarged and one of the tumors is near her heart. I think whatever you decide will be the right decision. You love KaTwo a lot and you’re going to decide with your love for her as your main driver. Oh, how wonderful it would be if they were benign! I’m sorry you have to go through this. This is a very hard decision to make.

    1. Thank you. The surgeon did print out some statistics from online for me, but he said there is not a lot of research on it. It is a tough choice and I think I will have regrets either way. XO

  33. I am so sorry to read this. Sending purrs and prayers for you and Katwo. Ultimately it is your decision and I agree with many others that said to listen to your heart and Katwo. Katwo WILL let you know. I remember when I found out that Bobo had an enlarged heart …the Vet said he could have days, weeks, months or years….(he lived two more years)……….my first instinct is that I agree with your Mom but I am not the one going through this. You have to do what you feel in YOUR heart is right to do. Sending (((hugs)))

  34. I’m really sorry about the bad news.
    I sure that you will take the right decision and … you will always question yourself about it.
    I’m still wondering if I took the right decision, one year ago with Loustiquette.
    Douce soirée

  35. I’m so sorry to hear about KaTwo. I’ve had some experience with cancer in cats. My Tommy had lymphoma and we went ahead and got chemotherapy for him. It only worked very briefly, and then it was kinder to let him go because he wasn’t enjoying himself here any more.

    If I were you I would leave KaTwo be, as your mother says, until it becomes obvious that he’s in pain or just not able to lead a life of acceptable quality.

    The surgery won’t ultimately cure him, but I understand wanting to keep him around as long as possible. However, as I said with Tommy, it turned out to be a mistake. The recovery from surgery would also affect KaTwo’s quality of life, and if he’s very ill he may even have a harder time healing. Surgery is an assault on their body and it’s hard enough when a cat has a good immune system.

    You know my three previous cats (Dante, Dylan and Domino) who all passed away within a two-year period. In each case it was better for them to help them cross over as there was no quality of life left. It’s difficult but also very peaceful in the end. And you know you’ve done your best for them when they needed it.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I remember Dylan, Domino and Dante , but not Tommy. I am sorry the chemo did not help. i am leaning to no surgery because I would prefer she be pain free and happy for as long as possible. XO

  36. I’m so sorry to hear about KaTwo’s difficulties. It will be difficult, but I know you love KaTwo and will make the decision that is right for her and gives her the best quality of life. Purrs for all of you.

  37. So sorry to hear that you and KaTwo are in this sad situation. As you already know, only you can decide what to do for your precious baby. I just thought I’d let you know about my situation, with one of my precious babies.

    Back in March 2017, a small lump was found in one of Cookie’s arm pit areas. After much deliberation, we decided to have that lump removed and tested. During surgery our vet didn’t like the look of it, so took away as much of the surrounding tissue as he could too.

    Sadly we were in for bad news when we got the results, it was a nasty mammary cancer (I can’t remember it’s actual name). On top of that, during post surgery examination our vet could feel some tiny, grainy lumps developing in the other side of Cookie’s mammary area.

    We had to decide whether to remove these, remove the chain, remove both chains, look into chemotherapy etc. It was awful!! In the end, we made the decision that we couldn’t put her through any more surgeries – the lumpectomy was a bigger surgery than we’d expected, and she was in obvious stress/discomfort for a while after this. We’d have to travel a number of hours for a chemotherapy specialist, which would stress her out. So we decided to just leave her alone, and give her palliative care when needed, and let her tell us when it’s time to say goodbye ?

    Thankfully, she’s still doing well at the moment. Her tumours continue to grow, but not as rapidly as I feared they would. More have appeared at the surgery site too unfortunately. They don’t bother her though.

    For us, and for Cookie, this was the right decision. That doesn’t mean others should or shouldn’t make the same decision. It all depends on what is felt to be the best option for the kitty in question.

    1. Thank you for sharing your experience. You have given me hope that KaTwo will have more time than I thought. I will add Cookie to my prayer list, I hope she has a lot more time too. XO

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