1. Thank you. I like Lunapic because it is easy and loads fast. I hope you have a blessed weekend too. XO

    1. Thank you. He was hunting the butterfly toy. We hope you had a nice Saturday too. XO

  1. love the arts looks so pretty and the butterfly looks real! Thats the Mom’s favfurit effect at Lunapic too. we am all looking furward to lurning about dat mew toy! Brodie looks so happy playing with dat too…

    Plz stop by and gives Katie Kat and her mew kittens lots of purrz and stuffs.

    Purrz frum the Katie Katz

  2. That is very nice, Brody. We love lunapic and did something similar to yours.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. Bodie! Buddy! Your art today is really fabulishious! I just love how cool and floaty you look! Like clouds on a lake….

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