Poem Day!

Hi everyone! Grammie was here yesterday and look what she brought for me us. I love her so very, very much. Mom put them away though until we finish our other treats-phooey!

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Some of you thought it was me in that photo yesterday. I would never pee on Mom ( even though she may deserve it). It was Sammy, he sleeps on Mom’s head so he is very particular about how it smells. And some of you were wondering why Mom’s hair smelled like a dog- excellent question! When she watches “the great one”, she rocks her to sleep in the rocking chair. There was a pillow on the chair that she put behind her head, but she forgot the dog is always sitting there. She washes her hair every other day so it smelled of dog when she went to bed and Sammy didn’t like that. Long story, I bet you are sorry you asked.

Now for our friend Sammy’s poetry day, featuring the letter F. I have written a Haiku.

DSCF1905 (2)poetrysambadge

A water fountain

was sent anonymously

we are most grateful

Yup, someone sent us a stainless water fountain because they say Mom’s comment on another blog about wanting one because she is afraid to break a glass or a ceramic one. My birthday month keeps getting better and better.

We have a new friend over at P.S. Annie so we are joining her Throwback Thursday Blog Hop. Mom didn’t have time to scan an old photo so she went into her Walgreen’s photos and found this cute one of our Angel Stinky from May of 2010. We miss her:

stinky1Throwback Thursday

Mom also forced me asked me to give you tomorrow’s Friendly Fill-Ins, she came up with the first 2 and her co-host Annie of McGuffy’s Reader came up with the second 2.

Friendly Fill-Ins Week 11

1. I wish I could afford to hire someone to _________________________.

2. Zucchini ____________________________________________.
3. One Summertime memory I recall is                                          .
4. This Summer,                                          






  1. Sammy’s got that cute brown swipe across his nose. Sorry, Phoebe. I mean you are the most GORGEOUS cat and any less and I know the picture is of Sammy 🙂 Grammie spoils you, as she should, right?

  2. Thank you for the shout out, Ellen and crew. 🙂 I’m glad to have you join us at Throwback Thursday.

    What a sweet kitty. We’ll get to be with all of our kitty friends again some day.

    Thank you also for posting the Friendly Fill-In statements. We love to play along. Have a great night!

    1. You’re welcome. I know we will be with our kitty friends again someday, that thought is the only thing that makes it bearable.

  3. I figured it was Sammy, but wasn’t sure why the dog smell was there. Poor Sammy…and Mom.

    I need to join you guys for Throwback Thursday. I keep meaning to do these and get sidelined. Thanks for the incentive.

    Hugs! ❤

  4. OMC Dat’s what da note said. Poor mommy, and poor Sammy. You know sometimes a cats gotta do what a cats gotta do. Dat’s a great haiku. Don’t know ifin we spelled dat right or not. We don’t get those. Me’s beginnin to think we might live unner a rock. MOL Anyways, glad ya’ll got and like your fountain. Fountains be da only way to drink. Course, Raena wouldn’t agree, but she hasn’t yet had a furesh lap, just wait. MOL

    Luv ya

    Dezi and Raena

  5. Great water fountain!!! Hmmmm, sleeping on mom’s head – I wish she would let me do that!!! And Phoebe, I’ll be over later to help you indulge in some treats!!!

    1. Thank you. Please come visit, Penny would be so happy and so would the rest of us. Your Mom should let you sleep on her head, Mom can’t sleep without Sammy on hers.

  6. That is a huge tub of treats! That was very thoughtful of A Nonny Mouse to send you that fountain.
    I knew it wasn’t you who peed in your mum’s hair, Phoebe. You are much too ladylike to do such a thing.

  7. Oh I knew Sammy was the guilty party with the pee/hair incident – don’t worry Phoebe – we know you’d NEVER do that! (right?) Love that old photo of Stinky – – – takes up the whole chair! Also, that haiku is GREAT….and what a wonderful present you got – a new fountain. YAY! Thanks for pawticipating in my poem day…..

    Love, Sammy (who does NOT pee in his Mom’s hair!)

    1. Thank you Sammy 🙂 Yes, Stinky used to be plump, my folks called her an engorged tick. Poor Stinky. Glad you liked the haiku. XO

  8. Uh-oh, Phoebe, I think I was one of the ones who thought that picture yesterday was you. Shame on me for the false accusation! I thought it odd that you would pee on your mom.

    I love your poem! And how pawesome that you have a stainless steel fountain now. Purrfect! We’ll see you tomorrow for the Fill-Ins!

    1. Yes, shame on you- I would never do that. 🙂 Thank you , I am glad you like my poem.

  9. I didn’t know it was Sammy either. Oops. I can see why it happened now. Sometimes cats don’t care much for dogs.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your wonderful mom. ☺

    1. Especially my niece’s dog, she has been here and they don’t like her. Hope you had a nice day.

  10. Glad you all got to see Grammie and glad she brought treats. And you got a water fountain too. You all are living the good life.

  11. whitefish waves everee one !!!! we wanted ta fill in R answerz two day coz
    two morrow we iz off de inter webz…eye …me…boomer…will answer thiz week 🙂

    1} give me fresh reel for sure butter ina tub day lee
    2} we due knot talk bout veggeez round heer
    3} itz waz two dam hot
    4} itz two dam hot


    heerz two a crocodile icefish kinda week oh end two all ♥♥♥

  12. Mee-you yur Stinky gurl was so purrty….no wunder you miss her so-o much.
    An Phoebe gurl you will have treetss fur thee rest of thee Summer at this rate, mew mew mew… 😉
    Hmmm a Poe-em fur thee letter “F”… I have it!! An a Haiku even!!!
    I wish, I wish, I
    wish I had a tasty fish
    inn my emptee dish!!!

    Hope you like mee poe-em deerest gurl……
    ~~head rubsss~~ an **paw kissesss** Yur poe-etick Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. I love your haiku! You are such a clever boy. And I love you too. XOXOXOXOXOXOX head rubs and paw kisses too.

      1. Fank you mee sweet gurl…did you see mee other “Fish” poe-em at Unccle Sammy’ss bloggie????
        Mew mew mew…..
        ***paw kissesss*** yur Poe-etick Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. No, I missed that, I will go check it out my most clever boy. XO and paw kisses.

          1. I did enjoy your other fish poem too. You are most clever XO I love you too my sweet.

  13. I love my water fountain. I know you all will love yours.
    Ohhh we love the fill in questions, we’ll be joining you tomorrow
    Hugs madi your bfff

    1. We love the fountain. We are so happy you are going to join us for the fill-ins- yay!

  14. You are so funny, Phoebe! 🙂 You sure do have a wonderful Grammie. I think she must love you! <3 And what an awesome gift the fountain was! I love the way you expressed your thanks in a Haiku.

  15. That is so nice that someone was thinking of you and sent you the water fountain. We know you will enjoy it! And your Grammie came with goodies. A good day all around 🙂

    the critters in the cottage xo
    P.S. We knew It was Sammy….Phoebe is far too much of a lady to leak such shenanigans! ;p

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