Selfie Sunday

Happy Sunday everyone! I am not very happy though- I am the STAR attraction and you know whose photo is on page 15 of the September/October edition of Catster? Lucy!!! Phooey!

015Mom forgot she sent that photo in. When the magazine came she looked at the black cat photos to see if any of her cats were in there- they were not so she set it aside. Then someone on Facebook told her Lucy was in it.

Mom and Grammie did not break any legs last Friday. I am happy about that, I love my Grammie so very much. Mom wasn’t happy, she really wanted to break a leg ( she is a little crazy, but I love her).

My tabby siblings participated in TCCEMBARRASSINGBADGE

Check out their most embarrassing photos here:

Mom forgot to water my cat grass too! Double phooey!017

Grammie was here last night and was in a hurry- too much of a hurry to give me a snack- I am having a bad week. I still love her very much, but I sure could have used a snack- triple phooey!
At least my sweet purrince makes me feel better. See you Thursday!




    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ I post right before I go to bed because I haven’t figured out how to set it to automatically post at midnight.

  1. Phoebe, it’s always nice to know we are loved when we’re having a bad week. You are lucky to have your purrince. Thanks so much for being part of our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop tomorrow. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
    p.s. Why is it snowing in July?

  2. Lucy!!
    Concats to YOU!

    Phoebe your day will come, but for now you have your purr once to woo you and we know he tries to make your hearts desires come true.

  3. Congrats to Lucy! Phoebe, we all have bad days/weeks but you are truly loved by so many and knowing and remembering that will make everything good again πŸ™‚

    the critters in the cottage xo

  4. Phoebe, that is one terrific selfie. Good work. And good for Lucy to get in Catster. You all have a great day.

  5. Dat’s weally cool fur Lucy. Sowry ’bout yous gwass and yous mommys still in tact legs, better luck next time. Have a blest day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  6. Here mee iss sweet buttercup Purrincess gurl…oh Phoebe mee iss sorry you had a ruff week there!!! Mee wanted YOU to bee inn katster….yur thee pin-up of mee heart ALLWAYSS!!!
    An PICKERELL on thee kat grass… must bee quite sad πŸ™
    Mee has mee kat grass growin inn thee garden close to patio an when mee eatss it mee finkss of YOU! Maybee yur Mumma has a lot on her plate…Hu’manss do that a lot! Tat iss whythey need uss to show them rite purr-oritiess! πŸ˜‰
    An Grammie Joan furgettin to give you treetss! It must have been thee *heet*!
    Mee makes sure to jump on thee counter an go to mee ‘treet spot’ rite under thee food an treet cupberd! That way shee NEVURR furgetss!
    Mee hopes this week will bee bettur an calmer fur all……
    Conkatss to Lucy also.
    ***paw kissesss*** an ~~~head rubss~~~ an **nose kissesss**
    Yur ‘zoomie’ Purrince, Siddhatha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. I begged Grammie and she just said I was pretty and kept going-phooey! And Mom remembers all the other plants πŸ™ Good thing I have you to make me happy my sweet purrince. XO Love, Phoebes

      1. Phooey an PICKERELL mee sweet buttercup Purrincess!!! If mee were there mee wood feed you sum treetss on deemand….alltho’ mee knowss you not ‘deemandin’!!! Mew mew mew….
        Mee kat grass iss doin good. LadyMum waters it efurry day an watches it like a hawk….
        Mind you shee not have 15 katss to take care of alltho’ shee says sumtimess mee iss SO-O buzy it ‘feelss’ like 15….
        Mee adoress you Purrincess Phoebe…
        Mite bee time fur a new poe-em? Purrhapss…
        All mee <3 LUV <3 allwayss an so many kissess….Purrincelee kisses of course!
        Yur *kissy face* Purrince, Siddhartha Henry

        1. I would LOVE a poem! You are the best poet ever. Just knowing you are going to write m another poem has cheered me right up. Goodnight my sweet purrince. Love and kisses XO

          1. Mee will werk on a new poe-em fur mee sweet buttercup Purrincess Phoebe!
            Yur thee heart of mee eye….(ee not eat appullss)…
            **paw kissesss**
            Siddhartha Henry

          2. Thank you my sweet purrince, you are the best poet ever!!! Paw kisses and nose kisses and head rubs for you. XOLove, Phoebes

  7. Phoebe, we’re sorry you had a bad week. We hope the coming week is better. That’s pretty cool about Lucy being in Catster. The mom gets that magazine and will definitely check it out.

    1. I will keep trying until my photo is in there too! Lucy does look cute πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ Phoebe’s week is already better, her purrince wrote her another poem.

  8. Mee iss so happy you like yur new poe-em mee sweet buttercup gurl <3
    You meenss thee werld to mee!
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ an **paw kissesss**
    Yur poe-etick Purrince,
    Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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