R is for Rachael Ray

Happy Tuesday everyone! Today is R day on the a-z blogging challenge. I chose Rachael Ray for my R so I could tell you about a giveaway she is having. She is giving one lucky winner $1,000- just think of all the cat food, treats, toys and litter that could buy. Or it could be put away for medical expenses or donated to a shelter- so many great uses.

All you need to do is take a photo of your pet and post it on Instagram @womansdaymag with the tag #nutrishgoodpetcontest

I am off to join Instagram. Have a nice day and don’t forget to comment for a chance to win the catnip mat and crocheted catnip chicken legs:016Phoebe will announce a winner on Thursday.


    1. Sorry πŸ™ As long as she lets you visit us and other blogs, I guess she can simplify.

  1. A wonderful prize for someone! I haven’t yet sampled the delights of Instagram but I’m going to look into it when I get time. Good luck to everyone who enters.

    1. Maybe you will want to join once you get those new kitties home and start taking lots of photos. πŸ™‚

  2. Mee has seen Rachael Ray on Tee Vee an shee seemss like a nice Hu’man Lady. Shee must bee to give away so many green paypurr$ fur kat care!!!
    Wee do not do Insteegram….
    Purrincess Phoebe you should go on there an put thiss foto up an win!!!
    Thee werld wood vote fur you fur sure πŸ˜‰
    <3 LUV <3 an *nose kissess**
    Yur Purrince Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

    1. You are so sweet my sweet purrince. Mom already took a photo of Lucy with MY sombrero that she bought ME for Cinqo de Mayo- Phooooey! I am just happy to know you would vote for me. I would vote for you. Love, Phoebes XO

      1. Mee wood vote fur you a kabillion timess mee sweet an beeuteefull Purrincess Phoeobe <3
        No one iss a beeuteefull as you….
        ***paw kissess*** an ~~head rubss~~
        Yur Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxx

  3. That is a generous offer from RR! We hope you win and you can then catify your home with all those green papers πŸ™‚

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. Thank you, I will be happy if any of us cat lovers win because I know they will use it on their kitties or to help other kitties ( we would donate some of it too).

  4. That sounds like a really pawsome giveaway! I love the photo you chose πŸ™‚ Good luck ! Photo contests are a lot of fun.

  5. Those are great giveaways! We don’t do Instagram, but good luck to you and all the other kitties who are entering. Thanks for stopping by our bloggie! πŸ™‚

  6. OMC We kuld go to BlogPaws!!! And buy Lexi’s meds. Fanks fur shawin’, weez totally furgot and had to wun and enter.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. Good luck- I hope you win, that would be great to have enough money for Lexi’s meds and Blogpaws.

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