Friendly Fill-Ins Week 302


Hi everyone! Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. I love that ____________________.
2. To celebrate pi day on Monday, I will have a slice of _________ pie.
3. I’d like to be able to _________ every day.
4. If I ended up in jail, it would probably be because _________.
My answers:
1. I love that The Great One and Typhoid Mary call my dining room the craft room. I have always wanted a craft room and apparently, I had one all along.
2. To celebrate pi day on Monday, I will have a slice of banana cream pie if the store has one for sale.
3. I’d like to be able to rescue cats every day.
4. If I ended up in jail, it would probably be because I stole someone’s cat if I thought they were not giving it proper care.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.
Please ask around to help find Kiril’s cats a forever home together. Elvira is 11 and Friday is 6. I wish I could adopt them, but my hubby thinks we have enough cats. They are in Orange County in California, but I can find a way to get them anywhere in the US. It would be less stressful for them though if they didn’t have to travel.

My flashback this week is Angel Phoebe as Queen Esther for Purim in March 2015.

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  1. Great answers! I love the photo of Angel Phoebe and I hope those precious feline fur babies find a home. One that is extra good to them! Jail should be the place for the people who abuse animals and children. But that is even too good for them! My cat is a needy fellow but he is my pal and we hang out especially with the cold temps outside. He likes to cuddle and I would rather snuggle with him than get up and do my chores. 🙂

  2. Great answers! Banana cream is a good choice. I’d love to rescue cats more if I could, too. Angel Phoebe looks beautiful. Have a great weekend!

  3. My human wants pie on Monday, but she can’t decide. Maybe she should have chicken pot pie so I can have a taste.

  4. Great answers on the fill-inns, and we had a MOL on the last one. It’s so you! 😸 Granny’s kitchen was a craft room too. She did everything in there and only sat in the evenings in the living room…when she didn’t work on something else. You’re such a beautiful Purrincess, Queen Angel Phoebe💗Pawkisses for a Peaceful Weekend🐾😽💞

  5. Angel Phoebe was a beautiful Queen Esther. My brother’s bedroom was the craft room much to his annoyance.

  6. We like your fill-ins……We think it’s true that you have always had a craft room – you and your nieces make such FUN stuff when you’re together. Angel Phoebe absolutely looks very ROYAL!!

    Hugs, Teddy

  7. Love your fill-ins. I laughed at #4. I could see you doing that to save a kitty. I’m also glad you have a craft room.

    Angel Phoebe made a beautiful queen.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. xoxo ♥

  8. It’s wonderful when kids see the magic of things that we don’t realize. I think it’s very sweet they felt like you had a craft room all along. My fingers are still crossed for Elvira and Friday to find a home together very soon. Angel Phoebe is looking very pretty as Queen Esther. Banana cream pie!

    1. Forgot my Fill-Ins!
      1. I love that we have another strong cold front sliding down our way.
      2. To celebrate pi day on Monday, I will have a slice of peach pie. With cream.
      3. I’d like to be able to go without a mask everywhere every day.
      4. If I ended up in jail, it would probably be because _________. I have no clue on this one.

      1. Thank you for these great answers. Peach pie is something I have never had despite the fact that I love peaches. Have a nice weekend. XO

  9. I feel you for # 3 &4! Me too.

    Pie day! YUM! We used to have pie parties at the school where our sons went, it was a special Math and Science High school…yup, they had pie parties! Yours truly had to supply some for our boys…we even got to come to the party too. How things in education have changed in the past few years. I am glad our boys are out in the adult world and standing on their own feet, quite well. That’s a blessing:)

    1. I love that we can blog about our pets and share our joys and sorrows with eachother. Its a wonderful support system!.
    2. To celebrate pi day on Monday, I will have a slice of keto cheesecake-pie.
    3. I’d like to be able to enjoy a long walk in the outdoors every day.
    4. If I ended up in jail, it would probably be because I voiced my opinion(s) at the wrong time to the wrong peeps. Sometimes I open my mouth before my brain has time to filter out the stuff I shouldn’t say…impetuous me!

    1. That sounds like a fun school. Thank you for these great answers. I love that we can share our pets with one another and share our sorrows with those that understand. I always joke that there is a hole in my filter. 🙂 XO

  10. Your fill-ins are always perfect! Your answer to #1 made me laugh. Hearing about The Great One and Typhoid Mary always reminds me of when my sister and I were little. Oh, to be young and innocent again. And we have very similar answers for #4, which doesn’t surprise me one bit. That sort of visit to jail would be well worth it. And it’s always wonderful to see sweet Angel Phoebe. Purring and praying that Elvira and Friday find their forever home together very, very soon!

  11. Love answers 3 and 4. Years back TW stole two of the guy upstairs’ cats and got their neutered. He had refused to do so. Apparently it’s a guy thing. He wasn’t too happy when he found out but at least he didn’t have to pay for it. He eventually got the others fixed too.

  12. 1. I love that Lori is a shoulder cat.
    2. To celebrate pi day on Monday, I will have a slice of pizza pie.
    3. I’d like to be able to to fly.
    4. If I ended up in jail, it would probably be because of mistaken identity.

  13. <3 Queen Esther Phoebe <3 ……..shee turlee was a Queen Aunty Ellen.
    An you are a wunderful purrson to help with Mistur Kiril'ss kittiess two!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{hugss}} BellaSita Mum

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