World Cat Day

Happy Saturday everyone and even more important Happy World Cat Day! Thanks to Ann of Zoolatry for designing this great badge. It is also Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day πŸ™‚ If this happens to you and you need some recipes, I wrote an article several years ago that also had recipes:!-a0180278411

Now time to hop and first off is Feeling Beachie’s Fill-Ins

World Cat Day 8.8.2015

This week’s co-host is UMA KAYLA from BOOKLOVER IN FLORIDA. She came up with ALL THE statements.


Feeling Beachie

The statements:

  1. I admit that I am not _____
  2. I am _____ because _____.
  3. _______ is something I always dream about.
  4. I am a huge ___

My Answers:

  1. I admit that I am not GENEROUS WITH MY TIME
  3. MEETING NICOLAS CAGE is something I always dream about.

We are joining Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop with a photo of Sammy at The Grand Canyon with his special friend, Maggie. The Cats Scouts are spending the weekend there. I want to thank Dezi and Lexi’s Mom( ) for giving me on the phone tech support to learn some editing programs. I still have a lot of practice to do, but she helped me with Ipiccy to cut the cats photos out to be used in other photos like this:


003The Lazy Pit Bull’s 52 Snapshots’ theme is “Favorite” so Millie is showing us his favorite toy-Da Bird. It is almost everyone’s favorite toy around here, about 10 of the 15 cats go crazy for this and it gets everyone’s attention. 52 Snapshots of Life


Phoebe will see you tomorrow with a Selfie Sunday giveaway.


  1. We are celebrating World Cat Day and hoping nobody leaves zucchini on our doorstep – my human hates it with a passion!

  2. Happy World Cat Day to ALL of you! Your Caturday art photo makes me wish Amelia had actually visited the Grand Canyon wit the rest of us last year. i have a photo of the three dogs and cockatoo by that sign but Amelia wasn’t quite ready for such a long trip yet. Next time, though! I hope everyone in your wonderful family gets to play with a favorite toy and cuddle in a favorite place on this special cat day! Have fun!

    1. Thank you- with 15 cats it is World Cat Day every day around here. Hope you have a great bacon filled day Sammy XO

  3. It’s rather good for a beginning ! Just exercise, I love to do that !
    As it’s World Cat’s Day everyday in this house, I didn’t even notice !

    1. Thank you- I am sorry I always forget about that- I will try to remember for next week.

  4. I was unaware of the day, but I’m sure our Maine Coon mix, Gabriel, will remind us.As you know, every day is Cat Day to those of us lucky enough to be staff to them.

    1. SO true and that is how it should be. I love Maine Coons, my niece has one and he is lots of fun- he even fetches.

  5. Why don’t we celebrate World Cat Day? This is not fair! Ok, we had our paws down on the Cat World Domination Day or-what-it-was-called, but we think that you can never celebrate cats too much.

    Zucchini, neighbors? Hm….

    1. Happy World Cat Day to you too! I am planning to make zucchini bread tomorrow πŸ™‚

  6. Happy World Cat day. We furgot, but it’s okay, mommy tweats us like queens everyday, so weez be celebwated all da time. As fur da zu keenys, yous can keep those. MOL And mommy sez sure fing. Da footoo looks gweat and she was glad to help. Have a pawsum day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. Every day should be world cat Day πŸ™‚ I love zucchini- I didn’t give any to my neighbors, but I gave my Mom some. XO

  7. Happy World Cat Day! I’d love to meet Nicholas Cage too. A friend of mine met him at a pet store while he was in our city filming a movie. #SoJealous

    1. He was in your city? You are soooo lucky- I would have been trying to meet him any way I could. He doesn’t film much in NYC, but when he filmed The Sorcerer’s apprentice I tried to be an extra even though I am not Indian or Chinese which is what they wanted.

  8. That looks like such a fun toy! Our cat Samantha believes every day is World Cat Day…MOL.
    We didn’t plant any zucchini this year so I wouldn’t mind if someone left a couple on my porch. πŸ™‚

  9. I love how you are able to connect your post to so many different blogs. Good use of your time.

    I’ll have to ask my granddaughter if she celebrated World Cat Day. If she didn’t, she should have.

    The different photos of your cats are amazing. Such good models, they are.

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