Wordy Wednesday: Elvira Update


Hi everyone! Before I give you an Elvira update, I want to give my condolences to LouLou’s Mama and Papa.

To visit, click here. 

I want to say a big thank you to all who donated to help with Elvira’s surgery.

She did not end up getting surgery at this time. She has 2 more mammary tumors and would basically need all her mammary glands removed. The only good news was there was no sign of spread to the lungs yet. The vet said removing everything would give her 6 months, but it is such a big surgery that we decided to stick with pain meds and 2 antibiotics. In one week, she will get a recheck and may possibly get the oozing tumor removed so she won’t have an open wound. I am letting everyone that donated have the choice of getting their money back because she didn’t have the surgery, or it can be used on this bill and future ones for her. Just let me know. And either way, I appreciate your kindness.

Today’s bill was $439.65, the total shows more because I got some meds for Joanie too.

No matter how long Elvira has left, she will be loved.

I had planned to do a Who Wore it Best in the Dr. Seuss hat, but no contest-Rudy nailed it( sort of). And Rusty nailed me-he scratched my leg and that was it for his photo shoot.


Comedy Plus


and we join the Cat Blogosphere hop every day


Thank you again everyone for your help, prayers, purrs and woofs too.


  1. Oh, dear. That is too sad. Yes for sure help with the infected tumor, and palliative care is the best thing, comfort and quality of life is so important. That surgery sounds so invasive, and if all it will so is buy a wee bit more time, then why subject her to that.
    So sad.
    My heart aches for you and Elvira,
    Hugs, big ones.

  2. Elvira💔🙏🏻💔all this happening on Daddy Kirils 2 yr. Birthday in heaven, I know when it’s your time he will be at the bridge with sneakers with open arms. Thank Ellen for all the love you have been giving Elvira and Friday, your the best❤️❤️❤️

    1. I was thinking her Dad must want her back. I am thankful for the time I have had with this sweet kitty and I hope for more. XO

  3. There comes a time to every cat where possible human actions outweigh the good of the cat. We purr to you as this time comes with Elvira and you.

  4. It’s very sad about the loss of Lulu. I left a condolence comment but it’s not shown up yet and I can certainly understand if they want to be away now. I’m so sad and sorry about Elvira. I think you made the right call about the more extensive surgery. Sending purrs for you and Elvira, Ellen. XO

  5. We have Elvira and you in our prayers……giving them more time is our natural instinct but there also comes a time when something as tough to battle as cancer comes along and makes keeping them with us a tougher decision for their sake. Love wins.

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

  6. I know you will make Elvira’s life as comfortable as possible whether it’s 6 months or much longer. I am so sorry that you all have to go through this right now.

  7. So sorry, Elvira, but we know you get the best care over there. We send Healing Pawkisses just for you, sweet girl and for your family a lot too🐾😽💞

  8. Ellen, thank you for the update on Elvira. Whatever happens, I know Elvira is surrounded by a loving family. I am sending more purrs and prayers, and hugs for you as you go through this difficult time. Rudy looks adorable in his Dr. Seuss hat!😻

    1. Thank you. Rudy was more of a photo fail with the hat tipped, but it was cute. XO

  9. Only you can make the right decision for her and you did. Keep the money. Whether it’s used for surgery or to make her comfortable, it doesn’t matter. You do so much for cats. You deserve that and more.

  10. Ellen you made a very loving decision for Elvira…she will have quality time full of love. Hopefully you can get the draining tumor removed…in a week.
    There was potential exploratory surgery for Madi to determine if she was dealing with IBD or lymphomia in July 2017. She was 16… she had stage 2 KD. The vet was willling to do whatever we wanted. putting a senior cat thru major surgery or waiting a bit to see how her intestines responded to meds. He asked us to consider what we would do if the diagnosis was cancer, would we treat the cancer at her age. We decided on quality of life for her. Her condition turned out to be severe IBD. We treated the KD with daily SUBQ and managed any discomfort with Adequan injections. She also gained some weight she lost due to the IBD. She rallied big time with the meds her last year was full a good one.
    With love Cecilia

  11. We understand your decision. You have to do what’s best for her. We send you lots of love and purrs.

  12. Thank you for the update. Please keep the money I sent to put toward the bill. Healing hugs for Elvira and for Lou Lou’s mom.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. XO ♥

  13. Chaplin: “We are very sorry to hear about Elvira. Not doing the big surgery sounds like the right decision to us, though.”
    Charlee: “Yes, Dennis told us how when Trixie was 16 she was diagnosed with an intestinal sarcoma. The vet said they could do surgery to remove that part of the intestine and then stitch it back together, but nobody thought it made sense to put Trixie through that.”
    Chaplin: “Instead they just made her as comfortable as they could and watched her closely and when it seemed like time for her to go she went peacefully.”
    Java Bean: “Ayyy, we could all do worse, I guess.”
    Oona: “Oona and the other kitties send lots of purrs your way.”
    Lulu: “And we dogs send lots of tail wags.”

  14. This is so sad to hear. My Luna had mammary cancer – we did the full removal surgery and got another wonderful year+ with her, but in the end it spread to her lungs and we had to say goodbye.

    I know Elivra will be getting all the best care and love from you and the family in the time she has left, and I’ll be sending my love and purrs for her as well.

    -CatSynth (Amanda, Sam Sam, and Big Merp)

    1. Thank you. If it had been caught earlier, I would have done the whole removal, but it is already advanced. XO

  15. So sorry you are having this hard decision. I hope the medicine will help her feel better, though. Sad that there does come the time when we don’t want our babies to be hurting, so we just give them lots of love until it’s time to let them go. (((hugs <3 )))

  16. Lots of healing hugs to Alvira ~ may she not suffer ~ hugs to all ~ not easy to have our fur babies ill ~
    Rusty ~ you are one handsome dude ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. You are doing the right thing for sweet Elvira and we’re very sad that she is facing these issues. Love, hugs and purrs from all of us.

  18. Ms E we think you made the right decision and hope that the meds help Elvira as much as can be heped, but as I know from my own experience, sometimes a kitty just has to live out his/her/its life in the most comfortable way it can, and operations are painful and recovery is very painful and we are not anthros and don’t handle pain that well, so we hope all goes well and we send our love and thanks for your condolences. I am not hurting now.

    1. Thank you. Right now she seems comfortable and is still enjoying her food and getting around. When she has no quality to life, I will let her go. XO

  19. We will continue our purrayers and POTP for sweet Elvira. We understand your decision and know Elvira will be treated with so much love. Please use the little I donated to help in any way.

  20. I know Elvira will have the best care. Keeping her in my thoughts and sending you both a hug.

  21. I’m so sorry. Kiril would be so happy that you’re the one seeing her through this.

  22. I’m sorry to hear about Elvira. I know you will love her no matter how long or short her life may be.

    As for the Terrible Two, Rusty and Rudy, I hope they behave better for the contest next week.

  23. Mee-yow you sorta nailed Dr Seussy foto Rudy!
    Rusty yore not apposta ‘nail’ Aunty Ellen!
    An wee are reeleeved Elvira did not get surgery. Wee nose you an Unkell witll LOVE Elvira rite to THE end. Wee are heer fore youss’! ALL WAYSS!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum

    1. Thank you. I couldn’t justify putting her through that to buy a short time- quality over quantity. Rusty is usually the better model. XO

  24. We are so very sorry to hear the news about Elvira . We know she will be loved and cared for, for whatever time she has left and we know you will do what is best for sweet Elvira .

  25. You’re definitely doing the right thing for Elvira. Thank you for having her best in mind and loving her so much. Sending love and lots of purrs for really good things with the time you have left together. XO

  26. OMG this is just the worst news. I also didn’t know about LouLou, this is all just awful. I am sending you prayers and much love, I believe in miracles.

  27. I’m so sorry. Thinking it’s a scratch and ending up with this. I believe you’re making the right choice keeping her comfortable and loved.

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