1. Sammy, this here human needs to get ahead of the game like you are. We’re still working on our Christmas cards, but we’ll get there. Purrs!

  2. Well done with your cards, Sammy. I got all my overseas cards posted last Friday so hopefully they will all soon start arriving at their destinations.

  3. Sammy is doing alright this Christmas season. I’m gradually working on my small stack to mail. I don’t send out nearly as many as I did in years past nor do I get many in return which has gotten smaller and smaller over the years. That’s so discouraging to see the art of letter writing or sending snailmail greeting falling out of favor. Perhaps, it’s time for a revolution…instead of firearms, let’s take up our pens and paper to send a note to family or friends across the mile. This unexpected surprise is sure to put smiles on faces. 😉

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