
More sadness in The Cat Blogosphere this week. Cats of Wildcat Woods ( ) said good-bye to their sweet Ivy.

Ivy, Forever [Small]She was an inspiration to FIV cats everywhere, surviving for 17 years.

This week’s ROAR isn’t actually about cats, but I thought some of you may be interested. A while back, I told you about couponsfortroops:

It is a group anyone can join to send coupons to American service families that are stationed overseas. That group closed and a new one has taken over: . For the cost of a U.S. stamp, you can mail coupons to a family overseas. I always mail pet food ones as well as food and household products. All you need to do is go to the website and fill out a simple form, after that, they will send you the address of a family.

Congratulations to Pipo and Minko ( ) for being the first to get all 6 answers correct on the toxic/non-toxic plant quiz. They won a catnip ice cream cone and a chicken leg.

Phoebe will be here tomorrow with a new poem and photo of her purrince.


  1. What a great idea to send coupons to those families.
    Sorry about sweet Ivy. She seemed a lovely kitty, we did not know her. But it’s still sad whenevfur we hear about new angels…

    We are looking forward to a picnic with ‘chicken’ and ‘ice cream’! Thank mew so much!

    1. It is always sad to see kitties go to the Bridge. I didn’t get to make the chicken leg yet, but I will today and your prizes will go out tomorrow- I will even throw in a fish :)-the catnip kind, the real thing would really stink-MOL!

    1. I am sure you knew her for a very long time. Sorry Flynn, it is always hard to lose a friend.

  2. conga ratz two ewe pipo & minko…high paws doodz….we noe ewe will loves de burd leg & ice creem cone toy ~~~~ πŸ™‚ β™₯β™₯β™₯ we kinda epic failed that quiz

  3. Ivy was a beautiful cat. I’m very sorry for her family. I guess 17 is a good age for a FIV cat, but it never easy to say goodbye.
    Do you know it’s snowing on your blog? Kind of refreshing on a very hot day!

  4. We’re so sad that Ivy had to go to the Bridge. Her mom and dad loved her so much, and we are sending lots of purrs and prayers their way.

    Those coupons for military families sound awesome. What a great thing to do.

    ConCATS to Pipo and Minko!

  5. Thanks for this coupon info. Mom says that she is going to start doing that. It sounds like an easy way to help out our troops. Concats to Pipo and Minko. We know Mom Ellen makes great toys! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. I am so happy to hear that your Mom is going to do the coupons πŸ™‚ It is a nice way to give back for all the military does for us. And thank you for the compliment on my toy making πŸ™‚

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