We are up to the letter Y in The A-Z Blogging Challenge.
Back in 2016, I wrote about Yarned and Dangerous by Sadie Hartwell. To read that review, click here.
The Wisdom of Yo Meow Ma by Joanna Sandsmark is a fun book of Buddhist wisdom with a cat’s view. This came out in 2005, but you can still get this on Amazon.
Comedy Plus’ Wordless Wednesday
Wild Wednesday by Curious as a Cathy
Be There 2Day Wordless Wednesday

Yo Meow Ma. MOL. We love that title. We’ll be sure to give it a look.
You will like it 🙂 XO
I read Yarned and Dangerous and enjoyed it. Adorable kitty on the cover too 🙂
I agree 🙂
I bet Bella Dharma would enjoy that book:)
Whoa, you are almost at the end of the alphabet!
I bet she would. XO
Oh, this sounds so interesting! Cats and Buddhism? The perfect combination, in my humble opinion 🙂
I agree 🙂
A Buddhist wisdom with a cat’s view? Wow, sounds fun!
Y is for Young
It is 🙂
A pawsome choice for the letter Y!!!
Purrs,Georgia and Julie
Thank you 🙂
What a cute title!
It is 🙂
Sounds like a good read 🙂
Nice photo too heheh!
Have a safetastic week 😷😷😷
It is. Have a safe week too.
We are in the home stretch for the 2020 A to Z! Have a happy day!
We sure are 🙂
What a wonderful title. You’re almost at the end of the AtoZ Challenge.
Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Ellen. Big hug to you and scritches to all the kitties. ♥
It went by quickly.
I love reading books like this. The mystery is good, then adding a cat makes it even better:)
I only read mysteries if they have a cat 🙂
That sounds like an interesting book 🙂
Happy Wednesday xo
It is.:) XO
I enjoy Buddhist wisdom from cats! Read the Dalai Lama’s Cat series, by David Michie.
Ooh! There are so many interesting reads. 🙂 Be well, my dear.
Yes, there are. You be well too.
I love that series.
Cool Y choices, or YNot maybe?!?!
Thank you 🙂
Great choices.
The Florida Furkids
Thank you 🙂
Okay, now the Yo Meow Ma sounds hilarious!
It is 🙂
What a cute cover too!
It is 🙂
What a fun idea for a book! Hope you had a great Wednesday.
Yes, I did and I hope you did too.
Sounds like a fun book.
It is 🙂
Buddhist wisdom from a cat’s perspective?!! Fascinating!
Happy Thursday, Ellen!
It is 🙂
Those sound great! I think I’ll check them out! Thanks for sharing these! 🙂 <3
Thank you 🙂
Cat wisdom is the best kind of wisdom there is!
I agree 🙂