The A-Z Blogging Challenge- V

Hi everyone. Before we get started , we want to give our condolences to Pip’s family. He was only 8 months old, but loved so much.

To visit his family, Click here. 

We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww Mondays and The A-Z Blogging Challenge. We are up to the letter V. V is for variety, mixing things up can make you happy. Try reading a different genre than you usually do or try a new recipe. Even Joanie likes to mix it up by playing with other stuffed animals-

Penny will be here tomorrow with Mother’s Day gifts you can get for free plus a giveaway.




  1. Sorry about little Pip.
    Variety is a very good word V.
    A giveaway something else to look forward to. Love that Joanie is playing with her other toys.

  2. Poor little Pip. That sure is so sad:(

    Joanie is smart to change up her routine, then she won’t get bored.
    I like to make new recipes often. Almost always if we have company…(not that much lately, stupid virus…), and I tell everyone ‘This is another of my guinea pig recipes’, LOL!

    1. Thank you. New recipes are fun especially when you find a good one to add to the rotation. XO

  3. Poor little Pip….what a brave boy – we didn’t know him but his courage was well beyond his age. Joanie looks adorable with her stuffie friend.

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. That was ever so sad about Pip.

    Joanie is adorable and you know I’m always ready Penny’s tips.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  5. Joanie is so cute. Variety is a good thing, although I tend to stay with my norms.

    So sad about Pip. My condolences to the family.

  6. Awww so sad about Pip…..far too soon. V for Variety is a good one! Variety is the spice of life!

  7. Some of us are all about variety. There is a constant “musical chairs” type thing we do with beds around here. Foods too. Keeps the people guessing.
    We’re just heartbroken about little Pip. It’s especially sad when they’re so young – just not fair.

  8. Mee-yow wee were so shcocked ’bout little Pip!! LadyMew cried fore an hour…shee said Pipp reeminded her of ‘angel’ Unkell Purrince Siddhartha…
    Joanie you look so adoorabell with yore stuffie..iss that a Furbie or a Gizmo?? Mee not know…
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma

    1. Yes, Pip reminded me of Purrince Siddhartha too. Joanie thanks you- that is a furby, don’t tell Gremmie. XO

  9. Variety is one thing I’ve started to appreciate as I get older. It’s funny how my taste in books and movies has done just about an entire 180! I probably have the most variety in my music choices.

  10. Thank you so much for your kind words for our Pip, and thank you so much for posting his badge today.

    1. You’re welcome. I cried when I saw your post. He was so young and such a sweet boy. XO

  11. Joanie, you sweet girl!
    I didn’t know Pip or his family but I will go right on over. XX

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