The A-Z Blogging Challenge-H

Hi everyone! We are participating in The A-Z Blogging Challenge and we are up to the letter H. Back in 2016, I wrote about Homer the Blind Wonder Cat. To read that post, click here.Β 

Now we have Homer: The Ninth Life of a Blind Wonder Cat by Gwen Cooper. This was a short book, but well worth reading. It did make me cry beause it is about the end of Homer’s life, but knowing he had such a good life made it worth the tears.

We are joining Sammy’s Poetry Day. Here is my poem based on the photo provided by Pam:

Come on over and sit with me.
I will tell you your future for free.
Someone has put a curse on you,very large
I can remove it for $200- I take cash or charge.


We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. I am thankful I still get to see my mom during this time. And I got to visit with The Great One -I stayed outside of her house and she talked to me through the window. Better than nothing.

And here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my co-hostΒ  Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two.

1. I am never ______________________.

2.For Easter ( or Passover) this year, I will _________________________________.

3. I would want the Easter Bunny to leave me a basket filled with _________.

4. When times get tough, _________.


One more thing- be sure to stop by and wish our friend Marg, of Marg’s Animals a very Happy Birthday!


  1. I read both of the Homer books you mention and I loved them. And I cried. But it was worth the tears as you say. I don’t know if I could read Homer’s Ninth Life now because as I have gotten older I have found I get teary and sad over a lot of things. I had a tough time at the end of Dewey the Library Cat and that was years ago. Hello to Joanie! Laughing at your poem this morning!!!

    1. I have a tough time with most cat books because they are usually written after the cat is gone or I get mad at how a cat dies like getting run over. XO

  2. Fun poem:) I would want the Easter Bunny to leave me lots of chocolate. That’s what will make me happy while I’m staying indoors:)

  3. The book sounds like a winner, and that poem made me laugh, of course she can remove the curse.

  4. I don’t doubt it would make me cry, too. ~hugs~ Cute poem. Be well and stay safe!

  5. Oh I absolutely LOVE your poem today! Kind of along the same line as ours as it involves $$ !! Thanks for being part of our poetry fun – you always do such a great job. Have a wonderful and SAFE Thursday.

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ Yes, we apparently think the same of “fortune tellers”/ XO

  6. I’m glad you got to see your mom. I had a messenger chat with my sister yesterday. It was a good thing.

    Love the poem. Made me laugh out loud.

    I’m all ready for the fill-ins. Great questions as always.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. β™₯

    1. Glad you got to chat with your sister πŸ™‚ And glad the poem made you chuckle. XO

  7. I haven’t read “Homer: The Ninth Life of a Blind Wonder Cat” yet, but will do so before long. The original book is a re-read for me at least once a year.

  8. Awww, Homer sure was special and so is Gwen. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. I would see it the same way. I’d be sad to read about it being the end of any beloved pet’s life, but if the life led was wonderful, it would make up for it!

  10. Homer sure was a most special kitty.

    Glad you were able to connect with your Great One…we have some peeps who do ‘through the window visits’ with their loved ones, at my work place.

    I made a card for Marg, and sent it to her, hope she ‘finds’ it in her email.

    1. I am glad your residents are still getting to see loved ones even if it is through the window. That was sweet of you to make a card. XO

  11. We wondered how you were getting along missing your Mom and the Great One ! We are glad you figured out a way to visit and still stay safe ! Purrs !

  12. Your poem is hilarious. We bet there are lots of peeps out there who would gladly pay that $200 to remove the curse on the world today.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  13. That poem goes purrfectly with Angel Sammy’s. Good job. Mom loved the original Homer book and did not know about the second. She plans to check it out. Thanks. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  14. Mom doesn’t know if she could read that book–she has the first one and it made her cry a lot. πŸ™

  15. This was a pawsome book! Sadly TW doesn’t have any of the books by Gwen that followed.

  16. Cute poem! And I like the Friendly Fill Ins. To the bunny, books or liquorice, please.

  17. I have always been so inspired by Homer. I’m so glad you shared his books. And your poem is as clever as ever! The last line was so funny and true. It’s wonderful that you still get to see your mom, and that you got visit with The Great One, even if from a distance. I bet she loved that just as much as you did. I’m glad I still get to see my parents and sister. My sister and I live together, and we also work at the same essential company as our dad, and we all regularly have to interact with each other there. Since we’re already exposed to each other at work, we figure it’s no different interacting at home. So we still have our usual visits, and that’s really nice. Purrs and well wishes!

    1. I am glad you still got to have your usual visits. That is cool you all work at the same place.

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