Thankful Thursday

Hi everyone! We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

  I iz thankful that mom bought me a new blankie a few weeks ago and I liked it so much that she bought me a backup blankie. You may wonder why I get 2 blankies. I am special because I sleep between my Mom and Dad for most of the night. My blankies have Pusheen the Cat on them , Petco clearance $3.00.

Mom said to thank everyone who gave suggestions for the book vases. She is going to try some of your ideas and will post the results when they are completed.

And here is our poem for Sammy’s Poetry Day. Here is the photo we had to write a poem about: for today.

Sometimes problems get you down
instead of a smile, you want to frown.
You feel like you are in the dark
in a flood without an ark.
Instead of feeling dread
just keep moving ahead.
If you try with all your might,
you will soon see the light.

And for the A-Z Blogging Challenge, we have Sammy posing with an eyeball.

And here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for Friday.

And here are the Friendly Fill-ins for Friday. Mom came up with the first two and Annie of McGuffy’s Reader came up with the second two.

1. __________________is one of my ___________________.

2. I _______________to _______________________.
3. I have a hard time                         .

4.                  is easy for me.



  1. Oh I do love that crocheted eyeball ! Very clever………AND the poem is absolutely fabulous too – I love what you “saw” when you used the photo for inspiration……VERY WELL DONE MISS ELLEN!

    Hugs, Teddy

  2. Lucky you to have two blankets. Bet that is so comfy. The poem is just perfect ly matched to the picture. That picture really is terrific. You all have a wonderful day.

  3. Your poem is spot-on. Sometimes you just have to move forward through dark times to get to the light again. What a cool blankie! I like the crocheted eyeball too 🙂

  4. Oh gosh, the eyeball is too cute… so is Sammy! Perfect poem… you are so right about keeping moving ahead and that is always easier with thoughtful friends ♥ Joanie is a lucky girl with those blankies! Hugs!

  5. TWO blankies?!? Such riches!
    That is a great poem and an amazing photo of that train… I can help but wonder who decided to build a train track there – and why.
    Hopw you have a great day.

  6. That is such a great price for that pretty blanket! And the poem is right on. We just have to keep moving forward.

  7. Cozy new blankies are the best! We think it is so sweet and cute that you keep your mom and dad company at night, Joanie. And I really enjoyed how you interpreted the photo and created this inspiring poem. Also, I just love how that eyeball turned out! Now we’re off to go fill in those fill-ins. Happy Thursday!

  8. oh I LOVE how your Mama thinks! What a wonderful kitty mama she is (but we already knew that!) A back-up blankie because you love the new one so much! xoxo

  9. That is a wonderful poem with a great message!!! And congrats on scoring TWO blankies – they must be super comfy.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty,and Timber

    1. Thank you. Yes, it is true. And I do share the blankie with Prancie-reluctantly.

  10. guyz…thiz weekz poem iz awesum N sew iz de eye ball !!!! total lee grate job on both ~~~~~~~~ 🙂 ♥♥ heerz two a grate week oh end for all 🙂 ♥♥

  11. Ellen,

    That poem is so cute. I want to share that with my oldest daughter. It’s sure to lift her spirits when she’s down, too. I had to laugh at Sammy with the eyeball. Is it filled with catnip? That has got to look weird for the cats to bat an eyeball around the floor. lol You & I were on the same page with today’s letter prompt. 🙂

    Curious as a Cathy
    A2Z Creating iPad Art Sketches “E” – Eyes

    1. I am so happy that you want to share my poem, no one has ever wanted to do that 🙂
      It is funny watching cats play with eyeballs, we have a bunch of plastic ones from Halloween too 🙂

  12. Love the blanket and the poem. I always love your poems.

    I’m all ready for Friendly Fill-ins. Great questions.

    Have a purrfect Thankful Thursday. My best to your peeps. ♥

  13. EEK an eyeball! I hope that didn’t come from Gremmie! Does he need an eye patch? Sammy, you are a fine poet! My fill-in answers 1) Tartar Sauce (Grumpy Cat) is one of my idols. 2) I luv to sleep on Mom’s pillow at bedtime. 3) I have a hard time convincing Dad that I should eat with him at the dinner table. 4) Jumping up to high places is easy for me. Head nuzzles!

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I love Grumpy cat too. And Gremmie is safe :)XO

  14. MeOW Gawjus, 2 new blankies? You are special. Your mommy luvs you a whole bunches. ‘Course, we already knew that. Big hugs fur all.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  15. Okay, I’ve never done this Thankful Thursday… I usually take off Thursday & Friday & the weekend for that matter, but since the A to Z has arrived and I did sign up for that… well here I am… I wanted to thank you for stopping by today, and I see you have Thankful Thursday… so I’m thankful for getting to my doctors on time and getting my prescriptions that I can’t get until the 9th… go figure. I don’t have kitties… I have CHARLIE who’s a Black Lab handful!!! I’m crocheting a Bed Apron for my Nephew & future bride & I’m behind so I really got to get movin’! Have a great weekend my friend! BIG HUGS

    1. Thank you for visiting. We used to have a black lab, she was a handful, but sweet. I hope you have a great weekend too. XO

  16. Mee-you Joanie not onlee are you cute as a button with yur Pusheen blankit butt you are talented an rite good poe-emss!
    An Sammy you have an eye on thee werld, mew mew mew….
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxXXxxXXxx

  17. You did a great job on all of those especially the blanket sale! I hate getting out of bed in the mornings too. Bentley gets me up at 6:30 to go to the bathroom and then an hour later to eat. I usually set my clock for thirty minutes after I feed them so I can pretend to snooze. LOL!

    1. Thank you. Bentley sure gets you up early. I am glad my cats let me sleep later than that, until around 8/8:30.

    1. It is sleeting here- did you send it to us? I love it when you say Phooey just like Phoebe. XO

        1. It warmed up and melted here. I am glad Phoebe taught you phooey and you taught her how to write poetry. XO

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