Hi everyone. We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.
I am thankful that Brody has gotten more cooperative about taking his meds.
We are also joining Angel Sammy’s Poetry Day. And here is the photo prompt provided:
I am the only one who can stand on my head
so I have to do the stunt I dread.
I somehow forgot to wear my cup
I sure hope the horse keeps his legs up.
Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.
1. _________________is a habit I want to develop.
2. I can’t seem to break my habit of ________________________.
3. I just recently _________ for the first time ever.
4. _________ is a historical period I wish I could visit.
Good boy, Brody! You’re mighty handsome, too! Yikes, that photo, um no … I used to watch horses training and horse shows and I’ve seen too many horses miss jumps … XO
Brody, yes, your cooperative improvement is a great thing.Keep it up!
That poem made me giggle!
Brody, good boy, good boy! And the poem is hilarious!!!! I think he was IN his cups….
What a good boy you are Brody. The poem is hilarious! Thanks for the Thursday chuckles.
Dearest Brody, I know you are taking your medicine just for me way over here. That’s because every morning I wave my paw in n your direction so that you’ll swallow it. At least my medicine is easier to take with a crushed pill in some of that Temptations licky stick. And I no longer itch. Precious
Brody is so handsome!
Great poem, and dudes will be dudes!
Yay for Brody! We’re MOL @ your poem!
Mum’s always appreciate a cooperative pet who cooperates when it comes time to take their medication. Good boy, handsome Brody.
Ellen you NAILED that poem for the photo.
Just great
Hugs Cecilia
Have to agree with Cecilia! You did indeed nail it!