Thankful Thursday


Hi everyone! We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

I am thankful that Typhoid Mary provided us with entertainment during her sister’s tennis lesson. Using my mom’s cane as a microphone she sang about 20 stanzas of “I’ve Got the Joy in my Heart”. She has the joy in her heart, in her hair, in her arms, in the spring, in the summer–well , you get the idea. She is a joyful kid. And she brings joy to everyone around her except maybe her sister sometimes. 🙂

We were still able to watch her sister play tennis, but the way the courts are set up, we can only see half the times so she sang when we couldn’t see.


I am thankful I found this cute kitty tank top at Walmart for only $3.98.  I will wear it with a blouse over it because I do not have the right to bare arms at my age and size.

I skipped the poem. If I look at the prompt and can’t come up with something funny, I skip it and this is one of those times.

Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.

1. This weekend, I plan to ________________________________.
2. __________________________never disappoints.
3. I once saw _________.
4. You’ll never hear me say _________.


  1. I bet the singing was just a delight. Hopefully it helped her sister win the tennis match. Now you’ve got me wanting to go into Walmart and see if I can find the same tank top.

  2. How nice (?) that you had someone serenade you at the tennis match. LOL Sorry the photo didn’t inspire you – maybe the one for next week will???? Happy Thursday.

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy

  3. I loved the tank top! I too will have a look when I go to Walmart today. I was there yesterday and found a so-called peplum blouse. I bought that.But the kitty cat one…gotta have.
    Smiled at the 20 stanzas of song that you got to enjoy during the tennis match. Bot in the same way, of course, but in a boy sorta way, I too have been serenaded during outside events. 🙂

  4. That’s a cute tank top! I have a different cat tank top from Walmart from about 5 years ago.

  5. OhMyGosh, laughing at your description of TM”s entertainment during tennis lessons. It’s lovely to hear that she is a joyful kid. I am totally sure that you have a lot to do with her joyfulness. The tank top is very cute. I only wear three quarter length sleeves now. My arms look like my Mom’s did when I began to think she was old 🙂

  6. Charlee: “We asked our Dada and he is not familiar with that song ‘I’ve Got the Joy in My Heart’, but he says he has heard one called ‘Put a Little Love in Your Heart’, which would maybe work if you sang it before the ‘Joy’ one.”
    Java Bean: “Watching tennis sounds like fun! Do we get to chase the ball?”

    1. I think it is a religious song for kids. 🙂 She goes to a Christian preschool.

  7. I’m with you there, anything with cats on it on sale, I’ll figure out how to wear it later!

  8. Mew mew mew that iss what BellaSita sayss Aunty Ellen! Shee has no rite to ‘bare armss’ two!!!
    That ISS a cute top.
    Miss Mary sure soundss like a happy Hu’man Kit….bet shee bringss alot of 🙂 🙂 :)’ss where efurr shee goess!!
    Just like you Aunty!!!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum

    1. Thank you. She is a sweet kid. I am sure BellaSita has much better arms than I do. XO

  9. That sounds like a pretty fun thankful with singing and playing tennis! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. Ellen you are hilarious, “right to bare arms at my age and size.” I am in that club too and I love this and will probably recycle it with my friends.

    I’ve got joy in my heart now what a fun post
    Hugs Cecilia and I hope this will publish

  11. Your niece sounds like a jewel.

    You can have bare arms if you want and others can get over it. If you don’t want (and I’m with you for myself, too), then a sheer something would look nice over that top.

      1. Finally got there today and they only had one left in my size! It was meant to me.

  12. TBT: Nice top. I have a couple of cat-themed shirts. One is a T-shirt that I don’t look good in (too snug) and I can’t seem to find the other…

    1. This weekend, I plan to plant tomatoes and flowers.
    2. Stir-fried pork with veggies never disappoints.
    3. I saw 2 deer in the front yard at mid-day yesterday. They aren’t supposed to be awake then
    4. You’ll never hear me say “never”. Because sometimes “never” happens.

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I wonder why the deer were out that time of day. So true about never.
      Walmart has a nice gray t-shirt with a cat on it right now in the men’s dept. I was going to get my hubby one, but they didn’t have his size. XO

  13. That is a cute tank top. I always keep my upper arms covered too. It sounds like Typhoid Mary provided great entertainment.

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