Thankful Thursday

HI everyone!

We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. We are most thankful for all of you. We appreciate all your comforting comments you left on the loss of dear Snowball. We already showed you the beautiful badges made by Ann and Pam. We want to show you a few more.

Thank you to Lorianne for this amazing drawing of Snowball ( she even got her eyes correct).

Thank you to  Pipo and Minko

Thank you to Peaches and Paprika

And to Madi for this wonderful poem:

So sweet
Never to be forgotten
One loved kitty
White as Snow
Adored by her family
Lush fur
Little lady of the house

And thank you to the Trout Talkin Tabbies

St Francis said, “Come little one, there is nothing more I can do for you here, don’t be afraid”, and St Francis gently picked up Snowball  and carried her into the kingdom of heaven…..when the little cat looked around, she realized everything St Francis told her on her journey was true….heaven was beautiful beyond what mere words could express…..

Snowball saw there was no pain, suffering, fear, sickness, hunger, thirst or sorrow, until she looked down and saw the family and friends she had left behind, and for a very brief moment, the little cat too, was filled with sorrow.
then St Francis bestowed Snowball with a set of gossamer wings and said, “Use them to return to your family, when their need is the greatest, as nothing can separate your bond of love.  Hold each other in your hearts and your memories, until you are reunited again at heaven’s door.”
….. and when the little cat tried on her wings, she knew nothing was impossible…… when there is….love❤️❤️
Words can’t express how thankful we are for all of you.
And here is my poem for Sammy’s Poetry Day, featuring the letter Y
Yarn is lots of fun
just like napping in the sun.
You can make a hat
that will fit your cat.
You can also make toys filled with nip
they will take you on a trip.
There is no contest
yarn is the best.
And here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. Mom came up with the first two and Annie of McGuffy’s Reader came up with the second two.

1. A law I would like to see passed is _________________________.

2. My favorite card game is ______________________.

3. With Summer unofficially here,                                   .
4. A favourite Summer memory is                                   .
PS: I love you Grammie!!! I can’t wait to see you today.



  1. I love that poem that the Tabbies wrote. Your’s in cute too.

    1. A law I would like to see passed is the PAWS Act so women don’t have to leave their beloved pets behind when they go to a shelter. There’s a badge to sign the petition on my blog..
    2. My favorite card game is TW loves solitaire but she has to play online cos I mess up her cards trying to play.
    3. With Summer unofficially here, let the a/c start blasting. Plush CK has already gone to the beach.
    4. A favourite Summer memory is Plush CK on the beach.

    1. Thank you, I love their poem too. And thanks for these great answers. I think that is an excellent law, I may have signed that already, but I will check. That is funny that TW has to play solitaire on the computer, you clearly prefer 52 pickup.

  2. Glad to see you are feeling up to posting and that you can find things to be thankful for. So sorry again for your loss. It’s wonderful to see how much the blogging community is supporting you with homages to Snowball!

    1. Thank you. Yes, you all did give me much comfort. When I lost my first cat in 2010, I didn’t have this support network and it was much tougher to go through.

  3. We are saddened by your loss of dear Snowball, and are still sending purrs and prayers. Our feline friends are only a thought away, just on the other side of the veil. There is a song by Don Conoscenti called “The Other Side” which may bring you peace. It is out there on YouTube.

    1. I will look that up, thank you for telling me about it and for these comforting words.

  4. I especially love that drawing of Snowball. I love how everyone is so wonderful and supportive whenever any members of our little cat blogging community needs it.

  5. Lovely post in Snowball’s honor. That drawing is wonderful.
    Sending much love and big hugs.
    ((((( ♥ )))))

    Yarn??? We used to help petcretary when she was crocheting or knitting…and our angel-furbears had fun with Oma’s yarn when she would be here visiting. Toki even tried to snag her knitting needles, MOL!

    1. I love the drawing and all the tributes to Snowball, I am touched that so many took the time to do them ( yourself included). Yarn is lots of fun. XO

  6. Isn’t it wonderful to know that your Snowball was loved by so many people? I love the St. Francis poem. ♥ I’m excited for another Fill-Ins Friday!

    1. Thank you, I am honored by all these wonderful tributes to Snowball. I am so glad you are doing the fill-ins now, I lok forward to your answers. XO

  7. What beautiful graphics Snowball’s friends sent in a show of love…..I know you must all miss her. I hope your Grammie brings you a big jar of treats to share when she visits you today! Thanks for joining in on Angel Sammy’s poetic Thursday – we love your poem since it honors your Mom’s fabulous crafting of YARN FUN!

    Hugs, Teddy

  8. Yarn is fun, i remember when i used to knit and crochet.

    My heart goes out to you about Snowball.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I hope you can find the time to knit and crochet again someday. XO

  9. We continue to purr and pray for you every day, Ellen. And I am so glad you like the drawing of your Angel Snowball. I will be sending the original your way in the mail.

    There are so many wonderful poems and words here. We’re fans of yarn around here, too. Purrs to all of you, and we’ll see you tomorrow with our fill-ins!

  10. Beautiful, sweet, and thoughtful graphics. I am so happy to see you back posting. Awww, I love the story with St. Francis and Snowball… ♥
    Y for Yarn… of course!

    1. Thank you, I find it comforting to be blogging and visiting others. I love the St. Francis story too, I truly hope that is what happens. XO

    1. Sorry I made you cry, we made Grammie cry too, she was very close to Snowball. XO

  11. Can you believe none of us has ever seen a ball of yarn? Our Mama can barely sew on a button let alone make something out of yarn! ;p

    We are continuing too send you love . We love the drawing of Snowball! What a lovely treasure.

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. I was moved by all these incredibly sweet gestures from so many and for all the comforting comments. XO

  12. It’s so very hard to lose our babies. So very hard. What a wonderful thing these friends did in your time of pain.

    I always enjoy the poems. Always.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to all the babies. ☺

  13. I’m a little choked up after reading your post. The cat blogosphere is a wonderful place. A law I would like see passed is NO declawing cats!

    1. I am blessed to be part of a group of such kind hearted folks. I love your law!

  14. Those are all such sweet tributes to dear Snowball. Love and hugs from all of us. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

  15. Mighty fine tributes to sweet Snowball, and beautiful badges that raise a tear to the eye. Your poem about yarn sure did raise a smile, and made me wonder if yarn wasn’t truly meant for cats?
    Purrs, Erin

  16. snowball, your drawing, your badges and Madi’s poem are awesome ~~~~♥♥♥ we continue to send big hugs to mom, dad, your siblings; mostly phoebe ~~~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥

  17. the tributes to Snowball are so lovely and I’m sure you will treasure them forever. We love you and thinking of you!! Love Toby and the Crew plus mom.

  18. Ohhh we are so glad you are back…and we do hope your sweet Mom is doing ok.
    We are glad you liked our poem made with Snowball’s name
    Hugs madi your bfff and mom

  19. That was the purrfect poem, as Mom Ellen makes the best yarn cat toys ever. All the beautiful remembrances for Snowball are so kind and thoughtful. We absolutely love the one Lorianne did. We know you are still grieving and will be for along time. Mom sends lots of love and prayers and we send purrs. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  20. Such cute poems. You and the Trout Tabbies are all so talented. We are very thankful to know you and your family of furballs.

  21. You received a lot of comforting tributes to sweet Snowball. It’s so nice to have caring friends. It’s a blessing. I know you must be so sad missing her but I do hope you are somewhat comforted by all these kind gestures.

  22. Mee deerest sweetest buttecup gurl yur so beeuteefull an talented an mee ADOORSS you with all mee heart! Mee wantss you to know this because wee must make thee best of each day an not take anyfing fur granted!
    An yur “YARN” poe-em iss funny an clevurr all so…..just like you Phoebe!!!
    Sendin LUV an POTP an ***paw kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. THank you my sweet boy, I love you so very much. .XO and pawkisses and nose rubs

  23. I’m so sorry about Snowball but I’m glad that Blogville rose to the occasion to give you love and support. That is a beautiful poem, and a beautiful vision of where Snowball is now.

    1. Thank you, I am blessed to know so many who understand that special bond we have with our pets.

  24. I am sorry to hear of the loss of your Snowball. It is so hard when we lose a beloved pet.

    Yael from

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