Thankful Thursday

We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. Right now I am having a tough time being thankful. Emmy had her internist appointment, and the liver growth is larger than it was in May. She also has fluid around her heart so she will be getting it drained today and then on a prescription for Lasix. It is going to be tricky with all her other issues including kidney disease, but as long as she seems happy, I will do all I can to keep her here. And my hubby took Drake to the vet while I was with Emmy. The news for him was bad too. He is mostly blind now and not from high blood pressure. Most likely it is a tumor pressing on the optic nerve. Plus he is in a lot of arthritis pain. He has a low dose of pain meds now to see if it helps. The vet said if it doesn’t, we should say goodbye. All this as we still grieve for Sammy and a family member being very ill is too much to bear. I am thankful for all your comments which I look forward to reading every day. And I am thankful I can afford good vet care for my kitties. I know many are not as fortunate. I am also thankful for all my kitties past and present. Each one has enriched my life.

Friday is thankful for her new tent. Actually, it is for The Great One and Typhoid Mary to go indoor camping.

I wrote my poem before I got all the bad news about my kitties.

We are joining the poetry day named after Teddy’s angel brother Sammy ‘s Poetry Day. Here is the photo prompt provided.

A smile on every face,

lining up for their first race. 
First prize is dandy 
a year’s worth of candy. 

Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.

1. I collect _______________________.
2. I recently treated myself to _______________________________.
3. I used to _________ back when _________.
4. Though I have never _________, I have _________.


  1. That was a cute poem! Friday looks very content in her tent! I am so sorry for all the unfortunate news and I’m sending love, prayers, and hugs to you all including the kitties! 🙂 <3

  2. My heart is aching by reading this sad prospect, Ellen, but I hope and purray that they both respond well on the medication🙏Healing Pawkisses from Heaven for Emmy, Drake and for you, as I know you could use them too🐾😽✨

  3. Oh, dear Ellen, we are grieving for you, your kitties’ problems and your family member and we are sorry to have written a question about Mirataz so please just ignore it and concentrate on these myriad problems in your life! So, so sorry for your sweet family. An aging kitty is difficult to accept but…

  4. An adorable poem in spite of all the sadness surrounding you – that’s my Ellen alright! I don’t know how you do it but I have always thought we get strength when we need it and I know that you DO need it. Sorry for so much bad news – it seems with the number of kitties you have there’s always something with one or more of them and health issues – particularly BIG ones – just seem overwhelming. We pray that Emmy and Drake can be more comfortable with their serious problems – we know they are surrounded in love and energy from you which helps. Your family member is so lucky to have an incredibly supportive and positive “warrior” looking out for them as you are. I hope you know we ALL send you hope and love. Your poem is ADORABLE.

    Hugs, Pam (and Teddy too)

  5. That is a lot of sadness and stress to handle. I hope you are taking good care of yourself and staying strong to handle it all. Hugs and purrs from all of us.

  6. Emmy, I have not in the least forgotten about you, little girl. Drake, I am sorry you are going through this too. YOu and your sister are in my purrs and prayers, XXXXX
    Ellen, I am including, as you know, your sister in my prayers..

  7. Prayers for both kitties. So hard when they get sick.

    I’m all ready for the Friendly Fill-ins. Thank you for co-hosting the fun.

    Have a great Thankful Thursday, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties and special hugs to Emmy and Drake. xoxo ♥

  8. Ellen I am so sorry about Emmy and Drake. As always I send hugs and purrs. You are such an excellent feline mom.
    Also prayers for the family member who is ill
    Hugs cecilia

  9. I tried to leave a comment earlier, but I don’t see that it ever showed up, so let me try again. We are all purring and praying for Emmy, Drake, your family member, and all of you. You are such a great friend to so many, Ellen, and you deserve so much more than the unfairness the world is throwing your way. Many, many purrs and prayers to you.

  10. emmy and drake, we are sorree two lurn thiz nooze and we hope ewe noe we send de blessingz oh St Francis yur way, two ewe both, knot just two day but all dayz. we haz knot ben abe bull ta vizit much, tho never forgetz we think oh ewe all often….big hugz and lotz oh lovez frum trout towne ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  11. Wee toteallee LIKE yore poe-em Aunty Ellen!
    An wee LIKE Friday’ss foto alot two….
    Wee are not LIKIN Emmy or Drake’ss health mewss….
    Ohh Aunty this iss furry sad. Wee here fore you allwayss….
    **sad purrss** BellaDharma an gentell {{hugss}} BellaStia Mum

  12. We are so sorry to hear the not-so-good news. We continue sending purrayers and POTP for Emmy and adding them for Drake too. We hope some of the meds and draining fluid helps.We know you wil not let them suffer.

  13. I am so sorry you have so much bad news, I really am. But I am thankful that your sweet kitties have you and your hubby to care for them, I’m sure they are thankful for you. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

  14. I am so sorry about Emmy and Drake. I am sorry I am late seeing this but I didn’t feel well at all yesterday and did not even turn on my computer. So sad for you and Emmy and Drake, I truly love all your kitties like they were my own. I am so happy to have Emmy and Prancie’s books. Sending prayers and wishes for a couple of miracles. Extra prayers for your family member. Hugs to you Ellen♥

    1. Thank you for the prayers. I know we are on borrowed time with both, but I will be thankful for any extra time. XO

  15. Charlee: “We are very sorry to hear this news about Emmy and Drake and your human family member too.”
    Chaplin: “We Hipsters send lots of purrs for everyone, four-legged and two-legged.”
    Java Bean: “However-many-legged!”
    Lulu: “That’s right! And we dogs send lots of tail wags, doo!”

  16. My heart aches for you and your dear kitties ~ lots of hugs and love to you ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~ Xo

    A ShutterBug Explores ~
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

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