Thankful Thursday

Hi everyone! First off, Mom apologizes about yesterday’s post. She wrote the comments were off, but then in the morning there were comments so she closed them again. She does appreciate everyone’s kind words though- thank you.

We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. Snowball is thankful for me. And I am thankful that I saw Grammie and got some treats too. I love her so very much.

Mom is thankful that she won this beautiful necklace from The Tiniest Tiger.

It is a cat on the moon.

Many of you were interested in our toy fish. It is a children’s toy that Mom bought at a discount store called Ocean State Job Lot. She just ordered 2 on ebay though so I can have a giveaway when they arrive.

Jinx wants to date Toby’s sister, PeggySue. Toby wanted to get a good look at him first so here he is:

He is almost 15 , but very playful.

And now for my poem for Angel Sammy’s Poetry Day, featuring the letter E.

Elmo is a red muppet
that is kind of like a puppet
He is bright red
and probably jumps on the bed
I think he is too kooky
I prefer the monster with the cookie


One more thing, here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. Mom came up with the first 2 and Annie of McGuffy’s Reader came up with the second 2.

1. My guiding word for 2017 is _____________________.
2. ________________________ class reunion.
3. Truth be told I am superstitious about                                .

4. Lately, I have been                                  .


  1. Jinx is a very handsome boy!! I approve the match!! I’ll let PeggySue know. Maybe they can go on a date this Saturday!!

  2. Elmo is fun, but my favorite is Grover. Nice poem, and a lovely necklace, and i hope you all have a fabulous Thursday!

  3. Oh, what lovely things you all have to be thankful for! And we’re sure glad to know that we’re not the only ones to think that Elmo is a bit on the kooky side. It’s all about the Cookie Monster for us, too! We are really looking forward to completing these wonderful fill-ins, and we’ll of course see you with ours tomorrow. Purrs!

  4. What fabulous things to be thankful for. That necklace is lovely.

    We wondered about the comments yesterday since we saw some but also saw that it was closed.

    The Florida Furkids

  5. We reallly love the necklace. Jinx looks like a suitable suitor. We wondered about the comments yesterday. Mommy went back to leave one and they were gone. We understand though. Huge hugs!

  6. What a dear necklace and from a sweetheart of a fur baby.

    1. My guiding word for 2017 has become Love.

    2. I have never been to a class reunion.

    3. Truth be told, I have no superstitions.

    4. Lately I have been in the house too much instead of out walking because of the weather being so extreme. Makes me a bit sad.

    1. Thank you for your answers. Love is an excellent guiding word, I think you have always used that in all your actions. XO

  7. Concats on the necklace! And Jinx’s date night! Him am sooo handsome.

    Now lets see what am to fills in.
    Guiding word for 2017 – Inspurration.
    Mom always forgets to go to Class reunions
    Mom am superstitious abouts knocking on wood… mol
    Lately Mom am bin too tireds and wishes her could has a vacation…

    Purrz from Katie Kitty Too.

    1. Jinx says thank you. And we all thank you for answering the fill-ins. Inspiration is a great choice.

  8. What a lovely thing that you got to see your Grammie. I know you love her very much. We all know that.

    Have a purrfect Thankful Thursday. My best to your mom. ☺

  9. We don’t know this red elmo, but he sure looks blue to us. Mommy’s not only goin’ blind, but now she’s color blind. MOL Which would really be a bad thing since dat’s somethin’ dat ffects men and not women. MOL Glad you got to see your grammaw and got treats. We think you’re greatful fur Snowball too.

    We’re sendin’ hugs and purrayers. Stinky will furever live on in your hearts.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Cookie monster is in the photo and he is blue 🙂 So tell your Mom she is not color blind- MOL! XO

  10. Great poem!! YAY!!!!! As for Elmo – my Mom has an Elmo that my Dad gave to her almost 30 years ago. He’s a “friend” and I used to enjoy giving him a good sniff from time to time. I love the Cookie Monster too but Mom didn’t have him!

    Love, Angel Sammy

  11. guyz….awesum E poem….for sure…it rockz !!! & jinx……ewe iz one handsum dood buddy; we noe peggy sue will lovez ewe at furst site ♥♥♥

  12. I’m thinking you like the muppet with the cookies because he reminds you of the Grammie with the treats (I’m not calling your grammie a monster, just comparing the treats).

    1. Sorry, Phoebe can’t have it. I doubt she wants to wear a cat, I wouldn’t want to have a human on my necklace 🙂 XO

  13. Lucky you! That necklace is beautiful! You deserve to win things.

    I love the Muppets, especially Kermit & Gonzo. Grover is sweet, too. They speak to my inner Child, like Peanuts does.

    See you for Fill-Ins!

    1. Thank you, you are so sweet. My inner child loves The Teletubbies so I keep getting dvds of them from the library to watch with my great niece, but I enjoy them too. XO

  14. Congrats on winning that pretty necklace!

    We had a good giggle at your cute poetry! Or petcretary could be a cookie monster given the chance, MOL!

    (Our angel Toki shares his RB day {years earlier},with your beloved Stinky…he surely was in the welcoming lineup when Stinky arrived there.)

    Hugs and purrs!!

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