Ten Things of Thankful

Hi everyone! I am late this week with my Ten Things of Thankful, but better late than never.

Also, you need to use your imagination on my A-Z creation. It is a sea Urchin.

Here are my thankfuls-

  1. Cold medicine- daytime so I don’t sleep all day.
  2. Cold medicine -nightly so I can sleep.
  3. Joanie, my very own nurse.
  4. We had to move our enormous entertainment center after 25 years to fix and electrical outlet- thankful for a strong neighbor and his son that moved it for us.
  5. I found 3 cds and a dvd behind it, they were from 2006.Odd thing is, I never knew they were missing.
  6. Also moved a bookcase and found a cool canvas with taxis and a framed photo that I had forgotten about.
  7. A great electrician that is retired, but still came over to help with our electrical issue.
  8. Thankful I am in a position to help a kitty in need ( Trouble).
  9. Warmer weather, but not too warm.
  10. Lots of library books to read, they seem to have all come in at once.

We are also joining Comedy Plus’ new Tuesday Fun blog hop.


  1. The things for which you are thankful are very definitely things for which to be thankful, and for which I would be thankful. ?

  2. Now that’s a nice list of thankfuls if ever there was one! Hope the cold is better – you have a great nurse!

    Hugs, Teddy

  3. Lots of things to be thankful for. And the sea urchin is so cute. But then all your creations are good. Have a super day.

  4. Ellen,

    Your kitty’s eyes are so interesting. The flash gives them the appearance of being seafoam green and coral. A sea urchin cat toy is excellent for today’s theme. I’m not even sure what one looks like so my imagination can’t conjure any images. Great list of thankfulness. I wonder what we’d find when we move our furniture. lol It sounds like you’re not feeling too well on your end. I hope you’re feeling better soon. Spring brings on all kinds of sickness. Be well!

    ~Curious as a Cathy
    iPad Art Sketch ‘U’ is for Umbrella

    1. Millie does have 2 different colored eyes, one is blue and one is green, but one usually shows up red. Thank you. XO

  5. Hope you feel better soon. Great list, I dread the day when we have to move our entertainment center, and I am not sure what we will find?.

  6. Awesome list. Especially nurse Joanie. Are you feeling better? These things can take awhile. Mom was diagnosed with acute URI two months ago, still slightly hanging on.

  7. That is a really cute sea urchin. It’s kind of like Christmas when you move furniture and find stuff you’d forgotten you even had, isn’t it? Hope you’re starting to get over that cold! πŸ™‚

  8. Cute toy! And lovely list. Sorry if my snippet embarrassed you. Thanks for commenting anyway! Oh, and have you ever eaten sea urchin? I’m not a fan of it, but have been served the creature – raw. Sushi chefs consider this a ‘treat’. The texture is creamy, taste pungent. ~shudders~ One can’t turn down such an offer or risk offending. Happy Blogging!

    1. Thank you. I was just kidding about the snippet. I have never had sushi or urchin, I don’t like seafood.

  9. guyz…..de sea urchinz total lee kewl….N haz we napped on over time ?? whooz trouble….ore iz sum one IN trubull !!! πŸ˜‰ β™₯β™₯

  10. Your sea urchin is so cute! And what wonderful Thankfuls. I don’t even want to know what I’d find if I moved some of my furniture around. Though, I’m sure most of it would be runaway cat toys. I am so happy that Trouble found you. She is so lucky to have you. Happy Tuesday!

  11. Good things to be thankful for. It’s funny the things we discover when we move furniture πŸ™‚ I hope you are feeling better soon! xo

  12. Lots of great reasons to be thankful – we hope your cold is improving. Mom says she has too many books on the shelf right now and needs to get reading. Cute urchin!!!

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. Electrical trouble is awful, i am glad it is fixed. And on a silly note, why do they always put the outlets behind big pieces of furniture?

  14. Woo Hoo that iss a hole lot of Fankfull Aunty Ellen! Yur See Urchin iss cute; reelly reely cute!
    Tomorrow iss Dee Day fur LadyMum….pawss crossed thee xtraction goes well.
    **nose kissesss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xXx

        1. I was just at your blog. I am sorry your Mum is still in so much pain. Be sure to give her lots of healing purrs. XO

  15. What a beautiful white kitty!!! She is absolutely gorgeous! I am thankful you shared her beauty with us today! ~hehehe~ Well somebody had to say it!!! ~snicker~ No, seriously though she is adorable! Now… so many things to be thankful and I thing you should be thankful for that! Now personally I love looking behind furniture to see what has gone astray. One time we picked up our sectional in the frontroom and hubby lays on the couch for a nap a lot and his change falls out from his pockets and guess who got all that money… ~snicker~ You guessed right! ME!!!!!!!!!!! ~hahahaha~ FINDERS KEEPERS!

  16. Meowza, The Tribe of Five are flabbergasted that you didn’t find any cat toys behind that entertainment center! The Humans can’t move a piece of furniture in our house without uncovering a treasure trove of feline goodies!
    Purrs & Hwad Bonks,

  17. Moving and moving heavy furniture pieces really can reveal life as it was quite a few years back. I’m so glad you had someone who could help move those heavy pieces and an electrician who could help. Lots of good thankfuls this week!

  18. Great list of thankful things and I’m glad that Joanie is being a good nurse to you. When we move furniture all we usually find is cat toys and pens (improvised cat toys).
    Great looking urchin and clever to think of that. Hope you’re feeling better.x

          1. Mee-you Aunty thee gum has healed sum now an this Katurday LadyMum eated hash brownss with egg an bacon inn it an shee could sorta chew on rite side…furinallee sum purrogress!!! πŸ™‚

          2. I am glad she is starting to heal, I bet it is because of all your purramedic skills. XO

  19. **shuffullss pawsss** Aww fankss Aunty! Yur so kind…..
    LadyMum can eat all most purrfectlee now, xcept thiss Rota tummy bug iss makin her feel nawseeated all thee time! PHOOEY!

  20. Mee-you Aunty Ellen wee figured out it iss NOT thee Bee Pee meddysin makin her naw-see-us; it iss thee Imodium fur bowels that iss uppysettin fingss. So shee will have to switch back to Kaopectate or else take mee Anti Die-area liquid, mew mew mew…

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