Sunday Selfies-Tocktober Edition- Part 3

We are joining The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop

Here are the last of the tocks for this year:

Lucy’s floofy tocks
Ethel and Bridget tocks- when I go up to their room to feed them , they hide. This is the view I get when I move the futon.  Lucy and Ethel have been exploring at night. A few nights ago, they found our cd collection and took these out.

The one on the right is The Byrds. 🙂

And last, but not least, we have Tater Tots Tocks.



  1. Tater Tocks. MOL!

    Glad Ethel and Bridget have been exploring. Looks like they are finding some good stuff.

    Looking good, Lucy!

  2. Well dun Lucy an Ethel an Beidget!!
    An GRATE Cee D choicess!! THE Beatless an THE Byrdss are furry kewl bandss!!!
    Grate Tock shotss two Miss Ellen an Poe-tatoe Head furamillee!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an {{huggiess}} BellaSita

  3. Even if some of the tocks are hiding, they’re still adorable! And I’m so glad that Lucy and Ethel are exploring at night. That’s great progress. After I brought my skittish girl Eddy home, it took her something like a year to make it to the front of the house. Six years later, and she still almost exclusively stays in the back of the house. Purrs!

  4. I have a grin now, as usual. And I like the gals’ taste in music. 🙂 CCR and The Byrds are definitely in my collection. Be well! ~hugs~ And Happy Tocktober.

  5. Oh you have some great music! I love the Potato Head Mr and Mrs. You have a busy household. Cats are like toddlers, very busy and than they nap. Enjoy a blessed new week.

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