Sunday Selfies : Letters to Santa Edition

Happy Sunday everyone! This has been a busy week. Mom and Dad have been decorating for Christmas. I learned some new words from Dad, but Mom says I can’t use them on a Sunday or on this blog. I can tell you that pre-lit artificial trees that are labeled when one light goes out , the rest stay lit- are lying.

I did get to see my Grammie a lot, I love her so very much. We also worked on photos for the Christmas card and started our letters to Santa. Here are five of our letters to Santa. We are going to join The Sunday Selfies blog hop and a letters to Santa hop by The Adventures of Ranger, thanks for telling us about it Madi

stinkyletter050 052 056 062

I will be starting a giveaway on Thursday, but here is a sneak preview:

040Mom still needs to crochet some toys to add to to it.

Happy Hanukkah!Cat4-001


  1. We loved your letters!
    Mom says she just hope Santa is the forgiving sort of purrson, cuz we’ve been real stinkers this year. We have no idea what she’s talking about…

  2. Oh you darlings! (Mommy again! Sorry)

    Your letters are very good and that reminds me I need to do the same. Mommy says she will help this afternoon. She also has to get our Christmas cards ready.

    Spooky, what do you want for Christmas? xxoo

    1. Katie, we hope you get everything on your Christmas list. We just designed our card and will pick it up at CVS tomorrow. And hopefully get them out soon. Spooky wants you to love him, that is all he wants. πŸ™‚

  3. I hope Santa brings you everything you wish for. My cards arrived on Friday, so now mum is busy writing to get them ready to post tomorrow.

    1. Thank you Flynn, we hope you get everything you wish for too. Your Mum is ahead of us, I just ordered mine and will pick them up tomorrow.

  4. We love your letters! Spooky, you are a very sensitive soul. We would like Santa to bring Isadora back so our Mama wouldn’t be sad all the time so we understand your request completely.Joanie, you made us laugh! It’s not enough to get a bag of treats, you need a safe too (it’s a multi-cat home necessity!) πŸ™‚

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. Thank you for reading our letters. Spooky is a sensitive kitty. I wish we could get our Lucy and your Isadora back, I am sure they are with us in spirit though. I think the other cats need the safe to keep Joanie out. πŸ™‚

  5. How cute. Why is it dat Stinky is still waitin’ on a new name? She be too bootyful to have to wait. We shall call her…Peace? Purrhaps dat might be her new name. Can’t wait fur da rest of da letters. Have a pawsum day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. Thank you. I don’t know if she will respond to Peace, she really knows her name as Stinky πŸ™‚ XO

  6. Wow! You and your furmily have been super busy like those Santa Elves.MOL! Those are sweet and cute selfies, today. We think we hear some unpublishable words here sometimes, too, MOL!!

    We hope all your wishes come true, and we sure are looking forward to more letters to read:))

    1. I am not allowed to repeat them, but if your Dad has trouble with CHristmas tree lights then I bet you know what the words are. πŸ™‚

    1. It took my hubby over 8 hours to remove the strands that weren’t working because they are clipped on and looped, etc.

  7. Mee-you those are sum letters you rote to Mistur Santa Pawss…..
    Thee ferst nite of Chanukkah an mee gotted inn to B-I-G trubble…..mee won’t beespinnin a Dreidl tonite πŸ™
    Probalee iss a good fing mee iss a Buudhist Mewish kittyboy; Santa wood have mee on thee Sue-purr Notty List fur sure….
    Pleeze give mee <3 LUV <3 to mee precious Phoebe…
    ***nose kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    *doin 'hard time' inn thee bathroom* πŸ™

    1. Oh no! What did you do my sweet boy? It couldn’t be that bad. I wish I was with you in the bathroom to keep you company. XO and lots of love.

      1. **hangss head**
        Ferst mee climmed thee drapes an putted clw mars inn them. Then mee knocked Eesha Chinmaya thee Ellie-fant off thee tabull. Then mee tried to knock 2 paintinss off thee wall…
        Fur mee furinallee mee then bounced off LadyMum’ss chest an knocked her down on thee couch!
        Oh an mee hollered at her a-l-o-t…..
        Mee has been notty each nite of Chanukkah an mee feels pawfull πŸ™
        Mee goin to bee good tonite…mee hopess…..
        An mee wishes you could bee with mee when mee iss doin ‘hard time’ inn thee bathroom!
        ***paw kissesss*** an ~~~tummy tickullss~~~ an <3 LUV <3
        Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. I hope you didn’t break the elephant’s trunk. Why are you being so naughty during Hanukkah my sweet boy? Love, Phoebes XO

          1. Mee not sure why mee beein so-o notty…LadyMum asked mee thee same questshun Purrince Phoebe. Mee just feelin a bit wild an panfurry! Mee was a good boy last nite an even snuggled LadyMum an shee gave mee dubble tuna-tuna πŸ˜‰
            Eesha Chinmaya’ss truck iss inn one peece an mee gonna leeve it alone…purromise…..
            ***paw kissesss*** an all mee <3 LUV <3
            Yur silly an notty Purrince,
            Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          2. I am glad you didn’t break the trunk. When Mom’s niece was little, a lot of bunny ear statues lost their ears. Keep being good my sweet. XO and I love you even if you are naughty sometimes. XO and paw kisses

    1. Thank you, you are very sweet. Pawkisses to you too XO We hope Santa brings you what you want too.

  8. Santa Paws loves to get letters. I know he told me once he hate mails. Never send a mail to Santa Paws. If you do that you will get on the naughty list. You don’t want to get on the naughty list. I’m certain he will like your letters but don’t tell him what dad shouted at the lights. Your dad will be on the naughty list then.
    Don’t worry about your mom, she is a real angel. She will always be in Santa Paws good book.

    Billy The Time Cat

  9. Your letters are priceless, especially Sammy’s. We pray that everyone at your house gets exactly what they want. Thanks so much for being part of our blog hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  10. Mee purromised LadyMum mee wood not ‘play’ with Eesha Chinmaya anymore! An mee been good fur last few dayss an nitess! Xcept mee eated a bit of material off a croyshayed toy an it uppyset mee bowelss….
    So mee iss beein xtra good!!!! πŸ˜‰
    Fankss fur luvvin mee even when mee iss notty Purrincess Phoebe….
    Luv Siddhartha Henry <3 <3 <3
    ***paw kissesss*** xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  11. Mee iss beein purrfect Purrincess Phoebe!!!! Totallee…..
    Mee doess not want to uppyset her fur (awhile) long time πŸ˜‰
    Fankss fur luvvin meeeven when mee iss notty…
    ***paw kissesss*** Siddhatha Henry thee sumtimess notty Purrince

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