1. wow, you kitties get banana cream pie? I’ve never had that before! Is it good? XO – Ava

      1. Mom and our furry cousins think we’re weird. Neither of us like dairy (except the occasional bit of string cheese.) Purrs, Snoops and Kommando Kitty

  2. That sounds tasty. Anything with chocolate is my favourite.

  3. Oh my goodness. I love banana, coconut and lemon thataway! Or rather my mommy does.
    Katie Isabella

  4. Yum! You kits look like you are enjoying that lovely treat. I usually pick Lemon Cream as my favorite, but I think I’m changing that to Banana Cream, that just looks so good.

  5. OoooOOOoooOOOOO Pie! Sammy, Emmie and Joanie, you guys are furry lucky cats to get pie! We like chicken pie…Now the Mom likes Blueberry and Alex like Apple….I wonder what we will get tomorrow? Thanks for visiting and have a marvellously happy day!

    1. I like chocolate cream too. At least the kitties can test the banana one though. XO

  6. That looks good. Our boys love just about anything with dairy. They are like vultures when my wife takes out the whip cream and I can’t put cream in my coffee without Chris and Frankie expecting some.

        1. I can’t make meringue- I am too lazy and impatient. I do enjoy eating it though. 🙂 XO

  7. Oopsie, we forgot all about this day…and to think that the unfurs went to the local ‘math science center’ here…and every year they had the parents bring pies to celebrate pi!
    The stolen sleep hour and she was working last night have a lot to do with that…LOL! YAWN!

    Your pies look delish…Key Lime pie is yummy, and so is lemon. Or chocolate silk, or pecan or…or…well, the list grows! (*She* prefers the more tart kinds, rather than sweet, with the exception of pecan…)

  8. Trying not to eat sugar is hard. Especially when I found a peaches and cream Evans pie in the freezer section yesterday. HaHa…we love all Pie for Pi Day! Love the photos

  9. Yum. The kitties would probably go for Catnip Pie. Will have to put that on my to-do list.

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