Sunday Selfies

We are joining The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop.

Penny did a selfie for her fans in case you miss her while she is having her time off from Penny’s Tips.

Sammy took his selfie while working on his t-shirt tent for Cat Scouts.

And Emmy took hers as she was testing Sammy’s tent.

And Bridget has finally agreed to a selfie.

Sorry about the glowing eyes. All three sleep in the living room at night so I took a quick shot when I got up to go to the bathroom.




  1. We were happy to see Bridget agreed to do a selfie finally even if it’s reluctantly MOL, LOL.
    We loved the other selfies too.

  2. Well done Bridget, it was good to see a selfie from you. They are all lovely selfies.

  3. Everyone looks fab! And WHAT a great tent you made Sammy! Penny…are you thinking up new hints? Bridget…keep coming out. Have you hade friends with your siblings yet?

    1. Thank you. 🙂 They get along great with the other cats-it it humans they don’t trust. xO

  4. I need to do a blog post on removing red eye don’t I? LOL!!!! I love your action shot of the tent in use, that looks so much fun to make.

  5. Penny yore so purrty…hope you are enjoyin yore brake from Penny;ss Tipss?!?
    Sammy you look so hansum an concentratin alot on makin yore tent!
    Emmy yore a cutie-pie an a guud helpurr fore Sammy…
    Bridget **Apawss Apawss** you tooked a wudnerful Seflie…yore ADORBSS!!
    Happy Sunday All 🙂
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an (((huggiess))) BellaSita Mum

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