Sparks and More

Hi everyone!  Today we are joining It’s Monday! What Are YOU Reading? The kiddy lit version hosted by Teacher Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers. We are also joining Comedy Plus’ Awww…..Mondays and McGuffy’s Reader’s Sparks.

Joanie is posing with our book recommendation.

When I found out that our friend Cathy of Curious as a Cathy, had written a children’s book years ago, I was eager to get a copy for my great-niece. Cathy even wrote a little note for my great-niece and autographed it.  I will have to save this for her for a while because the book is for slightly older kids than a 2-year-old.  I bought the book so I am not under obligation to write a review, but I want to because I enjoyed it.

It is a cute story about 2 girls visiting their grandparents. While there, they also visit with their great-grandma and she tells them the story of a panther that chased her as a child. There is even a black cat in the book which made it extra special for me.  I think family is very important so I enjoyed that there were several generations together in the story. Cathy got the inspiration from her family and the girls portrayed in the story are her daughters.

If you are interested, you can purchase it at Amazon.

And our Spark for today is not a quote, but a link to a site with free meditations. All you need to do is register with them for free and then you can listen to several free guided meditations.  I have not done one yet, but I hope to this week. I think everyone can benefit from meditation.




  1. So many people have written children’s books – I have a part written one that I need to motivate myself to finish. Love the website Calm, and often do their meditations – they’re really useful and help to still the mind.
    Have a lovely week Ellen.

  2. I have just recently been introduced to Cathy and her blog. How wonderful she has written a children’s book and it is published. I have the Calm app on my phone and follow Calm on Instagram. Calm’s photos and quotes are an inspiration for me and I love the sleep stories. A link for a Spark… I like it, opens up a whole new world! Hello Joanie!

    1. I am slow to finding calm, sounds like you and a lot of others already knew about it 🙂 Joanie says hi. XO

  3. Calm sounds like a good spot to visit ! I didn’t know Cathy had a kids’ book either…….you know it seems like FOREVER ago that I wrote two kids books. Time moves on and we leave some things behind and discover new things along the way. CALMLY !!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  4. Ellen,

    Thank you for sharing my little story with your readers. It was Great-grandma’s true story of the panther was my inspiration. The girls loved for me to spin a story and it was great fun to use them in my tales, especially when entwining grandma’s real account with them facing the peril.

    I’m eager to check out Calm. We certainly can use more of this in our life, can’t we? Have a blessed, sparkletastic week, dear friend!

  5. Good job Joanie posing with that cute sounding book. Meditation sounds like a good thing to do. Anyway, you all have a fine Monday.

  6. Mom will check out the web-site when she gets the opportunity. The book sounds good. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  7. What a nice idea for a spark. Unfortunately, I don’t trust anyone wanting my information because I get enough junk email as it is. ~grin~ That book sounds adorable. Thank you for sharing!

  8. That sounds like a fun little read! And what a great idea for your Sparks today. I agree that meditating and taking time to yourself can be so beneficial. Happy Monday!

  9. That sounds like a wonderful book (for our collection) and we’ll ask our Mom to check it out (you know, for our collection *hint to you Mom*). Our Mom just fly through Andy Weir’s new book Artemis and is now starting Kate Mosse’s Labyrinth that Dad bought her years ago and she “forgot” about. She’s not that into fantasy adventure stuff too much (and yet, she raced through Artemis which is exactly that). Who can figure out our Mom? We can’t!

  10. joanie; for sure we will chex out Cathy’s book; with catz, pantherz N gram mawz N gram pawz…ya canna go wrong ! 🙂 ♥♥

  11. Hi guys! We’re sorry we haven’t been visiting much lately. Miss Ellen, thank you SO much for the toys – we love them all. You do a great job with keeping up with all of the hops. Our mom just finished The Giver Quartet, and downloaded something else, but she can’t remember the name of it now. She has the Calm app on her phone and loves it.

    1. No worries about visiting, I know your mom gets busy. I am glad you liked the toys, thank you for helping Toby. XO

  12. What a kewl soundin story Lady Ellen! LadyMum iss reedin “StasiWolf” by David Young. Iss a grippin story an wee get thee feelin of East Germany butt there were frasess used that German peepull wood not say. Thee frasess are British wayss of speakin….so that sorta throwss LadyMum off. Overall a good book tho’
    An Joanie you should ask Aunty Ellen to reed to you. It iss berry calmin. Mee has LadyMum reedin to mee all most efurry nite!
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~

    1. I should read to the kitties, I just read with them near me. Your book sounds different than the usual mysteries your mum reads. XO

      1. Mee-you Aunty Ellen mee was purrty sir-prized when shee brott “StasiWolf” book home. It ISS a crime drama butt it iss not inn any part of the U Kay! LadyMum has a feelin shee knowss who iss doin thee kidnappin an why thee babiess do not all wayss survive. It iss a dark misstery mee can tell you. Mee mite have to find her a funny book…..just fur a change!!!
        ***nose kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xXx

          1. Thank you. I hope you can make her laugh. Maybe you can do something silly too. XO

  13. I use my evening walks as a type of meditation, but we’ve got inches of snow falling, so no walks in my immediate future! Guess I’d better find some quiet time.

  14. Joanie is so pretty! That sounds like a fun story!

    I saw that Calm app on Facebook and even sent the link to my daughter. It’s a great idea, let me know if you like it!

  15. That book sounds really good especially with a kitty in it! Our friend JB Bean wrote a children’s book too called Be Safe. It’s a cute book too.

  16. Mom is just a bit embarrassed to admit she’s reading a Nora Roberts book, Born in Ice, second of the Irish Born trilogy. Not her usual subject at all, she just really likes the setting and characters (innkeeper, Ireland, famous writer staying there).

    1. That sounds like a good book, it is like going to Ireland, but she gets to be home with you kitties.

  17. I love Calm! Great site. And I have read that book-I believe about 4 years ago. I bought it for a friends grand daughters and got sucked right in! Joanie is such a cutie pie.

  18. What a grate idea Aunty!! Mee DID do sumfin silly that made LadyMum laff an snuggull mee an **kiss** mee ALOT! Shee went to Bingo Fursday nite an mee pushed mee ‘eeny teeny’ springss under thee door. So when LadyMum came back frum Bingo with Aunty Reeni shee bursted out laffin…..mew mew mew…..shee has been ungrouchy all day today!!!

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