Sharknado Selfies

Hi everyone! I am mad at my Mom, she dragged me off to the vet again for another B-12 shot and anti-nausea shot. The tech messed up and got the vitamin B all over me the first try- phooey!

I did get to see Grammie on Saturday. I love her so very much.

And my sweet purrince wrote me a poem. Here it is:

β€œYou live inn mee heart,
Mee heart beelongss to you deer,
Our heartss beet as one.”

I am so lucky to have such a sweet boyfriend. He is handsome too. If you haven’t seen his blog yet, click here

Tonight on SyFy is Sharknado 5. My Dad likes to watch crap, I mean interesting movies like that. Mom found this shark fabric so I thought I would do a giveaway for a catnip mat. Just leave a comment today, feel free to tell me how beautiful I am. I will announce the winner on Tuesday’s post. I will have Mom crochet some fishies to feed the sharks too.

I am joining The Cat on my Head Sunday Selfies Blog Hop and The Pet Blogger’s Showcase. My friend Bear Cat, chose me to showcase this week-thank you.



  1. Mee-you Purrincess Phoebe you know yur thee MOST beeuteefull kitty gurl inn thee werld!! Mee swoonss when mee seess yur foto…**sighsss**
    Mee laffed about ‘yur Pappaw watchess cr*p’ commint….sumtimess Hu’manss watch odd stuff mee sweet gurl.Uunlike mee LadyMum who watchess such seereeus showss mee wunderss what shee iss finkin….
    An mee gurl mee iss sorry you gotted shleppyed to thee VET’SS again! PHOOEY!! Butt then thee Bee 12 iss reel good fur you….an aunty nausea will make yur tummy happier…..
    An mee will rite another poe-em fur you here:

    “Sunshine Gurl”
    “Who iss thee sweetest gurl
    inn thee hole wide werld?
    Who iss thee kitty gurl with those purrty eyess
    what causess mee to endlesslee sigh??
    Who iss thee kindest gurl who caress
    an all wayss sharess??
    Mee sweet Sunshine Gurl…
    who sendss mee mind inn to a twirl.
    Deerest sunny shiney Phoebe
    Pleeze do not efurr leeve mee!”
    bye yur Poe-etick Purrince, Siddhartha Henry
    with all mee Luv an ***paw kissesss*** xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. WOW! Another poem, I am such a lucky kitty girl to have such a handsome and romantic boyfriend. I love the poem, you are so talented. XO and paw kisses and nose rubs too!

      1. Meee could rite poe-emss furr you efurry day Phoebe gurl an mee reelly should….
        Last nite thee Inntynet an fone went down (fur no reason!)
        Fank Buudha Kat all iss werkin this morning.
        ***paw kissesss*** Yur Purrince xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. Sorry the internet went down, that stinks. I am glad you got it back. You don’t have to write me a poem every day, I am already spoiled. XO and paw kisses and all my love

          1. It was weerd Phoebe! LadyMum an mee were on thee Pee Cee answerin commintss, then wee went outside to Aunty’ss patio an mee-yowed with her fur a whle. When wee came inn thee inttynet was down an then Aunty Reeni came over with her fone….then shee an LadyMum realized they both had NO fone or Inttynet as they are with same companee. Then next mornin all was well….
            An yur NOT spoiled deerest buttercup; yur just pampurred!!
            ~~~head rubsss~~~ an LUV~~~

          2. Pampurred, I like that πŸ™‚ I am glad you have the internets back. XO and paw kisses and all my love

  2. Phoebe, you are one lucky lady, with a purrince like yours. And you know what? This here human used to watch the Sharknado movies for the sheer fact that they make for a great laugh fest. That being said, we are loving that shark mat! Purrs to all of you!

  3. My human has yet to see the FIRST Sharknado! It’s on her DVR too. And she knows someone who is in it. So basically she has no excuse.

    1. That is cool that she knows someone that was in it. The first one wasn’t bad, but the rest were stupid.

  4. There was a resident at petcretary’s work who was watching that!
    The snatches the petcretay saw were not what she would want to watch at home, MOL!!!

    That may looks like a fun one! Fishes fur the sharks? Hey don’t kitties need some too?? MOL!

    You are furry lovely up there with the shark-mat, Phoebe! Look at those long whiskers:) MIAOW!!

  5. Yes, you are beautiful. Yes, i already won something from your mom this year, so i am not entering, i am just saying how beautiful you are.

    Sharknado 5! Some odd ideas just don’t seem to have an expiration date, do they?

  6. Well of course you’re beautiful dear Phoebe and I’m really sorry you got B-12 all over you instead of IN you! I hope you’re feeling good these days – are you? That’s a coolio shark mat your Mom made…….HAPPY SUNDAY!

    Love, Teddy

  7. Phoebe, you are indeed lovely. Sorry that the B-12 shot went awry, but would you be happier taking a pill every day ?
    Lovely poem from your Purrince, and glad you got to see Grammie after your vet ordeal ! Purrs.

    1. I don’t like pills- I have to take a blood pressure one and then I get gel in my ears for my thyroid.

  8. Oh Phoebe, so sorry that silly vet tech, messed up. We love that shark mat. Phoebe, your Mom sure makes great stuff. You all have a great day.

  9. Sorry about the visit to the vet. I know kitties don’t like that at all. Ever.

    I’m glad you got to see your Grammie though. We all know how much you love her.

    Your boyfriend is indeed very handsome.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your wonderful mom. ☺

  10. Whoa! That vet visit certainly went awry. Oh, Phoebe, you are absolutely gawjus. Ha ha, a mat with a shiver of sharks! How fun is that.
    Angel Normie, Angel Mika, Sasha & Grady Leis

  11. It’s amazing that there are FIVE Sharknado movies! We hope your dad enjoyed watching it. πŸ™‚

    Sorry to hear the vet tech spilled that Vitamin B on your pretty furs. Yuck.

    That shark fabric will definitely make for an awesome catnip mat!

  12. Rotten luck about the vet visit. Tilly has thus far been spared a return following treatment for her bladder infection. I’m torn about if I should get her retested to make sure it’s cleared fully. She’s at least sixteen years old, after all. What a sweet purrince you have!

    1. I hope she is feeling better. WOuld she like to join the Crotchety Cougars? You just need to be a girl cat over 15.

  13. Sorry you went to the vet but don’t be to mad at your mom because she’s trying to keep you healthy. She means well. As for the tech he should be more careful. You are a beautiful cat. But then so is my cat. I would like to win that catnip mat. Thank goodness for Grammie.

  14. Don’t be so hard on you vet, Phoebe, I think he knows what’s best for you and your tummy…except that he doesn’t know where to put it of course…MOL πŸ˜€ I wish I had a purrince who wrote me all those poems, they’re the best medicine after all πŸ˜‰ Pawkisses for a wonderful Sunday πŸ™‚ <3

  15. Phoebe, what a sweet purrince who wrote you such a sweet poem! We here always think you look beautiful. Sorry about the vet visit and that the tech was a bit clumsy. We want you to be healthy, though.

  16. Our pleasure, Phoebe. We love you and your sassiness. We meant to add your Purrince to the blurb but apparently Momma let it slip her mind. Humans. So hard to find good help these days! Bear and I both went to the vet twice in a week (EACH) – we feel your pain. Hopefully, you got lots of Party Mix to make up for it πŸ™‚ Thank you for linking up! ~Ellie Mae

    1. Sorry you had to go to the vet twice- that is awful. Thank you for including me in the showcase πŸ™‚ XO

  17. That looks like fun fabric, especially the hammerhead shark. And your photo is gorgeous, especially the bigified version.

  18. Phoebe, you are looking quite beautiful today, as you always do. Sure hope your Grammie brought you treats after your ordeal of having to visit the vet. No accounting for the humans’ taste in TV. Thanks for being a hopper with us. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  19. Oh no, Phoebe, B12 over the fur is not what you expect or want! Though you look rather splendid to day for your selfie… Hmm does sound a “quality” bit of TV… though surely the best fish comes live, as it were, in a tin and far less messy. MOL
    Now your Prince wrote a most delightful piece of poetry for you, he is so sweet and you are very lucky in deed.

  20. Oh Phoebe you are beautiful and I want to win that mat
    if I were to win some fishie toys there would be some happy cats ..
    they would go so well with the ocean theme of the house
    although the kitties would be happier if I would frame a mouse.
    πŸ™‚ (ewwwww)

    1. That is cool that you have an ocean theme at your house. Good luck in the giveaway! XO

  21. The Sharknado movies sound like fun in theory, but in reality I tried to watch one of them (can’t remember which one) and just thought it was too dumb, even for me. That is a cool mat though! πŸ™‚

  22. For me those movies are a one and done deal, you know? Nice material, I bet some lucky kitty was thrilled to receive it.

    Thanks for joining the Showcase!

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