Hi everyone! We are joining The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop.
Not many participants today.

And I would appreciate your honest opinion of this:
I saw something similar for sale at the grocery store and figured I could make it. My hubby said it looked fine. I know what fine means and it is not good. Just wondering what everyone else thinks- I won’t get mad if you say it is fine. 🙂
Those are great pictures of Friday and Tuffy! I think your plant is beautiful! 🙂 <3
Thank you. 🙂 XO
That pretty plant you tried to make, personally we think the pink bow needs to come over toward the middle and up toward the top of plant otherwise we like it.
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Way to go with those selfies, Friday and Tuffy! 🙂
And Mom Ellen, we think your Christmas plant looks terrific. And by terrific, we mean we like it, a lot!
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Really cute selfies of Friday and Tuffy! I think your Christmas plant looks beautiful! XO
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Nice selfies for those who wanted to pawticipate…..your Christmas arrangement looks FINE (haha) but suggest maybe the bow down out of the plant and on the top edge of the planter????
Hugs, Pam and Teddy too
Thank you. 🙂 I had it there and my hubby made me move it. I will move it back. XO
Lovely plant! Great selfies too.
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Friday and Tuffy…great looking selfies! Mom mentioned as the several oters, that the bow might be on the edge of the planter and perhaps a few mini christmas balls instead of the big one> Maybe?
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Hello Ellen- Everyone has different tastes. I say sometimes simplicity is the most beautiful thing. My thumbs are about as green as, well, purple. I was once tasked with getting quotes for several planters for my employer, who is several billion financial stations above me in life. What I thought was festive, bright and about as perfect as could be, the boss turned his nose up at as mundane, ugly and “pick another florist…” Whatever. Costly and elaborate are for others. I’m all for minimal and simple, thank you. I hope you had a stress-free Thanksgiving.
Thank you. 🙂 I prefer simple too. Nice to hear from you. We had a quiet Thanksgiving which is always nice.
I think it’s just great I misunderstood and thought you had bought it at a grocery store and I think it’s great looking but I would takeoff the pink bow and put some thing may be more Christmasy but I love the greenery and it’s beautifully done.
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Cute selfies from Friday and Tuffy. The plant looks great but I think would be better without the bow or put it on the planter. Maybe paint some fir cones silver and put in edge of the planter
Thank you. 🙂 I like that idea- I hadn’t thought of painting something. XO
thanks for the selfies…
Hugs cecilia
Thank you. 🙂 XO
It’s well better than ‘fine.’ Nice job! Cute selfies too.
Thank you. 🙂
What sweeties. 😀 And I like your planter a lot, too. ~hugs~ Just so you know, my husband says ‘fine’ regarding things he’s neutral about. And decor in general fits in that huge category. lol
Thank you. 🙂 Yes, my hubby is like that too. But, if he made it, he would expect me to go on and on about it. XO
Adorable selfies! I love the plant. I think the placement of the bow needs to be placed more toward the center.
Thank you. 🙂 I agree it will look better centered. XO
Your arrangement is very festive and I love how it looks. Friday is such a cutie and I don’t think I have seen Tuffy before. I love gingers.
Thank you. 🙂 I have 3 gingers now. XO
Cute selfies! I think the plant is beautiful.
Thank you. 🙂
Hello Friday and Tuffy. You both look so wide-eyed and wonderful! Now that Thanksgiving is over, are you looking forward to Christmas purrhaps?
And as far as your botanical production, I think it took creative vision to conceive, and determination to bring to fruition. Well done! It’s a one-of-a-kind work of art. Fine indeed.
Thank you. 🙂 You are too kind. XO
I love the plant, maybe the bow down a bit so the long ribbon can trail down the front of the planter. I think it is funny how we all have an idea. Friday and Tuffy, thank you so much for doing Sunday Selfies!
Thank you. 🙂 I like that idea.
Friday and Tuffy made great selfies!
Those planter, if you buy them are so overpriced, IMHO…but I like the way you did yours, its quite festive and a nice way to decorate the outdoor entrance!
Thank you. 🙂
There is a lot of greenery in your arrangement. If you want it to look a bit for Christmassy you could add some petite baubles or a delicate spray of holly here and there. Don’t use the shiny lametta stuff – one of our cats chewed it and we just got it in time!
Thank you. 🙂 This is going to stay outside.
Adorable selfies. I like your planter. Maybe just bring the bow to the front.
Thank you. 🙂 Good idea. I had it there and my hubby had me move it.
The cats are adorable, as usual. I like the greenery a lot. (I might use a more seasonal bow.)
Thank you. 🙂
Nice selfies you two! Hey, we think your plant looks fabulous!
Thank you. 🙂
Happy Sunday, cuties! I think the plant looks beautiful!
Thank you. 🙂
Whoa, Tuffy…look at that floofy tailio!
Friday is always wearing the right outfit.
Thank you. 🙂
I like Tuffy and Friday, they did a great job.
Most husbands say “fine” because they don’t know what else to say, it’s often not a criticism from them just what they say as they really are happy with it if you are.
I think the plant is lovely.
Thank you. 🙂
What great selfies of Friday and Tuffy! The greenery looks good!
Thank you. 🙂
We love your double Selfies, kitties…MOL…and that plant looks very Chrismassy. Granny would put more bling in it, or snow…but that’s her purrsonal choice, this one is purrfect, honest! 🐾😽💞
Thank you. 🙂 Good idea. XO
Cute selfies! And I think that plant looks very festive. xo
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Charlee: “Looking good, kitties! Especially tuxedo Friday, of course!”
Lulu: “I think you may be biased towards tuxedoes, Charlee.”
Charlee: “I can’t help it if we tuxies are always dressed most snazzily.”
Chaplin: “I like your little plant and would totally chew on it!”
Java Bean: “Sí, I would chew on it too!”
Emmy and Friday are with you Charlee. XO
Two very fine selfies and a beautiful arrangement!
Thank you. 🙂
Lookin so guud Friday an Tuffy!!
Tuffy yore so fluffy!!!
An Friday yore furss are so furry shiny.
Aunty Ellen wee love yore dissplay….maybee a bit of gold or red sumthin? Holly? Misselltoe??
Mee just meowin out loud….what doess mee know??? Mew mew mew……
**nose kissess** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum
Thank you. Tuffy and Friday thank you too. Holly would be nice. XO