Selfie Sunday

Hi everyone! I got to see my Grammie on Saturday and look what she brought me, I mean us. I love her so very much. And she will be here Monday too-yippeee!

The sphere Mom posted yesterday had 7 of us and Four-Legged Furballs Mom got 6 correct- very impressive. There was me, Penny, KaTwo, Emmy, Sammy, Prancie and Millie.

Kali and I are still recruiting for the Crotchety Cougars, you just need to be a girl cat over 15. So far, we have Madi, Binga, Ellie and Allie. Anyone else? You get a lovely red hat with a cougar ribbon. And Kali’s Mom will make you a special badge too.

I am joining The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop. Just me today because I had to share the spotlight on Tuesday and yesterday.



  1. Phoebe, you are gorgeous in your red hat, and that is a great container full of treats. Lily Olivia, at 18, would really love to join your new club. She is definitely crotchety. Thanks for joining our Sunday Selfies blog hop. Hugs and kisses. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

    1. Thank you. We are so happy that Lily Olivia wants to join. My Mom will get her hat mailed out tomorrow. XO

  2. You are so lucky to have a Grammie who visits and brings you goodies. I love the red hat. Looks so,cute.
    Zoe and Raja from Playing In Catnip

  3. YAY! Treats from your Grammie! I’m glad to see the Cougar Club is growing… girls are gonna be a force to be reckoned with in those red hats! Happy Sunday………

    Love, Teddy

  4. You are lovely in your hat, and i wish your whole family a blessed and beautiful Sunday!

  5. We don’t have any ladies 15 years or older. Our oldest one is Missy and she is 13. So glad that grammie came with such nice gifts. You all have a super Sunday.

  6. Yay for Grammie visiting and bringing “you” treats! And Grammie is coming tomorrow too… how lucky are you? Very lucky! Enjoy your Sunday!

  7. WOW, you are so luckyy to have a Grammie. i don’t have one. M says I used to have one a long time ago, but she’s in someplace called heaven now, so we never get to see her. I would love a Grammie to come over and spend time with me!

  8. Your Grammie sure is the best, Phoebe! And though we don’t have any lady cats 15 or older here anymore, we still love the idea of the Crotchety Cougars club. You ladies are going to have so much fun together!

    (P.S. I apologize for not recognizing you, Millie!)

  9. hello phoebe its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow i gess that meens my sister trouble the kitty wuz a koogar she wuz abowt twenny yeerz old wen she went to the rainbo bridj siks yeerz ago!!! my noo sister charlee the kitty has got a long long long way to go befor she becomes a koogar tho she is bearly fore munths old!!! ok bye

  10. I didn’t even try to guess. With so many kitties it’s too hard for me. Congratulations to the winner.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your mom. โ˜บ

  11. Mee-you yur lookin beeuteefull today Purrincess Phoebe! Red iss so yur color!!!!
    An mee wishes mee could join thee group>>>mee finkss LadyMum should qualeefy, mew mew mew….
    All mee LUV an ***paw kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  12. I don’t have a gramme either and neither did admiral. My grandma went to Heaven a long time ago…way too early. But I’ll see her one day. xoxox

  13. I just think the Crotchety Cougars is the cutest idea ever. Mudpie is almost disappointed that she’s too young to join. Okay, not really, but you know what I mean… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. I saw her, she looked beautiful even though she is not feeling well. I hope she feels better soon.XO

  14. Awww, you look sweet in that Red Cougar Hat! And how swell that you got to see your Grannie two days in a row!

  15. Ooh – Friskies Party Mix! Does that mean it’s a party at your house?! I could bring mousie mixers! And you must wear that fabulous red hat! Winky winks!

  16. Oh, that looks delicious, Phoebe..yummy ๐Ÿ˜€ You look cute with your hat, I can’t wait to be 15… I look 15, doesn’t that count…MOL ๐Ÿ˜€ Double Pawkiss to each one of you ๐Ÿ™‚ <3

    1. We look forward to your joining the club ๐Ÿ™‚ XO and double pawkisses to you too.

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