Selfie Sunday

Hi everyone! This was another sad week in The Cat Blogosphere:

Lily,+Over+The+RainbowIf you haven’t already visited her sad family, here is the link:

And we also said goodbye to: Ms+Stella+O'Houligan+Forever

You can visit her sad family here:


Yesterday was the 2 year anniversary of losing one of my besties, Barney:

barney1She was very sweet.


This week my sweet Purrince( ) told me he wished he had a Grammie so I told him I would share. I love my Grammie so very much, but she has a lot of love to share so she will be his Grammie now too.

Lucy wants to do a Nurse Jackie Selfie because that is on tonight right before those Mad Men that Mom watches:nurselucy

See you all on Thursday-have a nice week! Cat4



  1. How sweet of you to remember Lily and Ms. Stella here as well as promising your Purrince to share your Grammie with him. That is true love. Glad you are joining us again this weekend. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  2. It has been very sad to lose more of our friends. Their families are in my thoughts.
    That is a sweet nurse Jackie selfie.

  3. What nice selfies!!! Love the nurses cap…tee hee. It has been another sad week in the blogosphere – but we like to think of all those extra stars up in the sky from our friends who are now at the Bridge running free……….even though we miss them here.

    Love, Sam

  4. It has been sad week to lose these dear ones.

    It’s so nice of you, Phoebe, to share your much-loved granny. Lucy’s Nurse Jackie Selfie is adorable!!

  5. It has been a very sad week as friends have gone to the Bridge. We are purring and praying and sending much love to their families, and all who are grieving…

  6. It sure was a very sad week. losing two wonderful cats. It is always so sad to lose our fur friends. You have a great Sunday.

  7. Yes it was a hard week, no question about that Phoebe.
    YOu sure do look cute as Nurse Phoebe. MOL
    Great Selfie!!
    ~Annabelle,Boo,Ping & Jinx

  8. What sad news. We’re so sorry to hear that you had to say goodbye to so many dear friends. They will be dearly missed. (((BIG HUGS))) Roxy & Tigerlino <3

    1. It was a sad week, but at least there was a bright spot- seeing you 2 cuties posting and visiting again.

  9. Gweat fotos. Luv da little nurse hat. Weez hate to lose furiends and we purray fur all their furmilies. Have a blest Sunday.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  10. Mee-you pleeze know that Barney an Lily an Stella kittiess are with Auntyss’ Nylablue an Mingflower in Pure Land now an they will live furevurr there without pain or sufferin…..mee will go over an pay mee reespectss…
    Mee sweet Purrincess Phoebe yur thee pawsumest kittygurl EVURR to share yur Grammie with mee. Mee iss trulee blessed an humbulled allso!
    Yur Sisfur Lucy iss adorabull inn her Nursin outfit…made Ladymum giggle beecause shee was inn Nursin yeerss ago!
    ***paw kissess*** mee true LUV <3
    Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxx

    1. WOW! Your Mum was a nurse at one time, that is very impressive- we have great respect for nurses. I love you my sweet purrince. XO

  11. Our hearts break every time we see furries have to leave planet earth. We didn’t know your lovely furriends, but we will hop over to their blog to bring Soft Pawkisses.
    We love your hat-selfie, it’s so cute πŸ™‚ Pawkisses πŸ™‚ <3

  12. Losing my fur friends is the hardest thing and my mommy always gets leaky eyed so much. I try to help. xoxoxox

  13. Final good-byes are so heart wrenching. We left some words for the grieving families.

    Lucy, you look adorable in that nurse’s hat!

    the critters in the cottage xo

  14. Shee was a Nursin Assistant an an Attendant Care Aide fur paralyzed peeple. Shee took care of many peeple an shee allso married a wait Quaddra….”PICKERELL”…
    ‘Quadriplegic Siddhartha..” That’ss it!!!
    LadyMum was married to a Quadriplegic allso.
    Shee sure had an innterestin life…
    **paw kissess** Siddhartha Henry xxx

    1. I guess your Mom has had an interesting life. Sending you and your Mum lots of love XOXOXO

  15. Sweeties we did not know these friends and yet it is still so very sad…we all know the pain the peeps feel when they lose their precious ones…so we send love to them and to you..we love your selfie as Nurse Jackie…always lovely to see great selfies πŸ™‚ big hugs and loves and paw pats Dinnermintz xxx

    1. It is sad to see kitties go to the Bridge πŸ™ Lucy is glad you like her selfie.

  16. Mee-you Purrincess Phoebe mee LadyMum used to bee a Tow Truck Operator an was thee onlee gurl fur yeerss with thee boyss πŸ˜‰
    Shee allso was a Nanny…was like ‘Mary Poppinss’ πŸ˜‰
    Shee allso werked as a Punch Press Operator an a Brake Press Operator….mee had to see fotoss’ of these masheenss an sum of them are HUGE! Mee LadyMum was feerless πŸ˜‰
    ***paw kissess*** yur Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxx

    1. Wow! Your Mom has had an interesting life, she really should write a book. My Mom was a waitress when she was in high school. She was also a day care teacher, a high school tutor and an extra in some movies and 1 tv show. Love, your rainbow purrincess XOXOXOXO

      1. πŸ˜‰ Yur Mumma was inn ‘helpin’ purrfessionss allso!
        Our Hu’manss are totallee innterestin aren’t they??
        LadyMum wood have written a book when shee was youngur butt shee was busy livin her life an now shee iss not abull to write…
        Butt fankss fur finkin of thiss idea….
        Mee sendss you **paw kissess** an ~~head rubss~~ mee <3 Rainbow Phoebe Gurl <3
        Yur Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxx

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