Happy Wednesday everyone! I have a lot of ROARs today. I can’t afford to donate to all of them, but I figured I could spread the word and maybe you all could as well. And prayers are always nice too.

First off, Boris the kitty ( I think you all know him) is raising money for a shelter cat that hurt his paw when he managed to escape to another part of the shelter- truly living up to his name of Rascal:

And Harvey of Dash Kitten had to have ear surgery because of cancer:

And Timmy the Tomcat recently posted about this poor kitty who was pulled from death row in NYC and was doing well in her forever home until mammary tumors were discovered.

I am going to make a small donation to one of these, I wish I could do all. I am not going to say which one though because they are all equally important.

Phoebe will see you tomorrow.004







  1. Thank You Phoebe.
    Those are all worthy causes. I too will ask mom to donate to one I will choose with my paws.
    Keep up the great work alerting us to those in need.
    Scout Charles

  2. We, like you, wish we could help everyone……it’s sad when we have to leave someone out but there’s only so much ANY of us can do (unless we’re bazillionaires!). See you tomorrow Phoebe!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. You do a lot spreading the word of cats in need of homes and so much more.

  3. Those all sound like great animals to support. We are unable to do much ourselves. Sure hope they get the help that they need.

  4. Thanks, Phoebe, for getting the word out. I share Summer’s sentiment. Oh, to be able to help all kitties!

  5. They are all worthy causes, and I agree that it is hard to choose one. I try to donate to a different cat or shelter each month, but with all the vet bills for Flynn over the last 8 months, I have had to cut back on them.
    Yes, it really is almost 8 months since we almost lost out precious boy the first time and then again 3 months later. We are so grateful to have him still here with us.

    1. That is nice of you to help a shelter every month. I know vets and meds are expensive.I pray for Flynn every day.

  6. You are very kind to support us Ellen, we are so honoured and deeply grateful! We will tell you all that we have put Harvey on our card and will pay him off over a few of months. We are lucky – we can manage, unlike our friend Lillian.

    Please guys – give your hard earned $$$$ to sweet Timmy’ cause and to help hard working Boris. BOTH of these people are perfect for this vital ROAR spotlight. PLEASE guys every $ counts and every tiny bit matters.

    Ellen, bless you for your thoughtful kindness – we appreciate it very much.

    1. Thank you for letting me know, I will donate to the others. I am glad you are managing and I pray Harvey is recovering nicely.

  7. Mee-you Lady Ellen yur a gennyruss Hu’man to help out where you can! LadyMum iss buyin wet food fur thee feralss so when Aunty Sheila reeturnss shee will have LOTSS to give her!!! Allso shee helpss with thee low-cal Shelter…shee sayss if efurryone doess sumfing then it wood bee easier to help so many 4 leggedss.
    Pleeze give mee sweet Purrincess Phoebe mee reegardss an <3 LUV <3
    An pleeze tell her shee lookss beeuteefull loungin inn her foto…..
    ***paw kissess*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Thank you sweet Purrince. Your Mum is very sweet to help so much, I agree if everyone did a little, there would be less in need. Phoebe is going to write about you tomorrow so be sure to stop by. Love, Phoebe’s Mom XO

  8. There are so many wonderful kitties in need!
    Come by our updated post and you can help make a child smile for free…

    Noodle and crew

  9. Mee-you mee was over on yur bloggie an mee saw thee bullytin board!! What a pawsum idea!! Fankss Lady Ellen fur gettin it fur mee sweet Purrince Phoebe gurl…yur THEE BEST!!
    LadyMum wishess shee could do more…but efurry bit helpss doessn’t it??
    ***paw kissess*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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