Happy Wednesday everyone! My ROAR this week is for PAL ( People for Animals) . I have ROARED for them several times already, but they are my favorite rescue because they are small, yet do so much and never turn any cat away like some of the larger rescues do when they are “full”.

As you know, I crochet cat toys and they get sold at the local VCA vet clinic, all the money goes to PAL. I rounded up 2 more boxes of items while decluttering so I offered the items to them for their tag sale. The shelter gets all the cats examined and fixed at VCA so I left the items there for Sandy ( the shelter owner) to pick up. My niece is the clinic manager so I left them right outside her office door. Now for a funny coincidence

I had a few Lionel train items in the boxes that had belonged to my Dad. I am not into trains so I figured the rescue could make some money on them. There was a popcorn tin, a tin sign and a mini lunch box. My niece got to work and spotted the tin and decided it would be perfect to store the clinic cat’s food in- his name is Lionel πŸ™‚ Then she thought the lunch box would be great for storing his bow tie collection. That made my day, I love it when something I no longer want or need can have new life and be appreciated.

I also think it is great that my vet’s office has a clinic cat. He was brought in for euthanization because he had a lot of medical issues. Luckily the staff loved him and Lionel became the clinic cat. I wish every clinic did this, it would save a lot of kitties.

Phoebe will see you tomorrow, she is working on a 4th of July giveaway. Well, right now she is hiding under the covers on the bed because we had a thunderstorm a few hours ago. And thank you for all the purrs and prayers for Spooky, he is a lucky guy to have so many friends out there. 006He even decided to celebrate Box Day ( a little late).


  1. Your claws are pawsome, Spitty!!

    And your box is a cool hideout!
    Our local farm store has resident mascot kitties, too..they roam all ovfur the store!
    Some of the clinics also have kitties and one has a nice doggy:)

  2. Oh Spookey, thank you for showing up here! <3

    "That made my day, I love it when something I no longer want or need can have new life and be appreciated."
    That's what I love about second hand. I shop almost only second hand and sell a lot as well. It's so much fun!

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ We think the same. You wouldn’t believe the stuff I have gotten for free on craigslist and the side of the road. I admit to picking a dumpster once too- when we were helping my niece move out of college I got a brand new mini ironing board- those kids throw away good stuff.

  3. Good meowing dear kitties. I sorries for my not every day appearance but it’s not like I don’t think of you all you. I play with the toys your mommy made EVERY day and that is the troof. Just my mommy turned into the busiest person outside of The Dinald, there ever was. xoxoxox

  4. That is so great that they don’t turn away any cats. Sounds like a wonderful place and good for you to donate all those items. Take care.

    1. That sounds like an amazing place. I would love to go to an all cat clinic, but the nearest one is almost an hour away and that would be too stressful for the cats.

  5. guys…way kewl oh yur mom ta make & donate all thoz toyz…we NOE de kittehz iz lovin em two…N we cracked up bout de lionel train storee ~~~ πŸ™‚

    N spooky, dont feel bad, R box day post…postz TWO MORROW….
    πŸ™‚ β™₯β™₯β™₯

  6. Have you posted a picture of Lionel? If not maybe you can get a photo of him next time you visit! That was great that they were able to repurpose things you no longer needed! Good to see you Spooky.

  7. That is wonderful that you do such good for PAL. I am sure they appreciate it. You are lucky your niece works at the clinic, too! I hope everyone stays well, including Spooky.

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ I am glad my niece works at the clinic, but I don’t get a discount.

  8. Mee-yow Lady Ellen you sure are pawsum doin all you do to help katss!!!
    An Spooky mee iss still purrin fur you mee furend… look so furoshuss inn thee box….
    Mee will try to get here sumtime tomorrow. LadyMum an Aunty Sheila have to go back to thee Optician so Aunty can pay fur LadyMum’ss new glasses. Thee Disabill-itee office told LadyMum 3 timess they were covurred an then shee iss asked to pay $100. today! LadyMum almost fainted… Aunty will pay that amount an then Ladyum can pay her back each month. LadyMum says thee new glasses give her a headache…so shee iss not herself πŸ˜‰
    Pleeze give mee <3 LUV <3 an ***kissess*** to mee buttercup Purrincess OK?? Fankss……
    Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Does your Mum know she can get her prescription from the eye dr. and get glasses at goggles4u for less than $20 including the lenses and shipping? I hope she can get glasses that don’t give her a headache.
      Phoebe sends all her love and paw kisses and nose kisses. too XO

  9. Pop used to collect Lionel trains. We have a bunch of them up in our crawl space. I’m glad the shelter could use them. My vet houses the cats from the Happy Feet Rescue and they’re all in cages.

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