Hi everyone! I want to thank you all again for your kind words on the loss of Spooky. We have another beautiful badge to display too from Layla of Cat Wisdom 101-thank you.
My Purrince wrote me another poem this week. Here it is:
Mee sweet Phoebe gurl…
You set mee mind inn to a whirl.
Mee feelss so happy knowin yur mine;
Yur mee sweet buttercup oh so fine.
You set mee mind inn to a whirl.
Mee feelss so happy knowin yur mine;
Yur mee sweet buttercup oh so fine.
Whenever you get down an sad,
fink of mee an then you’ll bee glad.
Fur mee luvss you with all mee heart
an wee will nevurr bee alone or apart.
fink of mee an then you’ll bee glad.
Fur mee luvss you with all mee heart
an wee will nevurr bee alone or apart.
Deerest Phoebe mee Purrincess
you make mee life so berry blessed.
May BuudhaKat watch over you.
An may our LUV all ways bee so true.
All mee <3 LUV <3 an *****paw kissesss***** yur Poe-etick Purrince,
Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
you make mee life so berry blessed.
May BuudhaKat watch over you.
An may our LUV all ways bee so true.
All mee <3 LUV <3 an *****paw kissesss***** yur Poe-etick Purrince,
Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
And look what I found:
Mom had it, it says Purple Rain on it by Prince. I think it is a frisbee, I know Mom doesn’t play frisbee so she probably won’t care if I sell it on Ebay ( shh! don’t tell her just in case she minds).

I hope these photos can count for my selfies today so I can join The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfies Blog Hop.

What a nice poem your purrince wrote for you! Your Grammie was super nice to buy you all those treats AND give you $5!!! On the other paw, we don’t think your Mom would like you selling that “frisbee” on eBay.
The Florida Furkids
Thank you, I am lucky to have a purrrince and a Grammie. XO
We knew your Grammie would make it up to you!
She sure did 🙂
I am glad Grammie came to cheer you up. And your Prince is sweet, too. XO
I am very lucky XO
That’s a beautiful badge for Spooky. Phoebe, your Grammie does love you! It’s so wonderful to have so many folks love you!!
Thank you. I am a lucky kitty girl.
LOVE the badge that Layla made and LOVE the poem! Bet you can get some nice green papers from that frisbee/record……….so sad about Prince though
Thank you. Mom said I can’t sell it- phooey! She said it has survived all her decluttering all these years that she is keeping it.
Looks like Grammie and your Prince tried hard to cheer you up. Lovely badge and poem.
Thank you- I am lucky.
Beautiful badge. What a sweet gesture.
Thank you.
Nice that your Mom has that special memento of Prince…and how sweet of your Purrince to send you a love sonnet!
Your Grammie sure does love you, Phoebe:)
Nice Badge, too.
Hugs & purrs!
I was hoping she would let me sell it- phooey! I am lucky to have a purrince and a Grammie. XO
Ummm… if I were you, I might have second thoughts about selling that frisbee. I’m sure you’d get lots for it, but if we had one here and it got sold, I know the roof of the house would probably blow off from my human’s ire!
Thank you Summer, my Mom caught me and was not too happy.
YAY! You got to see your Grammie AND you got some goodies and CASH out of the visit too………woo hoo for you Phoebe! We hope everyone there is slowly getting used to not seeing Spooky around the house but we know you FEEL Spooky every day watching out for you!
Love, Sammy
Thank you Sammy. Love and hugs to you too. XO
That certainly is another beautiful badge for your sweet Spooky.
Phoebe, your grammie sure did good this week with her gift-giving. You hit the jackpot! Not to mention the lovely poem your purrince wrote for you! And that sure is a lovely frisbee your mom found there. Purrs!
Thank you, I am lucky to have a purrince and a Grammie. XO
Layla made you a beautiful badge, and we love the poem. Your Grammie loves you, for sure ! Purrs
Thank you and purrs to you too.
Run free Spooky and may you always have warm breezes on your face
Oooooh that 45 record of Purple Rain might need to be put in a vault
Madi your bfff
Yes, Mom said I can’t sell it- phooey!
Great Selfies! Hope you have a wonderful day 😉
Thank you- we hope you had a great day too.
A lovely poem.
Thank you.
That’s a lovely poem! What a nice Grammie you have to bring you yummy treats!
I am a lucky kitty.
Very nice poem. We are glad your Grammie brought you some Party Mix.
Thank you 🙂
Grammies rock don’t they. Yes they do.
Love the poem.
More big healing hugs for your loss.
Have a terrific day. ☺
They sure do. Thank you for the purrs. XO
Mee-you mee has ***blushie earsss*** here Purrincess Phoebe!!! Fank you fur publishin mee poe-em here! An see! Grammie DOESS Luv you! Treetss AN $5. money’s….
That PRINCE Frisbee iss purrty kewl…mabee you should ask Lady Ellen befur you sell it….shee mite bee senty-mentall about it 😉
An purrusual you are GORGEEUSS mee sweet buttercup!
****paw kissesss**** an ~~tummy tickullss~~ yur Purrince Siddhartha Henryxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I love it when you have blushie ears my sweet poetic purrince. Mom says I can’t sell the frisbee, it is actually a record- that is how they played music in the olden days. XO and paw kisses and tummy tickles- tee hee
IT ISS a record??? LadyMum told mee it was butt mee said OH NO!!”
Of course thee Purpull One wood have a purpull record!
Iss a good fing you not sell it Phoebe mee buttercup…..
***paw kissesss*** an ~~~tummy tickullss~~~
Yur Purpull Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Yes, a purple record, Mom may get a display box for it. I bet I could have made some good money for a new cat tree- phooey! XO and love
A display case iss purrfect Phoebe!
An maybe Grammie will help you out with a new kat tree 😉
I bet she would help me, she is the bestest Grammie ever and I love her so very much. XO
Dat’s a Luverly poem from Purrince
and your Grammie am the bestest. (might wait to sell that frisbee on ebay though…. efurrybuddy may be selling one too right now)
-Katie Kitty Too.
Thank you. Mom says I can’t sell it- phooey!
And the Mom am still missing Spooky wifs you… Purrz and Hugz,
Katie Kitty Too.
Thank you XO
What a nice poem! I’m so sorry to hear about Spooky.
Thank you- we miss him a lot.
We knew your Grammie would come around for a visit . It sounds as though the wait was well worth it Phoebe! 🙂
We can’t believe Prince is gone. He wasn’t that old 🙁
the critters in the cottage xo
It was worth the wait. It is sad about Prince, Mom liked his music too. XO
That’s a beautiful graphic/tribute to Spooky. Phoebe, I hope you don’t spend that $5 all at one time!
Thank you. I am saving up for a new pole.
If you sell that frisbee on eBay I bet you can add to your money stash!
Mom won’t let me 🙁
You are such a cutie sweet Phoebe and the Spooky photo is most wonderful too.
Thank you XO
What a lovely badge for Spooky. And it was so nice of Siddhartha to write such a nice poem.
Thank you, I am lucky.
Phoebe, we knew your grammie would make it up to you, since she loves you so much! 🙂
That Siddhartha is a seriously romantical Purr-ince!
And I love her so very much too. My purrince is very romantic.
Lovely picture of Spooky; we know how much he will be remembered. Grammie was very nice to you. BTW, that Purple Rain Frisbeee might be worth more than a Purple Rain Record. We bet there are fewer. 😉
Thank you. My Mom says I can’t sell it.
Thank goodness for grammies. Sending soft purrs of comfort your way.
Thank you XO
All so lovely. It’s nice to have support during such a hard time.
Thank you, I am blessed to have so many caring friends.
What a lovely romanticist is your little Purrince, Phoebe. It must feel good to have a boyfurriend like him 😉 That’s some vintage record you have of Prince. I wonder if Granny’s LP is purple too, have to look into it 😀 Another beautiful picture of Spooky. We understand how much you miss him. It is so sad 🙁 Here are some Extra Pawkisses to comfort you and you mommie <3 <3 <3
I am a lucky girl to have such a romantic purrince. Thank you cutie XO
That’s a lovely Badge of Spooky,and what a sweet poem from my pal,xx Speedy
Thank you and yes your pal is quite the poet. XO
Hi Phoebe! That is such a sweet poem Sidhartha Henry wrote you. We are sorry you are so sad – it sure is hard to lose a fur sib, isn’t it? We are sending you and your mom lots of love, hugs, and purrs.
Thank you, it is especially hard when I already lost 2 others not long ago. Mom says I am turning into a bully now. Mom and I thank you for the hugs and purrs. XO
Darling girl. You are full of plans and what a lovely badge for precious Spooky whom Mommy and I miss very very much. I hope he found mommy’s Admiral up there to play with. xoxoxox
I bet they are playing together right now and meowing about what nice lives they had on earth. XO