Phoebe’s ROAR

Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit! That would have been preferable to my vet trip yesterday. It was awful! I know today isn’t my day to post, but too bad, I need to vent.


I was told that I was going for a rabies shot so I was expecting that. Mom says I am lucky I only have to get one once every 3 years which is good compared to most states. The vet decided to look inside my mouth and she said I may need 2 teeth removed! Then Mom said, that they might as well do my blood work now for the dental.

They took my blood and my pee. What do you think they would want me pee for? And they stuck a thermometer in a not so nice place- can I sue them for that?

And Grammie didn’t go with us because she was taking care of her GREAT grandchild. I love Grammie so very much, it would have made my appointment much better with her there.

And I found out Mom doesn’t just sing songs at Christmas. She sings in the car! And I didn’t have my earmuffs with me- PHOOEY! She sounds like Edith Bunker from that old tv show, All In The Family.


Joanie  just had her ear looked at and the vet told Mom to keep an eye on it, but it seemed fine. Then she got to go back into her carrier while I had to suffer. My dental is scheduled for February 15th so I will keep you posted.

008 (This is me hiding under a chair in the exam room)

Mom says I can start a giveaway tomorrow so I am going to go work on that. Thanks for listening to my rant.

025Millie wanted to look his best for Toby’s sister, BobbieSue so he is wearing a tie.



  1. WOW – you got stabbed in the not so much fun place. I haven’t had that for a long time. Shhhhh, don’t tell M tho or she’ll stuff me in that new PTU and haul me to the v.e.t. too. Be careful when the v.e.t. does your dental – I went in for that about 6 years ago and they stole ALL OF MY thoothes. I have NONE LEFT! PFFFFFT! So watch them closely while you are there.

    1. They took them all? That is awful! That happened to Snowball too, she had resorption. The good thing is you never need another dental.

  2. Oh, my. We are doing vet appts, too. Grizelda had routine exam and shots. Chloe Jo had the same, and also some blood work. We need to check kidney values. She has been a little off again, not quite her usual cheerful self.
    I hope all is well there with you & yours. HUGS.

    1. I will be praying for your kitties to all be healthy. Phoebe’s blood was good except thyroid was borderline so they want to do another really expensive test- I am not sure about that. XO

  3. OH, poor Phoebe!! This sure was a very bad day for you! <3

    Your Mom is right though, every 3rd year is a great interval for rabies. We've to get it once a year. I hope you got a lot of treats.

    1. That stinks that you have to do it yearly. I know some of our states are like that still too. I did get lots of treats when I got home. Piggy Joanie ate treats right at the vets, I was too scared.

  4. Let me organize my thoughts:
    1. Poor Phoebe – I so know what it is like to be surprised at the vet! I hate all those sticks and jabs and pokes, too!
    2. Joanie looks like she’s making a break for it – RUN, JOANIE, R-U-N!!!
    3. Millie is a handsome chap and I especially like his tie. His white fur goes nicely with BobbieSue’s tuxieness. I approve of him courting her. But she’s still young wither myself or Penny will have to chaperone!!!
    4. Please give extra pawkisses to my LadyLove, Penny.

    1. 1. Thank you for the sympathy Toby- it was awful. They had to use both of my back paws because I was bruising 🙁
      2. Joanie is an idiot- she wasn’t even scared.
      3. Millie is a good guy, he will be good to BobbieSue- I think you and Penny should double date.
      4. I will tell Penny you sent pawkisses, but I am not kissing her-
      All of the above is from Phoebe

  5. Poor baby being tortured by the vet ! Pookie had to go through dental work too, she had ALL teeth removed but she is also 17, that doesn’t bother her to eat llike a horse !

  6. Uhoh………tooth pulling? Now that does NOT sounds like a fun way to spend a day BUTTTT sadly it’s sometimes necessary. You don’t want your mouth to hurt when you’re eating right? Maybe the giveaway will cheer you up?

    Love, Sammy

    1. A giveaway will cheer me up a little, but knowing my purrince is safe will b even better. XO

  7. Oh Phoebe, we are so sorry you had to go through all that. That sure isn’t any fun at all. We sure will send you lots of purrs for your dental work. You all have a great day.

  8. I am sorry that your vet visit was worse than you thought, Phoebe. You did make me laugh though because I have never heard that saying before. So, do I call you a biscuit now?
    I have to go and have my blood stolen again. My mum tests my pee every week so the vet doesn’t have to do that. She is worrying though because one of the levels was raised a bit yesterday which could indicate early renal failure. We know it is on the books that I will end up with it because I can’t take hyperthyroidism meds, but it is still a big worry.

  9. If I was a lawyer, I would back you in court, Phoebe. But, since I’m not a lawyer, all I can do is send you lots of purrs, sweet girl. I know it might not sound like it, but it’s good that any dental issues have been caught sooner than later, so that they can be taken care of. We’ll be purring and praying for you before, during, and after your dental, Phoebe! (And don’t be scared. My angel Rosie had a dental done at age 19, and then an eye removal surgery at the age of 21, and she flew through both of them with no issues. I’m sure you’ll do just as great!)

    Also, Joanie, I’m glad your ear is okay. And, Millie, you look especially handsome in that tie. Purrs to all!

    1. Thank you for the purrs and the prayers, you are very sweet. That is amazing that Rosie had no trouble with the dental or eye removal. Joanie and Millie say thank you.

  10. rant a way coz de place oh eeeeevil iz just that….a place oh eeeeeeeeeeevil…
    joanie….we iz buzzed happee yur earz aye oh kay, phoebe…we will haz R a tern knee call ewe short lee …& mill….. ewe iz rockin yur tie 🙂 🙂

    riiiinnnnggggg rrrrrriiiiiiinnnnnnggggg…thatz de a tern knee guys….grab de fone ! ♥♥♥

    1. Thank you, I didn’t answer the phone in time can you please have the attorney call back.

  11. So sorry, Phoebe! Dentals are never fun. We hope that getting the two teeth extracted makes you feel better, though. When teeth go bad, they can start to hurt, so getting them out will be a good thing. We are sending you purrs, prayers, and love, dear friend. <3

  12. Oh boy, those vets. Don’t get me started with it. I think they are all rude and without compassion. Putting needles and stuff in places that won’t see the daylight.
    I hate the VET. What most worries me is that mom pays the vet to do this to us. Can you believe it? Paying for torturing us… Unbelievable.

    Next month is my turn but I will fight and bite for my dignity!

    Billy The Time Cat

    1. Our folks pay to let them torture us? Imagine all the treats we could get with that money. I pray you have a good vet visit. XO

  13. Poe-em fur mee Purrincess Phoebe

    All tho thee day was crummy,
    an they stuck fingss inn yur bummy…
    yur still mee sweet buttercup
    who warmss mee heart up!!
    Mee iss with you inn spirit an mind;
    just look inside an mee you’ll find.
    Mee sendss all mee LUV
    an purrayerss frum above.
    Mee will luv you fur ever,
    you are mee treasure……

    ***paw kissesss*** an ~~head rubsss~~ an <3 LUV <3
    Yur poe-etick Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Thank you my sweet purrince. I wish I was good at poetry like you to let you know how much I love you. I am praying and doing lots of purring that you have a good appointment tomorrow and get a miracle medicine. I love you! XOXOXOXOXOX Paw kisses and head rubs.

      1. Fank you mee sweet buttercup gurl. Mee iss calm an not afraid. (LadyMum iss a toe-tall mess all tho’ shee ‘lookss’ calm…)
        Will let you know tonite what happened at thee Vet’ss….
        ***paw kissesss*** an ~~head rubsss~~
        Yur Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  14. I’m sorry your trip to the vet was so unpleasant. I’m surprised you get to roam the room. I usually stay snuggly and safe on the table with mom giving me lots of cuddles until the vet comes in. That keeps me calm and not freaked out. Vets do like using the “alien butt probe” don’t they!

    1. I was happier under a chair. Joanie did sit on Mom after a minute. Why do they use that probe- I thought there were ear thermometers.

  15. Sorry about your vet visit. Hope you feel better after all that and received lots of love and treats from your mom!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  16. Phoebe, I feel your pain. I had to go to the vet on Monday ’cause I have been sneezing my head off. I had to endure that thermometer thingie too and get a steroid shot and have my claws trimmed. I started panting out of sheer terror. I can’t even remember the last time I was there since Dr. Neel comes to the house for our annual check ups. I sure hope I never have to go there again EVER! Take good care of yourself. XOCK, Misty May

    1. I am sorry Misty May, that is awful. At least they didn’t trim my nails. Why can’t they get an ear thermometer? XO

  17. Mee seerest buttercup gurl mee was purrty wiped out aftur thee Vet visit yesterday…not sure why….mee got to snoop about an meow with Docktur Ian an it was a nice visit. Butt mee NEW they were talkin seereussly about mee an mee tried to understand all thee BIG werdss!
    Mee iss sorta like LadyMum, mew mew mew….mee iss Hypurractive! Docktur Ian sayss thee behavior moddyficayshun iss all ready werkin an fer Ladymum to continue it. An he told her mee iss bonded to her so sendin mee back to thee farm (or anywhere) wood mess mee up ALOT! Now mee understood THAT an mee was so happy thee Vet told LadyMum this….
    Shee did ALOT of finkin last nite an shee asked mee if mee wanted to stay an mee ~~~head rubbed~~~ her face toe-tally! Shee got thee message, mew mew mew….
    Now IF shee doess get too sick or sumfing like that, mee can still go to Mumma Mary-Ellen’ss….or come to yur place…butt mee hopes mee can stay here with LadyMum. Shee needss mee so-o much!
    An mee needss her all so…. 😉
    ***paw kissesss*** an ~~~head rubsss~~~ yur Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. We are very happy about this. We pray your Mum is never to sick to be with you because we know you both need one another. Keep being a sweet kitty boy. XO and love to you both.

      1. With her toe-tally bone on bone knees LadyMum has sum bad dayss where walkin iss barely dun! So mee has to bee payshunt with her 😉
        IF shee efurr goess fur knee surgery then mee mite go out to Mumma Mary-Ellen’ss…
        LadyMum wantss to keep mee with her Lady Ellen 😉
        Mee finkss shee iss toe-tally <3 inn Luv <3 with mee….mew mew mew….
        ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry ~~

        1. Who wouldn’t be in love with you. I think maybe you would need to stay with Mary-Ellen for a week or so and then your Mum would need her purramedic back. 🙂 XO

          1. Mee nevurr got out thee door Phoebe!! LadyMum go sick again so mee iss ‘on duty’…..till further notice……
            **sighss** Poor LadyMum 🙁
            ***paw kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry

  18. Me-you Phoebe it iss fureezin outside!! iss like my-nuss 20 …mee went out inn Condo fur 10 minuttss an said “PHOOEY” to that!!!!
    So mee just came back inn tooked care of LadyMum….
    Shee iss a bit better an mee iss goin to let her play Bingo inn thee Common Room with Aunty’ss Reeni an Ruth tonite! then mee getss 2 hourss ‘off’…..
    LadyMumhas thee ‘sadss’ all so. Wood have been her hubby’ss53rd Birthday today an shee iss missin Mistur Paul an then wee found out Thee Abadoned Opossum kitty died suddenly this morning (wee followed her on Facebook)…
    So LadyMum needs a bit of happy time mee finkss 😉
    ***paw kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry Purramedic at large xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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