1. Ellen,

    Rolling coins remind me of great-grandpa. He liked collecting rare coins so he kept his loose change to sort for hidden treasures and the rest got rolled up to take to the bank. When DS was at home, he kept his extra change in a box to roll up and cash in. It was a fun thing for him to do. A roll of coins is heavy. Heck, did you know that a roll or two of quarters in a sock is a great self-defense tool? Thanks for the memory flashback with rolling pennies. 🙂

  2. Penny, that is a great place to get rolled up. Good idea to roll up the pennies. Mom needs to get around to doing that. Have a great day.

  3. We guess if your name is Penny that is bound to happen sometime. Excellent use for all those pennies. Our humans have bunches of them! Thanks for that tip. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  4. This here human needs to get going on this tip, Penny. There are so many pennies floating around in my wallet and purse that the kitties could probably have a feast of treats. Yum! Of course, you are the cutest penny roll ever, Penny. Purrs!

  5. I did miss you! ~grin~ Thanks for the kind word about my tomato plants. I rolled the planter into the garage when similar weather kicked up last night. Be well!

  6. penny; itz grate ta see ewe again N manee thanx for de tip…. we will sneek round de houz while de FSG iz at werk N see if we can find sum looze coin…we mite knot be a loud treetz; but we can use any $$$ we find ta getz a pizza pie 😉 ♥♥

  7. Penny, I remember when folks would give out pennies instead of candy at Halloween! Guess that was a very long time ago, huh? Nowadays, if it’s less than $5, no one cares…LOL! Actually, I care very much, and I pick up coins that I find on the pavement. I believe that it’s a sign that The Gods are gifting me something, and that it would be rude (and dangerous) to not accept with delight!

  8. Paw-some idea! We’ll have the humans get right on it. (We did notice that there were humans in your space a couple of times. ) Purrs, Snoops and Kommando Kitty

  9. Rolling pennies is more fun with a hand crank change sorter. A friend has one and we borrow it when it’s time to roll our pennies (and nickels and dimes and quarters, too). Spending them on treats is a great idea!

  10. Our banks don’t like to take rolled money any more. Thy had a change counter, which is great….when it’s working.
    It’s funny that you got put into a roll!

  11. Rolled! MOL! You are too funny, Penny. Our mom just took her 9 million year old stash of coins to a Coinstar kiosk–along with everything else, she had almost a thousand pennies! Do you think she got us treats? No, she got a toilet seat cover. Pfft.

  12. Penny, we don’t use pennies anymore here in Canada! Can you believe it? Who decided that? We think it stinks. Pennies are fun and it is nice to save them and to find lucky pennies too 🙂

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. That is awful! It is fun to find a penny, that is what Mom did to me- she found me and picked me up 🙂 XO

  13. Deerest Penny you may bee ‘rolled’ butt you are PRICELESS!!! That iss a grate tip. LadyMum used to roll penniess all thee time an save them. When shee tooked them to thee bank shee wood have $5.-$10. an wood buy whiche efurr kitty shee had treetss! Those were thee dayss, mew mew mew…
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~

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